In December 2015 I've tweeted 206 times
My Twitter archive of December 2015
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for December 2015.
- @dc7590 @norbertgilles Corporate events != culture IMHO
- @bommeljogi landet das wegen Text und Bild gleich auf dem Index, oder ist das inzwischen legal?
- The best tool to solve algorithms.
- @ManuelBieh you can get the version string via git describe; e.g.: git describe | awk -F - '{ print substr($1, 2); }'
- Cool! A conference some of us Germans can claim free vacation for.
- @mortzu how to grow and shrink the matrix if you add or remove rows and cols
- @c089 but that is the gist of the other tweet.
- Product idea: mouse with vibrating alert tied to your smartphone. Because I usually miss calls because my phone is silent.
- @airbone42 @FrankfurtJS Unfortunately I won't. I have a telco with LA tonight.
- @airbone42 @FrankfurtJS It's is just a city in a way off timezone.
- .@CookiesApp_ is not new. There was @avuba and it didn't work out either. You can't live off a few cents transaction fees. #fintech
- @CookiesApp_ … I have no use for you.
- @CookiesApp_ I just give them cash. If we eat out. We pay individually. Works like a charm.
- @jofreund @AndyScherzinger I don't wear a watch anymore.
- @AndyScherzinger … but I don't want it to ring …
- It's finally here: easy to use end-to-end encrypted messaging on your phone AND your desktop with @whispersystems:
- #dinner #nofilter
- @coderbyheart there is this bracelet:
- .@SixtDE und von euch jetzt bitte was in lustig!
- If you take your work seriously you also need to do this for your vacation. #organizations #futureofwork
- @alexschnapper die Kamera auf der A661 ist wieder weg. Weißt Du was darüber?
- Brilliant!
- @tomww @AugenhoeheFilm @startupradioDE @socialimpactlab Ich gehe später hin und versuche die Highlights zusammen zu fassen.
- Currently q&a with Uwe from PremiumCola. It takes just one to start a new business with different values. #trustco
- Holocracy requires leaders that are deeply convinced that they need to let go. #trustco
- At premiumcola the hard tasks don't get enough care because everyone has the chance to work on the things they love. #trustco
- @benjamin only if you run it on Linux!
- Trust is built on integrity-especially the one that is expressed during a crisis. #trustco
- Simpler products are better comparable for creating an equal pay scheme. Having equal pay for everybody removes a lot of friction. #trustco
- Work time flexibility has a huge potential for facilitating burnout. It's important to clarify the expected output per role. #trustco
- "Where is the motherfucking escalator?"
- abstracts your #REST #API into simple to use model based interactions:
- Good idea!
- .@whispersystems' Signal Desktop works great on Linux! <3 the message sync between devices!
- @sascha_knobloch …try running Linux on MBP m-(
- .@heytribe looks like the perfect tool for distributed teams: quick async video chat #remote #futureofwork
- @HeyTribe I'm not receiving my SMS verification token … Because I'm on +49?
- @HeyTribe the Fairphone 1st Gen.
- @wmfra Hier fehlt der Hinweis: "Dauerwerbesendung".
- @Ravetracer @heiglandreas warum willst Du es denn abgeben?
- @Ravetracer @heiglandreas Hast Du mal deine Nutzer gefragt?
- @zenmate your German page has some encoding issues...
- @haraball Thanks. At PremiumCola they sometimes agree that a decision should be made by just one person. Also you can't scale holocracy.
- @haraball so I agree. If an organization gives the hierarchy to itself based on merit and doesn't make this permanent, it's good!
- @ldesserrey @HeyTribe Done. Thanks for looking into this.
- @saschadieter @Marv2punkt0
- @herzflimmern URL vom Reise-Blog?
- So simple. And so good!
- Super simple and yummy. If you like Mozartkuglen, go for it!
- Those are delicious. But we failed with the chocolate icing. Also they need to stay in the fridge … Won't do again.
- @c089 … I wonder if it will be preceded by a similar horrible discussion we had for PHP …
- @ttaubert … we have this at FRA as long as I can remember (pre 9/11). It's standard equipment for customs police.
- { …, "scripts": { "postinstall": "type espeak > /dev/null 2>&1 && espeak \"npm install is done.\"", }, … }
- Install espeak and let #npm notify you, once it has finished downloading the internet:
- @c089 The worst battle of ideologies I've witnessed so far. A core contributor quit over it
- @coderbyheart improved: "{ type espeak >/dev/null 2>&1 && espeak \"npm install is done. Get back to work\"; } || { return 0; }",
- @savedroidAG checkout out @gigil_app:
- .@SANIDcom is looking for #mobile developer: #android and #ios, they are also open for mid-level applicants! #jobs
- @mortzu @taigaio tut's nicht auf mobile?
- @stadtkindFFM dann hängt Frankfurt ja bald wieder voll von illegalen Plakaten.
