Symfony2 with Assetic: Automatically update assets_version on deploy
If you're using assetic to manage your assets in your Symfony2 project you
have probably already wondered if there is a way to update the assets_version
parameter automatically with every deploy.
On my boxes I use this little command to update the assets_version
to the
latest unix timestamp:
V=`date +%s`; sed -i -r -e "s/(\W+)assets_version:(\W+)[^\n]+/\1assets_version:\2$V/" app/config/parameters.yml
It searches the parameters.yml
and updates the assets_version
line with the
current unix timestamp (e.g. 1380833873
). It also honors the current
indentation used in the file which may vary in YAML.
This statement could be added to your composer.json
‘s post-install-cmd
or post-update-cmd
section or any other deploy script you are using.
After that just make sure to update your assets via
app/console assetic:dump