In May 2015 I've tweeted 284 times
My Twitter archive of May 2015
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for May 2015.
- Caught hacking at the #apisberlin #speedhack:
- I really like the idea of Remote Boot Camps! (Let every employee work remote for two weeks) #futureofwork #ft
- How many Socrates twitter accounts are there?!
- View from my @TeamFintura camping office. #futureofwork #ft
- "you should live every day as though it's going to go on forever"
- @jofreund ja, das Schlierbachtal / Lindenfels ist schon ein sehr hübsches Stück Erde. Und dazu nur eine Stunde von Frankfurt entfernt.
- @herzflimmern ich bin vorletzte Woche bei Streik nach Berlin gefahren und kam 5 Minuten zu früh an.
- Finished Pragmatic Thinking & Learning. Can't recommend it if you're already in an agile & craftsman mindset.
- This is me at my favorite coworking space @zentrale_ffm kicking off my first official day for @TeamFintura! #fintech
- @r_oquentin
- .@PaulBaines__ Yes, Pragmatic Thinking & Learning has a lot of good advice. Many of those are things I practice daily.
- @flinc tweet from app does not include trip link...
- .@useTalky is awesome. In three weeks you can help make it even better: is their kickstarter announcement.
- Startnext transferred an awkward amount of money to my account … Checking with them for the reason. #rheinmainrocks sticker.
- Gotta watch it again!!
- Testimonies from over 60 soldiers that took part in Operation “Protective Edge” in the Gaza Strip:
- Atomic Design: The Book by @brad_frost about pattern-based design and development #ft
- Hitched a @flinc ride from OF -> DA. Critical mass has been reached thanks to #bahnstreik
- .@sarahmei @Flocke PHP was frontend code running on the backend. Can't happen when your code is executed client side …
- Checking out that #fintech thing tonight.
- Startnext is paying out in tranches per payment method. No communication happened before, that's the reason for confusion. #RheinMainRocks
- @schinkenstrudel It's just a representation of data. So if your consumer does not support JSON that could be favorable.
- @schinkenstrudel In that case that I agree. No reason to favor XML these days anymore.
- Arrived at #BetweenTheTowers. I brought no suit ... #fintech
- IT security for #fintech: @BITKOM provides white papers and noncommercial basics.
- .@EmmingerDirk: #fintechs in Germany should at least look for cloud providers with datacenters on German soil. #BetweenTheTowers
- IT security and compliance often put a limit to innovation. #fintech #BetweenTheTowers
- is a trust label for IT security made in Germany. #BetweentheTowers #fintech
- That their SSL certificate is invalid does not help their argument: #BetweentheTowers #fintech
- Now pitching: @secryptor #BetweentheTowers
- .@secryptor: open source is the only sustainable way to maintain secure software. #fintech #betweenthetowers
- .@inventorum_com pitched their one-stop solution for commerce: providing a cockpit for the 99% small SMBs. #fintech
- @GernotOverbeck that slide by @inventorum_com might be relevant to your interest ...
- wants to launch a social lending app built on bitcoin backed by 80 years experience. #fintech #betweenthetowers
- It was nice seeing you @MattBolton365 @jschirrmacher and @YassinHankir at #betweenthetowers ... #fintech in FFM has a lot of familiar faces.
- @jen_star man muss schon klicken!
- Steuorrrrrr!
- I'd love to see more automation in the German tax space.
- @bitcoinpotato Good event. And it had some bitcoin startup in it!
- @frontend_rm Super! Seid ihr offen für Sponsoring?
- How can we motivate people to swap things instead of buy new products? via @futureflux
- @jannisborgers … yes. Because there is none. Elster is just a electronic form. Neither smart not automatic.
- @frontend_rm Cool! @TeamFintura würde Location+Drinks+Pizza sponsorn. Dafür würde ich gerne kurz was zu uns erzählen. Wir stellen ein. Gut?
- @frontend_rm Perfekt, ich melde mich heute mal telefonisch bei dir!
- .@DStartups cribs @ZenMate edition: A nice simple + clean office space. Still too open for my taste.
- @gregoralbrecht No. @coding_night is always on the wrong weekday for me. Friday evening is blocked for family.
- In Shadowrun autonomous trucks would run over soft obstacles because stopping was more expensive than a human life.
- You are a #startup building a business around #opendata? Apply now @ODincubator! Get €100k+extensive support!
- .@kickstarter is coming to Germany. And they are kicking of @zentrale_ffm tonight:
- Ordered hardware for the IT. @amazon gave me a voucher for "Premium Beauty products".
