In February 2015 I've tweeted 274 times
My Twitter archive of February 2015
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for February 2015.
- #wandertag
- are passionate about organization design and culture. Networked orgs that manage and grow their business together.
- @HendricRuesch da gibt es schon was: ... Aber aus dem Grund haben wir für das @bc_rm ein eigenes Tool entwickelt.
- I can hear my paper folder when speaking to my Finanzamt. Scary.
- .@kulloproject is now available (and free) for everyone:
- @ODincubator There is a typo on the start page: "Fenruary"
- A lot of #opendata hackers have gathered @zentrale_ffm for OK Lab FFM kickoff.
- .@Fotografiona has joined to introduce @okfde #oklabffm @codeforffm
- @jke @amokleben Habt ihr gesehen, oder?
- The #oklab community has coded more than 10,000 hours.
- Local authorities are already relying on #oklab projects.
- An #oklab is an open knowledge lab that tries to bring meaning to public data. Homebase: @powtac
- #oklab best practices by @codeforgi: more action / less talk!
- Wie steht es eigentlich mit #OpenData in Offenbach? @dichter #oklab #oklabffm
- OpenData will work by showcasing projects, not by talking to politicians. They will follow. #oklab #oklabffm
- "We don't want to write scrapers. The gotta give us the raw data." #oklab
- Focus on real-world problems. #okdata
- .@therealstief introducing #codingdavinci #oklab #oklabffm
- #Frankfurt has 31 open data sets on #oklab #oklabffm
- Question: what should we build for #Frankfurt? #oklabffm #oklab
- Let's build a GitHub for #opendata. @dwass I want that, too! #oklab #oklabffm
- #oklabffm Hackathon on Feb 21st @zentrale_ffm @codeforffm
- Thanks @codeforffm for launching this. Happy to see all the new faces @zentrale_ffm!
- Open Data & Licensing: it's complicated. #oklab #oklabffm
- Oh wow! @VaamoTech let's us read their meeting minutes!
- @VaamoTech Hail to good ole RSS!
- @benjamin the reason is that this and similar positions are not defined by engineers but by managers.
- Cool! My coworking space feels like a proper workplace. Lunch planning in progress since 10am …
- @benjamin I was looking for Vaamos initial job listing for your position but I couldn't find it. It looked probably very similar …
- @benjamin … so you get my point ;-)
- @dc7590 S A H S T F O O S
- @benjamin … yes, but maybe they don't have engineers who are experienced enough to see this. Let's ask @lucatironi
- Things I stumble upon doing my job @dotHIV:
- @KoerberKim thanks for the @wemoof submission. Can you do the 23.02.2015?
- .@SoundCloud's service monitoring suite is open source:
- Prost! #dotHIV #HIV #AIDS
- @RobertReiz ... and a couple more for the regression test!
- .@fastbillnews is the StartupHub still a thing? @startgeist is looking for a team room!
- @findingmarbles your private thoughts also defines who you are at work. So no need to separate.
- .@wemoof #10 is once again all male: - I'd love to see some non-male speakers for
- @dc7590 @Roritharr Have you spoken to Marc Djakeli, yet?
- is an indepth look by @feedly on how to apply material design to your existing app …
- @wecamp15 looks awesome. How was last year @shochdoerfer?
- in where a judge tells you that double-opt-in is illegal. And neglects to offer a legal alternative for confirmation.
- @vertigoaddict Yes, as always. We already have 4 checkboxes in our shop … If we were to send Newsletters; oh boy!
- Sport themed movie tips for @stadtkindFFM: &
- @lsmith @liip Ohhhh … Every time I have to do expenses I'm like
- Learning how to build distributed systems we always dreamed of with #CoreOS @devops_ffm #devops #devopsffm
- Living without Adobe Flash
- @dblocator das vereinfacht doch einiges ...
- Coming from Gentoo and Arch CoreOs feels like the natural step for cloud infrastructure. #devopsffm
- #CoreOS is going to support ARM. RaspberryPI I see a bright future for you. #devopsffm
- Oh btw. #etcd looks like a great tool to check out: #devopsffm
- @juitde @phpugffm WordPress hat vermutlich das Problem.
- Welcome @cljugf: #Clojure #FunktionalesProgrammieren #ugrm
- I don't like hoodies, but I like good products: This Is the Greatest Hoodie Ever Made
- Sent my first formal letter denying a job agency to use my personal data or contact me. They are a plague. I want them gone.
