In November 2015 I've tweeted 301 times
My Twitter archive of November 2015
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for November 2015.
- So, the wiring on my revolights broke after less than a year. Can't recommend. Let's see how the warranty turns out.
- @dasKerst @wemo_da bin schon sehr gespannt!
- @revolights OK, will do tomorrow.
- I'm driving from #ffm to #wemoda via @flinc:
- @Marv2punkt0 Guten Flug euch zwei!
- @airbone42 have you looked at … it has more "views" to manage your tasks. The "sprint" view might by useful for you.
- @GerdAschemann Es gibt AFAIK kaum große OS-Projekte die komplette server-seitige Anwendungen sind.
- @GerdAschemann Ich hab das bei @dotHIV gemacht, ist OS und der code ist hier: … Tech.Doc:
- @GerdAschemann Ja, das war upfront als Monolith geplant …
- @ewolff @GerdAschemann Richtig. Das löst ein ganz spezielles Business-Problem.
- Waiting in line for the first #wemoda
- #centralstation is packed with #wemoda.
- Found a front row seat. #wemoda
- @airbone42 I don't know if they ever had 400 participants.
- .@aenscha opens up the first #wemoda with a talk about design thinking. #dt
- #dt teams are interdisciplinary which is great for discovering surprising insights during the exploration phase of a project. #wemoda
- Test your ideas with super simple prototypes. Can be paper or made with legos. Quick turnaround on feedback is important! #dt
- Important aspects of successful #dt projects: Management buy in. The process most be supported from the top. #wemoda
- How to convince your bosses to use #dt: Solve their problems with design thinking. #wemoda
- Teams need coaches that guide teams through the design thinking process. SAP has >300 #dt coaches for 20k development staff. #wemoda
- There is not much theory to learn for #dt. Teams need to experience it in hands-on trainings. #wemoda
- Learn from your customers to discover constraints that you weren't aware of. #dt #wemoda
- .@aenscha: Design is a behaviour not a department. Great insights on the #dt process at SAP. #wemoda
- Teams and projects need flexible but permanent physical spaces to ensure ongoing collaboration. #dt #wemoda
- @stadtkindFFM Hallo!
- Thomas Pleil tells us what's necessary to adapt curriculums to the ever changing world of communication. #wemoda
- @a_socialpreneur @qundg gibt es den auch als Bausatz? Da wären sicher einige daran interessiert!
- .@tp_da bases his curriculum on open works by @mozilla like the web literacy map:
- Digital communication is so complex that you need to ensure students learn a broad range of topics. #wemoda
- #wemoda is the best filmed #webmontag ever.
- Learning out loud ensures that what you do during your study gets part of your certificate. #wemoda
- is the source code of the @GerSaysWelcome project which aims to provide a portal app for #refugees. #wemoda
- .@jkleske talking about #futureofwork. #wemoda
- #automation will eventually lead to basic income this time. #futureofwork #wemoda
- Your next boss can be an algorithm. #futureofwork #wemoda
- Technology is used to strip workers of their powers. This calls for new digital unities. #futureofwork #wemoda
- Yes, that happens. I can speak from experience.
- Algorithms will more and more invade whole markets and optimize them for their profits. This is not sustainable in a long term but many
- will fall victim. We as the technology avantgarde need to be aware of the groundwork we are laying today. #wemoda #futureofwork
- Thanks to the sponsors for making #wemoda a thing!
- Great teamwork @CAMAO_AG @qundg et al! #wemoda
- #RheinMainRocks on the #wemoda map.
- Yes! Thanks so much to @wemo_da for taking so good care of us!
- Bla bla bla. #magento
- Good article explaining Feature Flag-Driven Development via @launchdarkly I prefer this of feature branches!
- #javascript Note: 'u/d' is 'undefined'
- @Marv2punkt0 @kamilleblumm und ich sind dabei!
- Wow. Recruiters. They never fail to let you down.
- @elmasry2moataz Well, they didn't show up for the appointment without notice.
- @bommeljogi aus anderen Gründen wären auch auch an der Liste interessiert …
- @jke das sind nur rote Pixel.
- Material Icons: #OpenSource and CC-BY licensed
- .@JustsoSoftware did you know @nounproject:
- That's all it needs: "Do your best. We trust you." I can work with that! #futureofwork
- is a good writeup about how many false assumptions are out there regarding the success of #startups.
- At next week's @techettes_ffm event @triplesense talks about Human Centered Design: Location is: @zentrale_ffm
- .@CloudRail aims to be an abstraction layer between your app and any #API. No more dealing with upstream changes!