- I've just ordered the #RheinMainRocks stickers and they are expected to be delivered by May, 21st.
- Today @kirrg001 pointed me towards which looks like a great tool for this.
- I just bought some custom stickers from @stickermule. Check them out: #RheinMainRocks
- I just bought some custom stickers from @stickermule. Check them out: #RheinMainRocks
- @stickermule Looking forward to the delivery!
- @mortzu what kind of event is that?
- @mortzu ah, nice. In Frankfurt we call it @coding_night and it's also takes place at the university ...
- @hackathon_dus In welcher Rolle?
- @jezenthomas Oh. I never signed up on and I never had iOS in my profile. What a shitty platform.
- @jezenthomas where is that search?
- Eine Lüge ist es nur, wenn es jemand damals geglaubt hätte.
- @jezenthomas ah, OK. I had subscribed to that list. But I am no longer receiving his newsletter. Seems he doctored the image, though.
- @jezenthomas code poetry?
- @ToH_82 working out can help.
- @ToH_82 des, I understand. But it's something that doesn't involve other people. And once you've started it gives your brain sth to do ..
- @herzflimmern Du ziehst um?!
- This is a sample of a photo album from my grandfather: "Winter in Finnland 1941" Should I put it on Flickr? #ww2
- @jke because it takes time to scan and crop them ...
- .@wilddueck on what CEOs need to change for their orgs to be innovative: Show this to your bosses! #futureofwork
- @republica is there an English transcript of @wilddueck's talk, yet?
- @herzflimmern you joining @haraball?
- @stadtkindFFM count me in …
- Our nice outdoor coffee place. #camping
- The Lead Developer Conference: the conference for technical leads. /cc @benjamin @ntboes @airbone42 @powtac
- @wmfra is there some room left tomorrow for a one-slide save-the-date spotlight for this years @swrheinmain?
- @wmfra of course! And thank you!
- @calibanatspace ja, Morgen!
- @calibanatspace Noch nicht. Wir sind noch an der neuen Seite dran ... Eckdaten: 27-29.9.15 im Silver Tower
- @calibanatspace 25-27 ...
- secures, stores, and tightly controls access to passwords and other secrets in modern computing. It's open-source.
- @hr Als AG muss man das doch mitmachen … Der AN hat doch Anspruch auf Teilzeit.
- Driving from DA to @WMFRA tonight: via @flinc - I'll have cold Club Mate on board!
- @hr Ja, das kann ich mir vorstellen. Aber ich finde man sollte das durchaus von Anfang an ansprechen … sonst sind das falsche Vorbedingungen
- @kringkaste Ich kann es mir sehr gut vorstellen, aus Erfahrung. Wir haben für #futureofwork noch viel Beton zu bohren.
- #wmfra 70 intro by @rolandjudas ...
- @kringkaste ich das Thema aktuell jeden Tag. Aber es geht!
- @metafoo Da gibt es auch von @DormandoDE
- Cool. @NicolaAppel also has some insights for #remote teams! #wmfra
- #wmfra
- .@PitchClubFFM is the twitter #wmfra
- #Norway at the #WMFRA. <3 It's indeed a lovely place!
- Product Hunt has inspired a bunch of meta startups. @PitchClubFFM @startgeist @getzyncd to name a few-those try to profit of startups.
- If there is a #fintech startup besides @TeamFintura that's worth your attention it's #wmfra
- .@jke @Seb666 @rolandjudas @jthos & @wmfra thanks for never failing in supporting my projects! #RheinMainRocks
- @hackathon_dus klingt voll unspannend.
- @Marv2punkt0 and the most handsome bouncer I've ever met, of course!
- That Code==Poetry crap really got me hooked: I'm gonna propose a talk: Code is Shoveling Shit using a Hammer. #wmfra
- @coding_night Damn. Then I really have to come over ;-) When?
- @Afip_Hessen ! zu viel Posts auf einmal!
- @FrolleinJuNe Ich lese ja Twitter bei Telkos …
- @wmfra englisch wäre kein Problem :-)
- Selten so gelacht! macht keine Comedy sondern ist einfach witzig und klug ohne Überheblichkeit.
- If you are right but nobody wants to work with you, then how valuable are you really?
- @calibanatspace Heut ist Freitag!
- I'll be interviewed by FAZ next Monday about the founder ecosystem in Frankfurt. I'll be at the best possible place then: @zentrale_ffm
- @benjamin … you have no comment box.
- @airbone42 It' probably be a catchy one-liner in the Wednesday article about the Gründerpreis which takes place on Tuesday.