- I've just donated $25 to GnuPG: - this is my #PGP key:
- @dichter Danke für die Info … habe ich mir gedacht. Das Thema erfordert sicher noch viel Aufklärungsarbeit und technische Unterstützung …
- @dichter … selbst das muss ja jemand supporten. Ich hoffe @codeforffm zeigt dass man mit den Daten echten Mehrwehrt schaffen kann.
- @dichter das war auch die Ansage von @Fotografiona: wenn #oklab Projekte erstmal da sind, kommen die Behörden von selber auf den Trichter.
- @PvlsGnnks no special one. For me just the first of many to follow.
- @lu_ko_ @evgenymorozov Yes, it's called twitter-autocurator and the source is here:
- The next @WEMOOF will feature an on-demand nametag printer:
- @dc7590 I hear you. I'm making this into a general purpose solution. Let's see how it turns out. Code is here:
- There is now a flatrate for flights:
- Proper German business name: Drogenfuchs
- @yetanotherfish der kann das.
- @WIRED explains why cats love boxes so much.
- @yetanotherfish der hat nichts wichtiges zu tun ... Du kannst ihn haben.
- @yetanotherfish ja klar. Genau @offenraum location.
- We godless children turn out just fine - or even better!
- @lu_ko_ … das ist natürlich das Ideal. Aber die Realität ist, wenn man das Welt-Retten nicht in einen No-Brainer verpackt, wird's nichts.
- @lu_ko_ @heimathafenWI Es braucht 10 Jahre bis man versteht, dass "geilen Scheiß" niemand braucht. Dann ist man zu teuer für's Startup-Life.
- @lu_ko_ @heimathafenWI Es sind also auch an Inkubatoren + Funds das zu fördern. Und zu verstehen, dass es dafür auch mehr Geld braucht.
- @lu_ko_ @heimathafenWI Immerhin gibt es einige Startups, die sich daran versuchen:
- @calibanatspace Für dich wäre ja super …
- @calibanatspace Löst das Platzproblem …
- As jobs are replaced by machines, do we still have to work 40 hours/week? But why do we always want more? Great talk:
- With the needs satisfied, advertising fuels the wants. If we put a tax on luxury the overall demand for "more" is limited. #lasttweet
- @lu_ko_ Nur weil etwas ein Produkt ist macht es nicht zwangsläufig schlecht. Traurig aber wahr: in unserer Gesellschaft brauchen auch (1/2)
- @lu_ko_ Tugenden eine Lobby. Und leider ist ein neuer Gesellschaftsentwurf der das obsolet macht nicht in Reichweite. (2/2)
- @ircmaxell @shochdoerfer Rasmus and Zeev voted no. Did they shed some light on the opinion somewhere?
- @ircmaxell @shochdoerfer Yeah, Declare feels kinda hackish. Or like 'use strict'. But that's due to PHPs legacy. Im +1 on both.
- @AndreaFaulds both are good ideas.
- @alipasha @heimathafenWI @lu_ko_ Evolution ist ja auch dumm.
- reading the discussion on php-internals about the scalar typehints rfc. I still favor the rfc as it is balanced.
- @Ocramius @shochdoerfer @PHP_CEO yeah it's easy to cover behind an anonymous mass which and put words in their mouths.
- Client-side MVC's Major Bug: no server-side rendering.
- I have a @kickstarter project for you with instant success guarantee: build a coffee machine with a REST API.
- @yetanotherfish hat's geholfen?
- Didn't catch this on the weekend: @DeinBus new investor has been revealed:
- The Massacre of Withdrawing Soldiers on "The Highway of Death"
- @ttaubert woha. Cool! Enjoy that. We don't get those gigs here in Frankfurt.
- @calibanatspace @jensdwo Scrum und Agile braucht in einem festen Team Monate und zwei/drei Projekte um sich einzuspielen.
- @calibanatspace SCRUM stellt Kommunikation und Feedback in den Mittelpunkt, dazu kleine Teams mit eigenverantwortlichen Mitarbeitern.
- @calibanatspace … das wird leider oft vergessen.
- Lets work together to see an #AIDS free generation @dotHIV –
- @Niklas_L I'll add @CloudFlare to the mix. Free CDN w/ free SSL certificate.
- @AnnaMelitta @wmfra Das Problem habe ich auch mit dem @wemoof - ich denke es sollten auch mehr Frauen Events organisieren.
- "Who has the most Yammer followers at your company?" I don't care.
- @rolandjudas Ich wollte gerade einem Freund Arago als AG empfehlen, finde aber die Job-Seite nicht …
- @gianniponzi Maybe your conditions are a nightmare, too?