- @Tutanota_de Ich fänds super, wenn ihr eure Clients um eine Chat-Funktion erweitert. Ist ja quasi wie Mails. Gibt's da Pläne?
- @Seb666 SoloShot kann halt auch vertikal schwenken.
- One does not simply lay down a bottle of Federweißer.
- Doing some UI sketches. Great that we have all these tools @zentrale_ffm!
- @AnnaMelitta Her mit den Fragen!
- My friend @EVEJAYDEsign is available for new projects. If you are looking for an interim #marketing and #brand expert or CMO ping her!
- @EVEJAYDEsign your skills are to much for Twitter!
- @fhemberger
- @tfriedrich @stefanopitz wo kann man Bugs reporten?
- @tfriedrich @mibi61 ich wünsche mir UTF-8: #opendata
- As seen on @wmfra ... @gomiwalk
- @kringkaste schreib einfach, dass ihr für Vertraulichkeit der auf dem FTP abgelegten Inhalte keine Verantwortung übernehmt.
- @alexschnapper wer überwacht hier eigentlich die Menschen, die nach Frankfurt fahren und laufen?
- #Fintech in UK and Germany according to a student of Entrepreneurship at the @uni_wue:
- @wonderb0lt
- @benjamin ;-)
- @dc7590 Slides?
- @dc7590 Yes, sounds like fun!
- @dc7590 I need to know your goal first. How about we meet for this at next Foundershub? / you can spotlight it there
- @dc7590 IMO we have that infrastructure already. There are no patrons out there who will support this unconditionally. The first one funding
- @dc7590 will set the stage for the following sponsers. There is no such thing as free lunch.
- Cooking for tomorrow because red cabbage is better when heated the second time.
- I'm fremdschäming right now so hard because of @GOettingerEU #savethelink
- looks like a very promising modern successor to IRC. Simple HTTP API for general purpose distributed messaging.
- Todo before breakfast:
- Yay! is now secured by a #letsencrypt certificate! Super easy to set up. Probably the first @dotHIV domain!
- #ssllabs score A+:
- Is there an HTML templating language that uses HTML tags for it's logic? <body> <p><echo var="mydata"></p> <include file="snippet.hml"> ?
- @fonzygruen Yes, angular can do this. But I want it on the server side.
- @kcirtapw not exactly. I hate it that templating engines for HTML destroy the valid syntax. Uncool: <ul> {{ for item in list }} <li>
- .@kcirtapw I'm looking for a templating engine where the syntax is valid html5.
- @kringkaste dann kommt z.b. die IDE nicht mehr durcheinander beim Syntax Highlighting, parsen, auto-formatieren.
- @wonderb0lt HessischePolizei?
- @fonzygruen @kcirtapw @powtac @salmto @kringkaste @dc7590 @chautzi @kotarak This is the closest match I've found:
- has launched and already lists 182,202 #coaches in Germany. I'm one of them:
- Inspiring videos at the @Avaaz job page: #futureofwork
- @Marv2punkt0 habe heute Flip-Flops gesichtet …
- @jke Haten?
- @dc7590 well, we don't keep tabs. So maybe it did?
- Had a gt great evening @zentrale_ffm playing board games. I discovered which is awesomely creative and relaxing!
- @dc7590 which one?
- @dc7590 but we are safe financially and we will have a great time in Bingen. I'm happy with the current status!
- @calibanatspace Nee, meine Lieblings-Open-Source-Version ist aktuell
- Pro tip: always wear a helmet. Projects you from your own stupidity!
- @SilviaHundegger I was cycling real fast and missed a curb while changing from street to bike lane. Hit a post with the helmet.
- @SilviaHundegger otherwise just some scratches ;-)
- @dc7590 @calibanatspace @dirkprimbs Do it!!
- @Marv2punkt0 Wie Mr. Bean?
- @benjamin Ja ;-) Alles noch dran!
- @geektoor @calibanatspace I'm available for freelance work starting January. Ping me with some details at [email protected] ...
- @Ookami86 Ja! Das Rad und ich sind noch heile!
- is a sad story shedding some light on what young Syrian refugees are going through.
- @benjamin @dtanzer Cool! I've submitted a talk!
- @kamilleblumm will love this!
- If your strategy is based on an excel sheet and not customer feedback your are running blind.
- @Snowden Here, I fixed that for you:
- @Ravetracer Oder statt dessen eurem Kind eine Spiderman-Maske geben. Sieht bestimmt cool aus auf dem Klassenfoto.
- @othylmann … how much are leaving per month?
- .@Afip_Hessen home of the @wemoof. Quite empty today.
- @c089 yes. Or a small project. Like: build a PDF to thumbnail converter. And look at their questions, approach, commits, etc.