- @wmfra @ntboes @jezenthomas @ColinSeebach @kotarak #wmfra Done:
- @kringkaste @benjamin the static blogs broke pingbacks :-(
- @powtac Na klar. Um 8-Bit Music damit zu machen!
- 2.0
- The Killing of OBL:
- @calibanatspace Bester Film 2014. Dieses Jahr: Ex-Machina.
- @coding_nerd
- @coding_nerd Oh. I ignored that Mac Part :-)
- @Ravetracer @calibanatspace ich habe entschlossenen den Teil mit der Liebe zu ignorieren.
- That's how it's supposed to be: - a SME selling tiled stoves has registerd a second domain for his homepage. #dotHIV
- @coding_nerd I have the Cherry one but it got banned from Zentrale because of the noise.
- @coding_nerd We'll it depends on the colleagues. I wouldn't mind.
- This is his castle.
- So, @wmfra has accepted my talk proposal. Meet me there on June 8th. I'll be talking about my understanding of the work as a software dev.
- Venture capital is not free money. It’s debt. And then some This article is a good explanation of "Valuation", too.
- @coding_night Yes please, @TeamFintura would like to support you a little.
- @hr Gut da?
- Let's do some gardening!
- @hr und wie ist das Essen so?
- \m/
- @pfhllnts Schlierbach.
- @airbone42 Absolutely, but I'll be on vacation then.
- Working life no longer fits within a 9-5 and new talent will increasingly expect flexibility in the way work is done.
- @wonderb0lt wb
- My Lenovo X230 broke today: … let's see if that on location service contract is worth it's money.
- @philiphubs They should arrive tomorrow. I'll keep you updated … you might be able to pick them up next week,
- @jen_star das einzige was da bei mir kreischt ist die Kreissäge ...
- @jen_star das versuchen die sich auch selber zu versichern. Wer bestellt denn Kanthölzer oder Laminat online?!
- Komisch. Kein Straßenmusiker da. #tatort #bornheim
- @jthos das macht die russische Startup-Szene:
- #RheinMainRocks sticker: Eliminating guesswork as much as possible.
- @jen_star Juhu! \o/
- @jen_star Klar. Es ist sogar eine kleine Überraschung für euch drin!
- @stefanopitz Es geht noch krasser:
- @jen_star Delivered to KRUZINGER ;-D
- #RheinMainRocks stickers have arrived. I'll post the pickup dates today! 1st one: Wed, May 20th 6pm @zentrale_ffm …
- @airbone42 There is #techleadsffm … and I am sponsoring @frontend_rm so I already am between a hard place and a rock.
- @jen_star schon geklebt?
- Well deserved @getCOBI! Your execution is flawless. #RheinMainRocks
- Wow! @ZDFinfo This is pure nerd gold! #scifi #robots
- Is Not Neutral, Not Secure, and Not the Internet
- Support ticket created. I only had to create two new accounts … #lenovo
- Love it! No more titles @mayflowerphp :
- @mayflowerphp Uns bei @TeamFintura auch, wir wollen es eigentlich von Anfang an richtig machen …
- @Roritharr I think Windows is the problem. I have no problems using Chromium on Linux. I'm never closing it all day.
- With that extensive damage on-location support is not possible (only if keyboard or display were affected). Free pickup, though. #lenovo
- The first #RheinMainRocks stickers are appearing in the wild!
- @benjamin @mayflowerphp there is some truth to that. One of the first things I did was to exactly describe what is expected from each level.
- @benjamin @mayflowerphp Having levels also serves as a protective buffer for the not so experienced.
- Apple got it right offering the MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM.
- is a good one. Long, but with a lot of great tips. #techlead
- @schinkenstrudel no.
- @BjoernSchotte @benjamin for each level of seniority I want to see certain behavior that I feel is the foundation for a great team.
- @BjoernSchotte @benjamin Yes. But they need a clear guide to make a good decision relative to the ones before.
- @ulope Do you want to use it as a server? I rarely scratch my 8GB … so for me 16GB is just a lazyness buffer.
- Those are the beautiful #RheinMainRocks stickers by @stickermule:
- Wohnungsmarkt #Frankfurt (Sinnbild):
- @ulope yeah, given what you do, I understand that you'd need way more.
- @schinkenstrudel more than 16GB is probably only a feature a few customers would appreciate …
- Priceless: Having a #damnyouautocorrect goldmine in the team.
- @ulope @schinkenstrudel I don't know any laptop that currently offers more than 16GB RAM. Do you?
- @stickermule Thank you for being awesome!