- @bommeljogi … die Wohnung hat keine Haustiere. Du musst dein eigenes mitbringen!
- @gianniponzi Send me some info to [email protected] and I can relay this to some of my freelancing coworkers.
- @calibanatspace Dinge einfach hinnehmen wäre zu leicht.
- That thing is scary as hell. And cool.
- A new startup from #Offenbach: @swapiapp wants to connect you with your neighbours.
- @herzflimmern Kannst auch Nachbarn in #Frankfurt #Darmstadt #Wiesbaden #Rüsselsheim #BadHomburg #Schwalbach #Kelsterbach #Hanau finden.
- @RobertReiz Yes! Self-riding horses are the new thing, I guess!
- @RobertReiz Yes, I know. And they are really silent compared to the previous version. Add a MP and you have the perfect ground drone.
- @jke In der ist dafür auch mehr Platz …
- @jke … hm auch wieder war. Das ist sehr wenig los und zum Antworten muss man sich noch einen Account anlegen.
- @calibanatspace Wegen dem Diskutieren im Allgemeinen.
- @jke ich habe trotzdem mal die Anmeldung ohne Einladung bei @rmrocksco frei geschalten.
- @jke Ich bin übrigens auch gegen eine Frauenquote. GirlsDay war ok, aber das fühlt sich gezwungen an.
- @jke Ok. Bin gespannt.
- @bisoux Überwacht: alle sind gefragt. Durchsetzen und Entscheidung: Durch mich als Veranstalter. Das Thema kommt auch auf den nä. @WEMOOF.
- Embedded into the Peschmerga fighting ISIS. Terrifying that this is happening right now.
- @benjamin Danke für das erste Lob! Die Übersetzung ist von hier: - nur leicht für unser Event angepasst.
- @calibanatspace Jo. Vermutlich irgendwas mit Containern.
- @calibanatspace Ich meine dass auf der I/O kaum etwas revolutionäres Vorgestellt wird.
- puts some perspective to coding which puts the software first or code which puts the product it supports first.
- F C K E Z B
- Great to be on the bike today. One of #Frankfurt's main entry roads is blocked.
- @IDS2012 Wie, auch von Offenbach in die @zentrale_ffm? ;-)
- There is no kill switch on awesome.
- Woha!
- @kotarak Or maybe not … so the city region starts thinking harder about our public transport beeing too expensive.
- Just bought my ticket for this years @APIDaysBerlin Apr 24-25th. Really looking forward to this conference:
- @Flocke gibt es ein aktuelles Einsteigerbuch in HTML & CSS das Du empfehlen kannst?
- @Flocke Danke!
- @Flocke Danke. Hast Du auch einen englischsprachigen Tipp?
- Google Won’t Preference #newgTLDs, But They Are Performing Well In Searches via @brandshelter
- @Flocke Nochmal vielen Dank dafür!
- #behat/#bdd is great. Sketching a complex backend change in 20 lines. And I won't miss a thing when implementing it.
- Awesome move by @flinc: they do not only help you share your ride, but they share their knowledge, too!
- Lessions learned: don't run a #startup without a working fax machine!
- @mandrillapp good move. Conditions and iterators are a must for transactional emails. @send_with_us had this but I'll check you out again.
- @ntboes @m_ic @thorstenball wir haben - einen Termin könnte es auch mal wieder geben ...
- a conversation starter for founders and a blueprint for companies to implement real cultural values by @martinbuberl
- Groundhog Day #Frankfurt
- @martinbuberl Thanks for that! Do you know the Core Protocols?
- It has been more than 20 years since Energy 52 released Café del Mar. It never gets old.
- Hey @google! Thanks for supporting us @dotHIV - that means a lot!
- @airbone42 kennst Du
- @Liparjeva_Eva @Lobot Gibt's da Internet?
- Nice! @whispersystems's TextSecure will come to your browser:
- @Liparjeva_Eva @Lobot Das ist echt verlockend …
- @ODincubator when can we learn more about your program?
- is a great testing utility. Already added a feature myself:
- @benjamin @Ookami86 which resources can you recommend regarding #eventsourcing?
- @LukasRosenstock yeah it is. It tried it. Our users didn't like it.
- @ODincubator great! Thanks for the info.
- What a beauty! Recipe:
- has stellar examples for corporate cultures that are based on trust and freedom. Watch it, it's free!
- @benjamin I can't tell you. But I want to learn more about it.
- @LukasRosenstock I love it. It's dead simple, fast and secure. You don't get that combination that often!
- @Ookami86 Cool! I will once I plowed through the reading material.
