In May 2014 I've tweeted 193 times
My Twitter archive of May 2014
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for May 2014.
- There are many ways to improve the usability of the browser address bar. But none will "remove" the URL. @jensschauder @NicoleRauch
- Oh, hello beauty! @gomoltin is a cloud-based eCommerce API. /cc @BjoernSchotte
- OAuth 2.0 and OpenID have serious Covert Redirect vulnerability.
- @mattsches Liste mit allen interessanten Keys erzeugen und daraus einen Eintrag (programmatisch) holen?
- In the next decade aliens will arrive on earth-in the form of artificial intelligence:
- @mattsches für @retext habe ich verwendet.
- Of course you'll find the talent you are looking for with that attitude. Not.
- Code of Conduct for @APIDaysBerlin - I'm glad I never had to hand out sth like this at the events I organized...
- @benjamin Bad experiences. So bad I will have lost trust in my guests being able to behave and help others if they are being mistreated.
- @calibanatspace @Ookami86 Mach ich, sobald es was zu sehen gibt.
- @benjamin No. I was just telling what would make me hand out a CoC.
- works nice and has a lot of advantages to regular #WHOIS services.
- On my way to @APIDaysBerlin with ICE274 #dbl
- @YassinHankir @TimoHirt Vaamona!
- Arrived at #apidays . Wifi, Coffee, check. All set to go.
- @iglvzx Looks really good. Is the source code on GitHub, yet?
- @VersionEye Can you have a look at my repo list? I don't see all organizations.
- @RobertReiz Thanks. Me, too!
-'s vocabulary has grown to an impressive size: #APIdays
- Hydra describes APIs in a generic machine-readable way to enable auto-discovery of actions: #apidays
- There is a nice demo of how #jsonld and #hydra works together: #APIdays
- Building an API is not for your product but to enable partnerships with other APIs and combine it to something greater. #APIdays
- So basically @XING_de bought @kununu because they had an API. #apidays
- A wesome P latform I ntegration #apidays
- Write wrappers to EVERY API you can't control! #apidays
- @markuslanthaler Yes! Been following your work a few years and with #hydra it is now ready for prime time! Thanks a lot!
- .@waxzce is giving a really cool talk on what drives developers and what they shouldn't do: grunt work. #apidays
- OH: I don't put a database on my laptop. It's not interesting. I put it in the cloud. #apidays
- Small codebase + multiple technologies = legacy killer. #apidays
- Between @APIDaysBerlin and @dotHIV office is the beautiful Engelbecken.
- @VersionEye @SoundCloudDev Well, it was about the @clever_cloud team and their infrastructure. But I think everyone could learn from that.
- #dotHIV passed PDT!
- Second day of #apidays is about to start. First day was great so it already was totally worth it. @APIDaysBerlin
- Everytime I come to #Berlin I am shocked to see how few of the bikers here wear helmets. Be smart BerlinBikers!
- If you are at #next14 go to the Yellow Saloon at 2pm to learn about @dotHIV!
- @Ookami86 @benjamin Check out
- If you run an API your market is 50 million developers worldwide. But you need to find out your core group to succeed. #apidays
- @benjamin @Ookami86 Well, I was thinking about BTSync, Seafile, SparkleShare too, but I figured you needed something small inside your app.
- @benjamin @Ookami86 Dev tools can be quirky, don't you think?
- @benjamin @Ookami86 If they are useful they are allowed. Think of linux' coreutils. Powerful but not intuitive to use and can cause harm.
- Look at what @Smartupvisuals came up with when visualizing the @dotHIV idea! Awesome and big thanks to @commercetools
- .@PayPal's hackday's winner price is an axe. So you can hack even more. Great! #apidays
- Nice insights in the current panel about hackathons and technology evangelism … #apidays
- It helps to have a high tolerance for alcohol and meat when working as an evangelist. #apidays
- @airbone42 Well. Meatwise not. But only a few beers and I am propably not PC anymore ...