- @XING_de you can do better!
- That MailChimp send button always gives me a rush.
- Critical ext4 data corruption bug #ft
- @schinkenstrudel @ulope Sure? I looked up all vendors and none of them had a 32 GB option.
- @schinkenstrudel @ulope max 16GB acc. to the specs
- "Techniker hat Kunde kontaktiert." Von wegen. #lenovo
- @ThorstenHahn wer hat denn die Pitches gewonnen?
- @ThorstenHahn Thanks for letting us know!
- @benniki Of course the heart rate is tightly coupled to the number of recipients …
- @herrherrmann @calibanatspace Wartet mal, bis ihr die große Version seht!
- Telco Zero!
- .@frontend_rm is about to start.
- .@frontend_rm here is the link to our job board: #frontend #jobs #javascript #angularjs #mocha #karma
- Yes, he is listening to @netzartist, too. #frontendrm
- Use to #tdd your #css! #frontendrm #ft
- Now @herzflimmern about SVG icons. Amp up the resolution, baby! #frontendrm
- @herzflimmern should look into
- For @dothiv I've used … #frotendrm @herzflimmern
- @airbone42 @phpugffm I'll offer a talk in a few month: "After 15 years of PHP I converted to Node.JS."
- Fascinating: frontend devs are way more communicative then backend devs. #frontendrm
- He <3 it that @zentrale_ffm is so dog friendly!
- Xerox is messing with your documents:
- @aevolu Nein. Habe schon beim Support einen Hinweis deswegen hinterlassen.
- @aevolu Nein, nur die normale.
- @svenkaemper hier kannst Du schonmal üben:
- @DeinBus ;-D Keine Angst, ich bin noch mit genug anderen E-Mail-Adressen eingetragen …
- Breaking news: The next chapter of @dotHIV: | FAQ is here: #dothiv #newgtlds
- Indepth explanation of promises: - I'm a rookie again, so I needed this! #ft
- @philiphubs Yes, I've posted all the details on startnext and alos here on twitter …
- @philiphubs sad to hear. Where are you? #RheinMainRocks can reach far places.
- #RheinMainRocks sticker in pictures:
- @coding_nerd you'll find some @zentrale_ffm!
- Florida Agency Classifies Uber Driver As Employee
- #lenovo failed me the whole week to arrange for a repair appointment for my X230.
- There are two great alternatives: and …
- Our cat is eating cereals ...
- So, I want to test REST endpoints in a Node.js app … what should I use? #tdd #ft
- I talked to @FAZ_RheinMain about the local startup ecosystem: Ask yourself: do we have to be Berlin? #RheinMainRocks
- It's weird that the @asana android app ignores that tags exist. I'm really disappointed with the overall small feature set of this app.
- @redpandacan @FAZ_RheinMain bei mir geht's ...
- We have people doing good work! But there are those who try to maximize their profit while "supporting" startups.
- @MichaGrupp mich stören gescheiterte Gründungsberater die ohne Fachwissen aber mit großer SoMe Kompetenz Startups den Erfolg verbauen.
- Mit @insite_feedback sammelst bearbeitest und diskutierst du gemeinsam im Team über #Feedback direkt auf der #Website
- @insite_feedback wir habrn bei @TeamFintura noch keinen BugTracker für unserer Nutzer ... Ich würde euch gerne mal testen.
- @insite_feedback schon gemacht (vor 40 Minuten) …
- @dc7590 I can do registration on Google I/O /cc @calibanatspace
- @dc7590 @calibanatspace what about @jke and @FreXxX and @ColinSeebach ?
- the responsibility we have as software engineers
- @herzflimmern FCK TRN BTL
- @jezenthomas there is an enormous difference between using GMOs for the profit of one company or the public. The first must be fought!
- critical fix for a potential data corruption issue in PostgreSQL 9.3 and 9.4 #ft
- He's the boss. #wandertag
- #wandertag
- EU dropped pesticide laws due to US pressure over TTIP, documents reveal
- So much nature. So much Odenwald. #wandertag
- @jensdwo nichts was Du bei Twitter postest kannst Du als geheim betrachten. Die Nachrichten werden via SSL verschlüsselt übertragen.
- @CarolinW @penn_y_lane @Marv2punkt0 @jke @schwarzwildinfo @Seb666 Next one is just around the corner, and I'm happy to be part of it again!
- Gender is a slider:
- Pickup scheduled for today! #lenovo was not able to send emails to my [email protected] email address. #universalacceptance is still a problem.
- @bugtrackers go away. You are just spam.