- @rinkkasatiainen oh, I'm so gonna check out flights tomorrow!
- @dc7590 @calibanatspace unsubscribe
- @benjamin @dtanzer See, you there!
- @dc7590 I'm listening …
- I'll be talking @topconfat about what I've learned working with #remote teams: … you can't do it half-way!
- Brother QL-720NW now fully works under #Arch Linux 64 Bit. my packages are in #AUR now: brother-ql720nw-cupswrapper and brother-ql720nw-lpr
- @coderbyheart and
- Tech check-up done. #bcrm15
- Home sweet pizza!
- A high performer works hard in healthy sustainable ways and feels happy and inspired.
- @gr2m just use tool?
- "[Spreadsheets] are about as far as you can get from the ‘thingful’ reality of an object in the world."
- is a very inspiring documentary about the life of digital nomads. #futureofwork
- Nice! @galeriakaufhof (german retailer) is on github with #opensource projects: Their blog:
- I've just switched over @tldHIV's SSL certificate to @letsencrypt … @dotHIV is probably the first TLD registry to join this great effort.
- @BjoernSchotte Topp! Schön auch, dass dein gesagtes in den Notes steht.
- Yay! @mortzu brought me a bunch of new stickers!
- "Dieses Dokument is new" me coding german apps.
- @foofighter75 WAT?1
- @triplesense Einladung einfach via
- @foofighter75 Super! Und alles was fehlt ... ist das nächste Album!
- @ManuelBieh @github … and then again, there are monorepos …
- .@callejonmetal rocks!
- @ManuelBieh @github As always, YMMV but given that microservice archs are tied to more complex deployment I'd try to go mono.
- #IoT won't get better than this:
- I got asked what my one personal superpower is. That question took me by surprise. I still don't have a definitive answer.
- Printing WiFi passes for #bcrm15 ...
- @a_socialpreneur … I doubt that a company is interested in this superpower.
- @pfhllnts … yes. Being a Tech Lead / CTO only works if you have high communication skills. That's a thing I have a talent for.
- @amokleben … unfortunately not at FH Bingen
- I'd like to talk with you about working with #remote teams at this years @bc_rm. Session added to #bcrm15
- This article contains great advice how to lead any group of people in a highly volatile environment: #futureofwork
- @jke @kaboro how should it look after the upgrade?
- manages the cloud services accounts of your team in a central location
- Marketing bullshit is bullshit, even in 3D.
- @thiloginkel @bc_rm unfortunately we don't have live streams, but I'll open a video chat ...
- Boahguette
- "Bachelor of Bibliotheks-& Informationsmanagement"
- Why #Offenbach still needs the @wemoof m(
- @AnnaMelitta hat es schon einen Namen oder reicht "Kugel"?
- On our way to #bcrm15 ... Great weather for a BarCamp!
- Picking up essentials at #bcrm15
- What a view. #bcrm15
- @MattBolton365 Nope. There will be great sessions, so the chance is pretty low anyway!
- @jke Schade! Vielen Dank für die Spende!
- For your orientation. #bcrm15
- .@bartenbach_AG has something prepared for you. #bcrm15
- Our coffee corner is waiting for you. #bcrm15
- ... and more #bcrm15 swag.
- Just around the corner of #bcrm15
- Getting ready for two awesome days at #bcrm15
- @AndyScherzinger I doubt that. Ask @_iKet about the details!
- @Marv2punkt0 @bommeljogi kommt über wir haben Platz und überhaupt of<3u!
- And you?
- @AndyScherzinger I feel for you …
- Good Morning Bingen! #bcrm15
- Off we go! #bcrm15
- @jen_star Türsteher spielen …
- Lunch-time with great food at #bcrm15.
- Bingen looks so pretty! #bcrm15
- Mother of all Steckerleisten! #bcrm15
- @jensdwo @bc_rm In Google Chrome schon.
- @airbone42 @beerplorer Which did you choose?
- Smilies add the extra information needed to understand what you are trying to communicate. Use them a lot! Says @powtac. #remote #bcrm15
- @stefanopitz das sind alles Selbständige.
- @skyfyre Ich habe noch einen Special Supporter Badge für dich … Danke für die Spende!
- @zeitschlag ja, ich wollte über Remote Teams reden, schließe mich gerne an.
- @AnnaMelitta @dasKerst … diesmal aber nicht so spät! Bug in der App gefunden und gleich gefixt.
- @BendlerBlogger @dasKerst … nicht bei dir!
- #bcrm15 check-in photosphere.
- @zeitschlag @enzocalzone Topp!
