Migrating to AWS SDK v3 for JavaScript
AWS recently announced the general availability of the version 3 of their SDK for JavaScript.
The most notable changes are
- the switch to providing modular packages: this allows to reduce the overall size of the dependencies and makes bundling, for example for web applications, faster,
- first-class Promise support: the infamous
is no more, - first-class TypeScript support: the SDK has now been written in TypeScript, so the definitions (which are maintained in DefinitlyTyped for version 2 of the SDK) will not longer lag behind,
- a new middleware stack that improves debuggability,
- the ability to abort pending requests which is especially interesting for web applications.
In this blog post I will summarize my findings when migrating the AWS flavour of Bifravst to version 3 of the AWS SDK.
Command is the new method
Instead of calling methods on the client instance directly, e.g.
, in v3 the client's send()
method has to be called
with an instance of a command for the operation:
s3.send(new PutObjectCommand())
So the general pattern to migrate to v3 is:
- service.operation()
+ service.send(new OperationCommand({}))
This worked in without issues in most cases. The arguments for the command class
stay the same. Operations without arguments need to get passed an empty object
Constructing a client
Client instances are constructed as before using new
You always need to pass an object to the constructor, even if not providing any
const iot = new IoTClient({});
Calling an operation
Operations are now called by sending a command:
const { things } = await iot.send(new ListThingsCommand({}));
Here, again, you always need to pass an object to the constructor of the command, even if not providing any parameters to the operation.
A complete example:
- import { Iot } from 'aws-sdk'
+ import {
+ IoTClient,
+ ListThingsCommand,
+ } from '@aws-sdk/client-iot'
- const iot = new Iot()
+ const iot = new IoTClient({})
- const { things } = await iot.listThings().promise()
+ const { things } = await iot.send(new ListThingsCommand({}))
Updating imports
Instead of pulling the dependency from
, find the needed client
package in the
API reference for the v3 SDK,
in the case above we need the
now has a capitalT
at the end.
The IotData
client from v2 is now located in
and called IoTDataPlaneClient
IoT: Payload is now Uint8Array
Some operations, like DescribeThingShadowCommand
return a JSON string now as Uint8Array
These need to be decoded using the TextEncoder util in Node.js:
+ import { TextDecoder } from 'util'
- const { statusCode, body } = JSON.parse(Payload?.toString() ?? '')
+ const { statusCode, body } = JSON.parse(
+ new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(Payload),
+ )
or the
helpers for browser applications:
+ import { toUtf8 } from '@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser'
- const { statusCode, body } = JSON.parse(Payload?.toString() ?? '')
+ const { statusCode, body } = JSON.parse(toUtf8(Payload?.toString() ?? ''))
Not in v3: StepFunctions
The StepFunctions client has not been ported to v3 because the service does not support CORS, because browsers cannot interact with it.
S3.createPresignedPost() is now in @aws-sdk/s3-presigned-post
- import { S3 } from 'aws-sdk'
+ import { S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
+ import { createPresignedPost } from '@aws-sdk/s3-presigned-post'
+ import { CreateJobCommand, IoTClient } from '@aws-sdk/client-iot'
- const s3 = new S3()
+ const s3 = new S3Client({})
- const { url, fields } = s3.createPresignedPost({
- Bucket: bucketName,
- Fields: {
- key: `${jobId}.json`,
- },
- })
+ const { url, fields } = await createPresignedPost(s3, {
+ Bucket: bucketName,
+ Key: `${jobId}.json`,
+ })
Note: It was made async and the
field needs to be at the top level.
SignatureDoesNotMatch error when uploading a file
There is currently a bug when uploading a file with a custom content-type. The workaround is to add a custom middleware that removes the extra header:
(next) => async (args) => {
delete args.request.headers["content-type"];
return next(args);
{ step: "build" }
await s3.putObject({
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
Body: body,
ContentType: contentType,
Custom signed HTTP requests
In case you need to construct your own signed requests, the AWS.Signers.V4
have also been moved:
- import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'
- import { Credentials, Endpoint, HttpRequest } from 'aws-sdk'
+ import { SignatureV4 } from '@aws-sdk/signature-v4'
+ import { Credentials, Endpoint } from '@aws-sdk/types'
+ import { HttpRequest } from '@aws-sdk/protocol-http'
+ import { parse } from 'url'
Credentials now longer have a class, but a type:
- const credentials = new Credentials(AccessKeyId, SecretKey, SessionToken)
+ const credentials: Credentials = {
+ accessKeyId,
+ secretAccessKey,
+ sessionToken,
+ }
Also the Endpoint
class has been removed, so some URL parsing is nedded.
- const httpRequest = new HttpRequest(new Endpoint(endpoint), region)
+ const httpRequest = new HttpRequest(
+ ((p: ReturnType<typeof parse>): Endpoint =>
+ ({
+ ...p,
+ port: p.port !== null ? parseInt(p.port, 10) : undefined,
+ } as Endpoint))(parse(endpoint)),
+ )
Finally a signer can be created:
- const signer = new AWS.Signers.V4(httpRequest, 'appsync', true)
+ const signer = new SignatureV4(httpRequest, 'appsync', true)
Removed types
Some types have been removed or better, replaced with their idiomatic TypeScript equivalent.
For example in the Timestream client, previously there was a
type Records = Record[]
, which now no longer exists:
- import { TimestreamWrite } from 'aws-sdk'
+ import { _Record } from '@aws-sdk/client-timestream-write'
- return Records.filter(isNotNullOrUndefined) as TimestreamWrite.Records
+ return Records.filter(isNotNullOrUndefined) as _Record[]
This needs a little bit of digging through the TypeScript definitions to figure out which types still exist and which need to be replaced.
The migration was relatively straight forward and because of the BDD tests in the project this refactoring could be done without a hassle. I will keep updating this post in case there are more noteworthy findings.