- @MadeMyDay @dc7590 responsive ... Wegen den ganzen Antworten.
- the generous are happier / we are wired to be altruistic and it might have been an evolutionary advantage
- is the European Commission's action plan to bring about the data-driven economy of the future. #opendata
- tries to emphasize the value of not-working and working for free. Otherwise you will be a slave to your work.
- @calibanatspace Rosa Schleifchen nicht vergessen!
- Gibbs is a #minimalist, too. And this would be his favorite recipe: Rice+Beans by @frugalwoods
- Swimming with the red ribbon. Get your digital one @dotHIV! #HIV #AIDS
- Srlsy? Album cover, ca. 2014.
- is a growing document explaining the background of #http2 and the progress in it's implementation.
- @bagder for your great #http2 book check out @leanpub . I'd love to see a kindle version and their service will enable this for free.
- @TEDxRheinMain the text is overlapped by the red icons on my nexus 7.
- @wltrd es ist keine gute Idee ein Chinesisches Unternehmen mit der Verschlüsselung der Daten deiner Nutzer beauftragen.
- @wltrd schon klar. Das hindert sie aber nicht daran einfach ein neues Zertifikat für den selben Hostnamen auszustellen -> MITM-Attacke.
- @benjamin put a duck bot in there and it's OK!
- @wltrd ja.
- Shooting at Copenhagen blasphemy seminar
- How to avoid merge-commit hell on GitHub/BitBucket
- goals are for losers and passion is overrated by @Dilbert_Daily
- Source Code Disclosure of every possible project
- @benjamin @Ookami86 CQRS journey is a really good read. What I don't like is the use of push events. For HTTP Microsrvcs this feels awkward.
- @benjamin @Ookami86 I'm looking into this, soon. But it already helped a lot (also to see that my understanding of the topic is not off).
- @greencray @NicoleRauch wer @wilddueck mal IRL gesehen hat wird das ganze ohne Einsatz von Schwarmintelligenz machen.
- @Ookami86 and if you need real-time updates you can use webhooks on top. That's what you get from third party services, but no message bus.
- @dc7590 Darren Rocks RheinMain
- Thanks to the person who dropped @codecentric's cloudfibel in my mailbox. More reading material for my sick leave.
- @Ookami86 Thanks!
- @benjamin @Ookami86 very good read, absolutely in sync with my favorite book: REST in Practice
- Why remote working works
- @benjamin most of that is valid for non-remote work, too!
- @Ookami86 no, but the contents are not news to me.
- 100 Menschen, 5 Länder, 1000 gute Taten – Gründer @m_ic sucht Unterstützung für soziales Projekt
- That is scary.
- #startups: 6×30m2 for 225€/month all incl. in east #Offenbach available now at Ostpol° Grundercampus.
- @dschneller Yeah! Good job!
- I have to cancel this weeks CTO office hours due to my sickness. But I'm looking forward talking to you on March 3rd:
- @Ookami86 Comgrats! Fulltime? Could'nt find in freelancing what you where looking for professionally?
- @Ookami86 … and you'll have a team. That's what I was missing.
- I blogged about my thoughts seeing @WEMOOF turning 10:
- Search is hard ...
- @schulezweinull Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately @MailChimp does not shorten their tracking links …
- @gr2m Usually this one is sufficient:
- Nice: @Senkrecht_Blog let's you take a virtual elevator ride with our CEO Carolin. Listen in on
- The nametag printer setup is now ready for offline use. Premiere on the next @wemoof.
- might explain a lot. #newgtlds
- @calibanatspace @dc7590 Mein Tipp: für die Bahn: Hinweis auf Angebote, Tickets. Axel-Springer verkauft dir darüber Literatur/Medien.
- .@brandeins very cool! Thanks for wearing your digital red ribbon!
- @dc7590 @bc_rm I didn't change anything. Probably a host update. I'll look into it today.
- @dc7590 @bc_rm Cant find the error. No log entry. I've contacted DFs tech support.
- I never use the OEM version of Windows that comes with a new laptop. Because it's full of shit. Like Lenovo.
- @calibanatspace einfach mal dem Autor danke schreiben? Freut sich bestimmt …
- Build this, #OpenData Hackers and #Datanauts @codeforffm @TEDxRheinMain
- @GIS_ELSE Yeah! Only that I want to define my own rules for calculating the standard of living.
- @calibanatspace Du favst aber komisch …
- @dc7590 @bc_rm Fixed now. DF has upgraded to Apache 2.4 and some .htaccess rules needed to be updated.