- #futureofwork is exactly my thing! #bcrm15
- #bcrm15 check-in runs on 3G, because the WiFi isn't working in the hallway. Maybe we can get rid of this WiFi thing next year with 5G.
- @paulinepauline … das wird schwierig bei unseren Locations …
- @mortzu Yesterday 150, today 90.
- #Design vs. #ux (twice). #bcrm15
- Sunny #Bingen :-) #bcrm15
- .@dasKerst explains how @qundg built their creative outlet #bcrm15
- Startup idea from #bcrm15: manage cloud service subscriptions for big corporates, because they can't.
- @hirnrinde @bc_rm Gerne. Das System gibt es bald™ als eigenständige Version: @thenametacker macht den Event-Check-In fix. Ich suche beta-Kd.
- @nochsoeiner @thomasklose Ja, Du kannst es nächste Woche in der @zentrale_ffm abholen.
- @nochsoeiner Ja, bin da.
- "We’ve reached an inflection point. It is still possible that the Dream of Internet Freedom can become true."
- #bcrm15: @blitzbringer screens the Augenhöhe movie @socialimpactlab Frankfurt. #futureofwork #trust
- @NicolaAppel @bullenscheisse
- @mattsches klappt wunderbar. [email protected] läuft darüber.
- Wow! #nodejs is favoured by the makers of the most widely used software for websites in the world.
- outlines some techniques useful to build software following #lean principles.
- @AndyScherzinger but oftentimes you never reach the "fuel" AKA number of users to go up in flames. It also says: don't do stupid things.
- @AndyScherzinger what I especially like is this: the v2 takes twice the time or longer to build. Because you already incorporate feedback.
- @AndyScherzinger which means you can't get it right the first time :-)
- @AndyScherzinger
- .@nerddream is calling all #Makers for the 3rd MAKE RHEIN MAIN in January: #rheinmainrocks
- @zeitschlag fyi
- #krankfurt
- Mobile web in 2015. @Horizont
- Next up on my reading list: #techleadsffm
- @SamirTalwar Yes, I was thinking: WTF are they doing there?!
- @benjamin Let's see. I'm looking for some insights managing people with more diverse roles than just tech.
- There is always #RheinMainRocks around me:
- RDB is a #nodejs with a nice API (which I find much nicer compared to Sequelize):
- It feels so wrong that the first question is: "will you move for this job". WhyTF do I have to move for a job these days?! #futureofwork
- @Marv2punkt0 Hab letztes Jahr eine für 150 € verkauft (zwei Controller).
- @Marv2punkt0 Das war die erste Version mit 80GB.
- @Marv2punkt0 die ist wohl recht beliebt, weil die noch den PS2-Emulator hatte und Linux drauf lief.
- @elmasry2moataz I encourage you to look into the Repository Pattern ( which encapsulates your persistence strategy.
- @airbone42 from my experience … UGs don't communicate much online. Twitter + Mailinglist is enough.
- @elmasry2moataz … and: why are you looking for an alternative to sequelize?
- @luebken it's harder to communicate about tech topics if your team is not all tech. I imagine Intel had this (engineers, marketing, biz).
- @luebken @benjamin by "managing" I mean facilitating their collaboration.
- @luebken Yes. Tech is at the end of the chain and is used/required to understand all aspects of the business. Not so business / marketing.
- @luebken meaning: business / marketing usually don't need to understand all tech aspects.
- @luebken Full ACK! But I have this ATM and it really is a problem I'm facing every day. I'd like to add sth to my toolbelt in case it …
- @luebken … happens again at my next gig.
- @luebken will do!
- @benjamin @luebken have you showed them ?
- Greentech will feed us in the future-better then your local farmer will be able to.
- @ffm365 Nee, das ist mir zu kalt zum Duschen!
- @skyfyre @marick Yes: plain JSON.
- @skyfyre @marick only the whole #Nodejs world.
- Your chance to work at the most beautiful office space in #Frankfurt. #Coworking how it's meant to be!
- @dc7590 @bc_rm @norbertgilles It's #opensource so, yes you can!
- @dc7590 technically yes. But I don't see where this project fits the association's constitution. @norbertgilles
- @nochsoeiner bin jetzt weg. Morgen?
- @nochsoeiner bin nur bis 1530 da, Abends ist bestimmt jemand anders da.
- @a_socialpreneur kostet wahrscheinlich drölftausend €?
- CTO breakfast. #techleadsffm
- @mozilla the Thunderbird release notes are 404:
- After a private #microservices talk @savedroidAG now at the premiere of @sfugfra ...