- .@twicopter take off and greet #apidays
- Add #oauth support 100+ providers to your app in 3 loc. @OAuth_io
- APIs should follow the 3-30-3 rule: 3s to discover their value 30s to sign up 3m to make the first api call #apidays
- is @OAuth_io's backend server you can run on your own. #oauth #apidays
- looks like a perfect addition for a #jsonld enabled API. #apidays
- #apichaining enables architectures to reject requests early on which favors scalability.
- Owen Rubel is a true evangelist as he promotes a technology and not a product. Awesome talk! #apidays
- @markuslanthaler Maybe think of an URI instead of a key. The implementation / message has room for improvements. But I totally dig the idea.
- @Ookami86 have you met ?
- With you can store the app data of your users in their dropbox account. #apidays
- Dropbox DataStore API does conflict resolution on the client side which is a great! #apidays
- DataStores are per app and cannot be shared between apps right now. #apidays
- @olivergierke Absolutely! But enabling the access could open make one-click upgrade / transfer paths from one app to another possible.
- @olivergierke e.g. Make the Flappy Bird Highscore available in its successor, for instance.
- @Gersprenz muss man Posteo-Nutzer sein, um das gut finden zu dürfen?
- @Gersprenz der @lu_ko_ hat von erzählt.
- #rheinmainrocks drinkup tonight in Berlin someplace?
- API startup pitch #1: #apidays
- Startups are grilled by XING and Axel Springer Plug and Play #apidays
- @HorstMumpitz as @leahculver explained that you get to define per column conflict resolution strategies which seems really flexible.
- is next on stage. Visual tools for modeling api interactions. #apidays
- @HorstMumpitz @leahculver Yeah, if you have blob columns that's always a problem. Some conflicts need a human brain.
- @florianbachmann Yes. The @OAuth_io guys are totally nice, too!
- #appnet no longer has full time employess, goes open-source:
- @clever_cloud Typo on homepage: - No vendor lonk-in + No vendor lock-in
- At @dotHIV's berlin office today. Not coding but taking care of an interns MacBook …
- @drublic @webrocker @mattsches Well, come and work @zentrale_ffm but you can find some cool guys at
- Just talked to a startup CEO who has success in finding senior developer candidates: he approaches them individually. That's the way!
- @alipasha #bcrm14 ist in FFM! Bei @etecture ...
- @alipasha Oh. Das Diskussionsdings das Twittter nicht kann ...
- @alipasha früher konnte man Threads ja n Tagen ohne Antwort automatisch schließen...
- @alipasha @dc7590 der ist aber auch favenswert!
- tells that @disqus reduced server load a lot by switching from #Python to #Golang. And that they run on 5 machines.
- .@fon launches cloud player gramofon: - a modern jukebox.
- Talk about #agile software development and project management? Have a beer and a pizza, too? Join @as_ffm tonight @zentrale_ffm at 7pm!
- At #next14 @dotHIV was the secret star, tells @meedia
- @wmfra @alipasha #luminale Because this event connects the region.
- @wmfra @alipasha #ammeer - i love that we have the main!
- @calibanatspace remember the ? #rheinmainrocks
- @calibanatspace wir können eine für RheinMain haben, die Jungs wollen nur den großen Banner auf der Startseite bespielen dürfen.
- is my find of the day. #golang has a built-in mock webserver for testing.
- It seems ~2 people are still using PEAR::Cache_Lite. I had to update it for PHPUnit4 today …
- @powtac du bist als der Andere!
- @Ookami86 Have you had a look at ? Turned out quite good for me the last time.
- @benjamin We will rock you!
- @mattsches, ist dank Markdown sehr mächtig und reicht für 90% ... Mehr lohnt sich erst sehr spät. Bei komm. Projekten: Wiki.
- @mattsches ... und bei Libraries sind natürlich die Tests sehr wichtig und aufschlussreich.
- @mattsches Ist halt nur online. Doku im Repo bedeutet auch offline Access.
- @mattsches was für eine Art von Projekt ist es denn?
- Looking for adapter from lenovo's power plug (type K) to a smaller plug (type C). Haven't found them, yet. Any tips?
- @byteborg Yeah. I know! Power Supply and Device are running on 20V.
- @byteborg I have an external battery I'd like to charge with my Laptop Power Supply.
- Started to migrate the company to GMail. We need more space! And finally, instant search!
