Office hours discontinued–feel free to ask your question anyway

In January 2015 I offered CTO office hours every other Thursday. This came out of a new years resolution to do more things that I really enjoy–and I enjoy meeting people and work with them and their ideas.

That decision had a fascinating side-effect. When one of my former co-eds asked me to be her mentor the answer was a no-brainer: of course, I can and want to do that! I don't know how that call would have turned out if I didn't have thought about the office hours in January.

As a fallout from my search for a new job I also offered to be a mentor for the founder of a local startup. We are new meeting every two weeks for two hours.

What I enjoy about being a mentor over giving office hours is that continuously supporting a person enables me to see the effects of my mentoring first hand which also teaches me a lot in return. That's the kind of win-win situation I am always looking for and I've experienced in the last three years so often: give unconditionally and with pleasure and you'll get even more in return.

Nevertheless, I'm not totally bailing out on the office hours.
Just write me an email and I'll try to help you.