- It's a random thursday and you can choose between @sfugfra @StartupGrindFra and even more events to go to in our region! #RheinMainRocks
- @dennisoehme @juitde Geht erst um 1930 los.
- @airbone42 Hätte ich nichts dagegen …
- @dennisoehme @juitde Jetzt eröffnet @Ravetracer …
- @dennisoehme @juitde Jetzt Vorstellungsrunde …
- @coderbyheart we can add #startupclub to the list:
- Windows Shell. m( #sfugfra
- Robert Gies from @CocomoreAG presents his RAD bundle for #symfony2 @sfugfra: #sfugfra
- lists #agile events in Germany.
- @matthiaspatz No but the questions asked are really good! @theteamcanvas
- This is great:
- @philiphubs @MattBolton365 we have MainRaum, Kompass, Ostpol. All of those offer affordable office space for teams.
- @philiphubs @MattBolton365 It's true though that we lack a central hub, places like The Factory or Ritterstraße in Berlin.
- @philiphubs @MattBolton365 … @zentrale_ffm is awesome for meetups, so if #Bornheim amps up on the team office space front, that would be A+!
- @AnnaMelitta Akku raus und auf die Heizung legen, geht auch,
- @ChristaGoede @NZZ Man darf Parteienwerbung nicht grundsätzlich ablehnen …
- @AnnaMelitta … ach, sorry. iPhone.
- @akkrause auf jeden Fall, das Format nennt sich OpenSpace und funktioniert auch Themen-spezifisch:
- @airbone42 Don't do Wireframes. Directly build working HTML prototypes. Bootstrap is great! But if you must insist: try @weld_io
- @airbone42 … the Google Drive Draw app is great for this. It has real-time collaboration and all shapes neccessary. Used it during my study.
- Plan for today: choosing cookie recipes. Winter is coming.
- "Following workplace norms may limit what we bring to an organization." - an analysis about what's wrong in corps.
- .@merckgroup wants to strengthen the rhein-main #startup eco-system, too: #rheinmainrocks
- Instead of embracing the chance to work with your employees on equal terms @Goodgamestudios just fires the ones that want to make their
- workplace better: … They will learn where this leads. Bad reputation on platforms like @kununu und @GlassdoorDE.
- @AnnaMelitta Ich sammel gerade zusammen: … Bilder folgen dann die Tage.
- My broken @revolights have been refunded by @Galaxus_de … Thanks, the service is awesome, but the product not so much.
- @airbone42 Oh, I tried once and it also was a good option. I can code, so not for me.
- @AnnaMelitta und noch dazu:
- @AnnaMelitta ist glaube ich mein erstes Mal!
- @ScherfDaniela … Plan für's Wochenende!
- "In the next 60 months, the European automotive industry has to say goodbye to the internal combustion engine"
- .@martinfowler about productivity of #remote teams compared to co-located teams: Remote provides competitive adv.
- @projectshelter_ könnt ihr solche Turnbeutel gebrauchen? Wir haben vom #bcrm15 noch welche übrig. /CC @Marv2punkt0
- Winter has some great vegetables to offer, too!
- @saschadieter we still have not found a good recipe for them. Any suggestions?
- @saschadieter and nothing else on the side?
- @ToH_82 @airbone42 @yousefcisco I only use npm + Makefile for all the things. Grunt is just syntactic sugar, bower is dead.
- @bommeljogi
- That one turned out great! Filled it with raisins soaked in rum, almonds, dried cranberries and apricots.
- @airbone42 what's the problem?
- @lsmith while developing on feature branch you regularly git rebase against master.
- Nice! @twitter is offering login via email:
- @saschadieter That's not so bad given that it's the equivalent of a password stored in your email inbox …
- @LukasRosenstock would work for me, It feel that this is a good balance. The number should not change, though.
- Schmuckeremit?! @Marv2punkt0 was geht da? #tatort
- With @coinsph teller app, everyone with a smartphone can be an ATM:
- @c089 we have a separate config git repo
- @StartupGrindFra … die sind für verschiedene Gerichte, die ich diese Woche koche.
- @StartupGrindFra Feldsalat: einfach mit einer Sauce aus Senf, Olivenöl, Ahornsirup, Balsamico-Essig, Salz und Pfeffer. Dazu geröstete Nüsse.
- @StartupGrindFra Man spricht doch nicht mit vollem Mund!
- .@dotHIV has a new home @uniregistry: … The click-counter has been updated, too.
- @muhdiekuh I'm oopen for freelance work starting January. Can you send me some details to [email protected]?
- .@soehnemannheims are supporting @dothiv with their new song Sunshine: #WAD2015
- Great article about #leadership: it's OK to give coworkers negative feedback, if you care!