- @amokleben Nachts ist das ganz praktisch …
- @ZenGuard saw you guys in "the hundert"! Looking sharp!
- @jke ich bin gespannt auf die ganzen Themen, die Du nicht ansprechen darfst ...
- Die Firma hinter ist Sie setzen das Open Source CMS Drupal ein. Das Endprodukt ist nicht Open Source. #wmfra
- @wmfra Frage an Michael: wie kam es zur Auswahl eines Berliner Dienstleisters?
- ist der Quellcode von #wmfra
- #wmfra So sieht es aus mit Open Source:
- Antwort von Michael übersetzt: @ffminfo hatte leider keinen Vertriebler der und das erzählt hat, was wir hören wollten.
- .@Gersprenz hat's erfasst. #wmfra
- #tipps geben #jobs suchen #projekte anbieten #profil anlegen #kontakte empfehlen mailto:[email protected] #wmfra
- @jke Ich hab das Gefühl, das Behörden einfach anders denken …
- @calibanatspace PrismBox:
- @calibanatspace Check!
- @amokleben @ffminfo ja, die wollen Verlässlichkeit und Erfahrung und keinen Aufwand. Und die 30k sind Maximalgebühr, eigtl. v. niedriger.
- is a generic but very handy DNS that resolves <IP> to <IP>!
- @jke kennst Du ?
- Any experience using ?
- @powtac Kennst Du Alternativen, die man sich mal ansehen sollte?
- Have a look at the project I freelanced on before joining @dotHIV: - it's a fantasy league for #lolesports!
- @mryvlin @airbone42 I'd look into putting a local spool between the app and logstash to not have to wait for the remote connection …
- @mryvlin @airbone42 @powtac @_bjoernrichter Thanks for the feedback will look into it. UDP is okayish …
- @zentrale_ffm @jke Bin da!
- @jke Bitte! Ich kenn mich sogar aus ...
- Today's good deed: told a young teenager how to use Wikipedia and learn that Hollister was not founded 1922 in California but 2000 in Ohio.
- @florianbachmann if it quacks like a duck ...
- .@contentfulapp is the next player in the API-driven CMS market: - maybe a solid choice for @dothiv's next platform.
- Getting great performance with parallax is tough. Here’s how to make it happen:
- @alipasha Ja, ist sehr mutig. Wenn es klappt, dann richtig. Ich bin noch nicht entschieden.
- @alipasha Ich warte da lieber noch … auf so ein anderes lokales Projekt.
- @gr2m Funny coincidence: @JessicaColaco is @zentrale_ffm today. @jke braught her here!
- @darrel_miller For me it is the first approach that I find actually usable given its formal approach. And I didn't say that others can't.
- @Gersprenz daran ist prinzipiell nichts auszusetzen. Aber da mit öffentlichen Mitteln bezahlt, sollte das Derivat auch veröffentlicht werden
- @Gersprenz der Dienstleister hat kein Interesse an der Offenlegung und wird das ausschließen. Die Behörde ist in der Pflicht.
- Red Bull wirbt mit Toten. Der Drink verleiht wohl auch Engelsflügel.
- In @mathiasverraes explains how #CQRS and #EventSourcing can be described in functional terms.
- makes me all "Fuuu … I wanna build something parallaxy NOW!" and then I remember … Internet Explorer.
- @contentfulapp How would you handle preview of a v2 version? Duplicate the v1 space, with unpublished items, something else?
- MilSpec Parallaxing:
- Semantic versioning by non-developers: "Copy of Document Title v1 (3).xlsx"
- @magicmonty Of course, only Windows ist to blame!
- @gr2m Lab? Hub?
- @gr2m Imagine Island.
- Check out @sensiolabs Insights: - it's a continuous code review service for your #PHP project!
- @Flyingmana @BjoernSchotte Ich find das sehr objektiv!
- @sensiolabs Analysis hangs without output. Hard to guess what's wrong.
- Desk with a view. While my wife is at #muxcamp I'm trying out my dream workplace.
- @alipasha Django kommt ja aus einer Redaktion … für Online Publishing ist es perfekt. Läuft sogar in der AppEngine
- @alipasha dann muss man sich nicht ums Hosting kümmern.