- Picked up. #lenovo
- The point is: they will remove passwords in the future altogether.
- Zero-downtime Postgres migrations - the hard parts #ft
- @calibanatspace dein MTA sendet komische PGP Nachrichten. Ich bekomme die nicht entschlüsselt mit MailDroid. Und mein Laptop ist gerade weg.
- @calibanatspace PGP verschlüsseln aber über Twitter ankündigen ist ja auch ein wenig absurd.
- @calibanatspace sendest Du PGP/MIME?
- @calibanatspace und gleich ist der Akku am Nexus 7 alle.
- OMG. @dschaefer93 schau mal auf und komm nach Offenbach. Zusammen mit Jobticket sparst Du viel Geld.
- Yay! Got my room for @socrates_2015! Looking forward being at the best conference.
- @coding_nerd I bet only a few of those in need have a decent job description.
- @coding_nerd They need to write something compelling. Because devs get so many requests, they'll look for something concrete first.
- @coding_nerd Yes. Indeed. You can also point those looking to this:
- @schinkenstrudel Well. But coders are lazy. So they pick the low hanging fruits.
- Are there any "innovative" mobile phone providers in Germany. That have things like mailbox to email, SIP support?
- @schinkenstrudel They are lazy because they tend to be introverts. And the have a lot of offers.
- @coding_nerd They search for a cofounder because they can't afford a CTO. And a CTO needs a team / which is not seed stage. That a conflict.
- @schinkenstrudel Yes, I've met coders that were so lazy that it hurt to see the kind of shit they kept dealing with.
- @schinkenstrudel Bad working conditions, overtime, no structure.
- We closed down registration for #goigleio @gdgrheinmain for now. Ping us if you need a lift.
- Very insightful talk by @benjamin about his leadership hacks #googleio #gdgrheinmain
- Damn. I don't have NFC in my FairPhone. So no Android Pay for me. #googleio
- #googleio is packed #gdgrheinmain #rheinmainrocks
- Now its @CloudRail's queue: IoT device communication is a mess #googleio
- @herzflimmern natürlich nicht. Aber die Zahlterminals werden sicher schnell nachgerüstet, wenn auch Android geht.
- All your photos in the Google Cloud. They run it through their deep neural learning network. Fast lane at the airport for you. #GoogleIO2020
- It's #GoogleIO2015 and still no news on native support for PGP encryption.
- Now I see why 3D VR like Oculus will be huge: your body reacts physically. In 2D I don't have that.
- @benjamin Yes, the @zentrale_ffm colors really add a nice touch!
- I have nothing to wear for work today: my Linux laptop is being repaired.
- @YassinHankir
- Like i said:
- Nice! #cck15 used trello as their session planning tool. We should really try this, too for @bc_rm @intocommerce
- One month into my new job as the CTO at Fintura #futureofwork
- @jke Catch-22
- Cool! a winning idea @TEDxRheinMain #datanauts is which is exactly what I asked them to build:
- Reddit's company core values:
- #Offenbach
- @lsmith I hear you. We are looking into this, too. is hosted is in CH
- @lsmith but if you compare it to Google expect to be disappointed.
- @lsmith openx has one which works okay for simple documents and spreadsheet. You need MS Office nevertheless.
- @lsmith has no office package but the calendar+mail+contacts solution is very good
- @lsmith there might be a hosted Office 365 in CH ...
- Scaling Wix to 60M Users - From Monolith to Microservices #ft
- Yesterday's best-practices are today's HTTP/2 anti-patterns #ft
- What a beauty! And it's electric!
- @DBHackathon Der Entfernungsrechner für Fahrvergünstigungen wäre mal ein Kandidat für eine kleine Android-App im Rahmen eines Hackathons
- @powtac Ja, schon gesehen, Heidelberg ftw! Ich habe mich mal auf die Probefahrt-Liste gesetzt. Leider keine integrierte Lichanlage.
- @Ookami86 Did I recommend Old Mens War to you? Unfortunately I lent out my copy.
- @Ookami86 I have the next 3 books in that series as hardcopy here.
- Fascinating where pictures you make and put under cc license end up:
- Gentrification visualized:
- @Ookami86 oh boy. Business and personal?
- @jannisborgers "Show me all Spätis in Berlin". No term at all, actually. That map lists all Spätis (7-Elevens) in Berlin.
- Improving the Startup Weekend Experience: - this year at @swrheinmain!
- @Danatur_ Hm. Ich kann mich gar nicht erinnern. Es gab Teams die haben englisch gesprochen. Und ich glaube die orga-Themen waren auch EN.