- @GIS_ELSE I found @PlaceILive: … that's really close …
- @TEDxRheinMain No. You obviously did a tl;dr …
- @alipasha was hast Du denn zuletzt unterstützt, das hilft?
- Cool! @mailbox_org adds Jabber support:
- Stripe adds Bitcoin support:
- @heiglandreas Shit. All the best to her and your whole family!
- @Fotografiona bei der TK geht das zumindest schon online ...
- Bosch is really cool! Let's hope Amazon renews it for a second season.
- is a daily listing of jobs where it's okay to work remotely.
- Promise me you'll never wear a pink ribbon or drop a dollar into a bucket that goes to breast cancer “awareness”
- We are auctioning premium .HIV names like tomorrow on
- Tonight I'll be hosting the 10th @WEMOOF at the afip! in #Offenbach with talks by @CHKERTH @intocommerce @KoerberKim and 5 spotlights!
- Unlike any other job board @dela_vis focuses on personalised introductions based on chemistry, vision, values and cultural fit.
- 42min to go. #wemoof
- Thanks to @calibanatspace we'll have videos of all talks this time. #wemoof
- @rolandjudas … und ich hatte getwittert, gefacebookt, gexingt und gemailt.
- The UX a physical catalog provides is often much better than the online store … #wemoof
- Front row seat @wemoof ...
- @calibanatspace @rolandjudas Es gibt kein XING-Event … aber ich habe den Link geteilt.
- @rolandjudas am 27. April 2015
- @ChristaGoede
- Awesome give-away by @TEDxRheinMain: shake-eggs!
- .@startgeist aims to connect future founders with partners, mentors and investors. Basically @Roritharr's Founderstable-as-a-service.
- Simplicity and the Ideas Go Left Behind, Dave Cheney
- is a brilliant example for an interesting job posting.
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo Super! Ich teste es dann mal nächste Woche.
- .@GUnibator is running a startup competition: - win up to 900 € cash
- @dc7590 we're on holidays so probably not.
- it's incredible that Homeland is a work of fiction and not a documentary. Because it is so close to the truth.
- @alexschnapper ich meine das Buch ...
- Fulltext search with PostgreSQL is definitely an option to consider / via @liip
- The girl who gets gifts from birds
- sends you local organic produce in a box.
- @amokleben iCal ...
- @Seb666 auf dem Nexus 7 sieht es so aus ...
- @Seb666 die gehen, aber die Links zu finden ist nicht intuitiv.
- @amokleben Ja, statt <meeting>-Elementen geht auch ein <ical>.
- @as_ffm Parkplätze gibt es in der Tiefgararge im Saalbau Bornheim:
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo Ich sollte vielleicht wirklich bis nächste Woche warten ;-)
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo kein Problem. Es eilt nicht.
- Unfortunately my current employer has no conference budget. Otherwise I'd be going to @WeCamp15 …
- @airbone42 Let's talk about that next week … I'll have some news then.
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo Habs jetzt gemacht, war ganz einfach. Aber Status bei euch ist noch nicht übernommen.
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo Die Info im Profil wäre gut …
- @jezenthomas Have you been converted to Äppler, too?
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo ich muss ja eh noch den Antrag verschicken. Geht heute in die Post.
- @datenreisender @TeamVaamo trotz allem ist dieser Prozess tausendmal besser als PostIdent. Man muss nicht mal eine Hose anziehen!
- Why I'm skeptical when it comes to decisions of religious people: Thinking of God makes people bigger risk-takers
- is an awesome talk by the founder of @newrelic and how to build a large company and not compromising on values.
- @DHLPaket Sendung wurde in Filiale umgeleitet ... Und ich wurde mal wieder nicht benachrichtigt!
- Now on @hrinfo: interview with Christian Janisch, founder of @deinbus
- Music Discovery Project in UltraHD and True Surround.
- Closed #newgtlds are nothing to be concerned about. We have hundreds of new TLDs which are open. And what use is a domain name today anyway?
- is Europe's first plastic-free online shop.
- The Wankband: Love the planet by loving yourself.
- TIL: You are not allowed to upgrade your contract @UnitymediaHilfe if the price is lower …
- All that I want a work place to be: @darkhorseberlin's Monika Frech explains it in this video. #futureofwork
- Moved the wife's email to @mailbox_org + #PGP: @kamilleblumm
- First cold brew in the making.
- @benjamin hast Du ein Lieblingsrezept? Ich braue gerade erst mal wild drauf los.
- I've been introduced to #newtopia by a 70 year old. Yeez, how fucked up is our media?