- Placeholders in Form Fields Are Harmful
- Honestly: I don't get the rubik's cube. #GoogleDoodle
- Thanks @contentfulapp for the fast support!
- I just entered in the #rainofinvites raffle to win an invitation to buy the @oneplus One
- @alipasha @oneplus Ich brauch ein neues Telefon!
- @airbone42 did you look at the picture?!
- @airbone42 Ahh, there. Looked like … well , an accident.
- @alipasha mein Job ist powered by Google und ich will das gerne trennen.
- I love this guy! @trello
- .@trello's search feature has been updated: - Great! Because I would always double check for missed cards ...
- @fastbillnews Habt ihr immer noch Büroflächen bei euch frei?
- @fastbillnews Nein. Frage für den @Gersprenz und sein neues Side-Project.
- @Gersprenz um diese Fläche geht es:
- Full house at #devopsffm @TeamVaamo - Talk is about centralized log management.
- @skyfyre Ich hab erstmal meinen Rechner neu aufgesetzt …
- @viddity habt ihr @techettes_ffm bei Social Impact Lab gepitcht?
- .@cfrenes Oha. Das ist gerade sehr viel. #kibana3 + #elasticsearch + #logstash ist die hippste Toolchain der Stunde … #devopsFFM
- #devopsFFM Don't use (File based, creates way to many of them.)
- @skyfyre Mit Windows 8.1 hat alles problemlos geklappt! Ich bin überrascht.
- @skyfyre … wenn ich nicht gerade auf UserGroups unterwegs bin, ja! ;-)
- OH: triple-mode redundancy everything to eliminate split brains ... and you happen to be running a stock exchange. #devOpsFFM
- is the full inside scope from Jens Kühnel (his bachelor thesis). #devOpsFFM
- #devOpsFFM Overview table from the thesis:
- I want this T-Shirt: #superbeton
- @djungowski Prinzipiell ja. Spiele aber erstmal Wolfenstein …
- DE(Außer Thüringen)-Mail.
- @dockctl Which guide do you recommend for starting with Docker?
- To {{ content|markdown }} with in your #Symfony2 just #composer require dothiv/dothiv-parsedown-bundle dev-master
- Die @techettes_ffm planen regelmäßige Veranstaltungen um mehr Frauen zu motivieren, die Tech Welt mitzugestalten.
- I am on TextSecure now: - setup takes 1 minute and is as easy as WhatsApp.
- tells us why and how to avoid the infamous Hamburger Menu
- Scribd and Quora deliberately break document sharing on the web. It’s terrible. Says @nelson.
- @Gersprenz mal ins CSV gesehen?
- .@hrinfo ranted ohne Mehrwert über den zu einfachen Zugang Jugendlicher zu Killerspielen. Wie wäre es mit einer Empfehlung für Eltern?
- @Gersprenz Manchmal ist sogar Excel zu was zu gebrauchen ...
- Apparently I need to install an insecure proprietary piece of software (flash) to manage my cloud infrastructure. Srsly @vCloud?
- @Kurt_Haeusler SUITS!
- @amokleben Absolut sinnvoll. Viele Cloud-Services kommen bei größeren Kunden nicht in Frage, wenn in den USA gehostet.
- .@OAuth_io has a PHP SDK now:
- @herzflimmern Stimmt, super gemacht. Ich bin aber guter Dinge, dass auch @DeinBus weiter an einer tollen Buchungsseite baut.
- @sippndipp @gr2m Are you talking to @dockctl ?! That's what they want to do, too!
- @sippndipp @gr2m @dockctl They want to be the Heroku for Docker. If you are in the same are, why not join forces?
- Still one of the most disgusting place in town. The washrooms at Cinestar. #meinfrankfurt
- My first reaction to the master/slave incident was: WTF? Because I've been calling it that for ages. But that doesn't make it right.
- Camping on my day off. I went for a drone fly to get a good view of the nearest atom power plant Biblis.
- @martinjuhasz Perrot.
- @schwarzwild1 Nein, leider habe ich keinen Tipp für dich. Meiner ist nicht speziell auf Startups ausgerichtet.