- expect(sth).to.depp.equal(exp); #germanscoding
- Phone telco + muted video chat for screensharing. So 2015!
- I've been using it for a new project for three weeks and it's looking great already!
- WTF @kununu This ad can't be closed.
- @benjamin that's my current status ;-)
- @airbone42 @stripe @PayPal Also, brilliant integration and dashboard. Loved using it for @dotHIV.
- @mattsches @mailbox_org Geht! Du hast dann mehrere separate Inboxen. Links im Posteingang: "E-Mail-Account hinzufügen."
- @mattsches … ach so rum meinst Du das. … Nein, mehrere Mailboxen pro gibt es nur im Business-Tarif.
- @mattsches aber wenn es unbedingt sein muss, nimm halt zwei Accounts?
- YESPLEASE! #remote #futureofwork
- Preferred work location: Slack.
- Sad and beautiful documentation about @GazaParkour ...
- @Ravetracer @Flocke … Themes für WP, BS etc. gibt es ab 0 €. 99 € ist eher obere Grenze. Aber diese kommen vom BS team selber, daher ist
- @Ravetracer @Flocke die Qualität vermutlich sehr gut. Und frag dich mal: wie lange brauchst Du, um das selber zusammen zu bauen?
- @Paratron … so is @WeAreKiss a distributed team?
- @Paratron … cool. I'm looking for a new team and what I read at sounds great. Are you in for a coffee @zentrale_ffm?
- Why you shouldn’t bother creating a mobile app:
- @skyfyre besser als live deploy take 8!
- @Paratron well, Fintura didn't turn out to be a good place for me: … I'm done next week.
- @airbone42 @giantswarm What's wrong with that? The pricing? If you want IaaS on AWS checkout
- @rradczewski @SlackHQ … the pros use their own IRC client with more sophisticated notification rules.
- @airbone42 … you might also want to check out … they have a slightly different approach
- @airbone42 … also can do this. We use it for provisioning our instances.
- Super creepy! 8 minutes very worth watching.
- There is a #coworking desk available @zentrale_ffm … work at an awesome location with great people in #Frankfurt!
- @elmasry2moataz @zentrale_ffm yes, that's possible! Send a mail to [email protected] with details.
- @Paratron cool, let's move over to DMs …
- WTF?!
- @jezenthomas karma is e2e so you won't run this during Dev anyway. These tests are better left to run by the CI server.
- @jezenthomas during dev I use mocha to test the individual parts (service, model) etc.
- @benjamin @rradczewski no, it isn't. Slack is just a nice UI on top of IRC. There is no real innovation besides usability. So it's just
- @benjamin @rradczewski normal that the power-tool for slack is an IRC client. You get the awesome service integrations but more flexibility.
- @jezenthomas well, at some point you want to run the *happy path* through a browser. It's essential for cross browser testing anyway.
- @lsmith I've been doing tree structures for a while with @contentful via collections, but nothing fundamentally has changed there.
- @benjamin @rradczewski it's super great what they did, no way I would question that!
- @lsmith Yes, @contentful still doesn't have that, but building a tree view for all content can be done easily. This can also serve editors.
- @ryanpcmcquen @benjamin @rradczewski @IRCCloud is also a good solution. Slack is currently winning because they abstract away all the tech.
- @lsmith @contentful I need to write a summary, but this template can render content recursively using children:
- @Marv2punkt0 @ffm365 ich weiß welchen du meinst m(
- Current status:
- "We spend lot of time destroying jobs." An interview with @SamirTalwar about being a software developer.
- #blackforestrocks
- .@twitter please add "swipe left to read later".
- @Marv2punkt0 da ist bestimmt Papier in dem Plastiksack!
- Transition to #futureofwork organizations (by @thoughtworks):
- @Marv2punkt0 woraus Papier ja gemacht ist :-) #mülltonnenlogik
- @asdofindia @thoughtworks "planning" is not entirely bad either. I think what matters is that the idea is understood.
- @asdofindia doing sth. in private means it's hidden. Which is the opposite of transparency. I think it's a sensible choice.
- @jke many links to email clients: via
- I'll be speaking about what it needs to make #remote teams work. They are here to stay and everyone will benefit!
- Please welcome @morgler as my 1,000th follower. Expect more #futureofwork and less #fintech in the future.
- @benjamin it's a good idea to put ones energy where it has the most impact. And your actions are work will affect you directly in return.
- There is a $80M fund for services built for the Slack platform.
- Im replacing JAVA with JAVA in my profiles. The latter one has zero-width space between the letters so it won't be picked up in searches.
- @powtac Yes, but XING / LinkedIn won't.
- #techleadsffm
- @dbopendata für viele Open-Data-Portale fehlt eine Möglichkeit strukturiert Feedback zu liefern, das einfach validiert, geprüft und
- @dbopendata integriert werden kann. Mir schwebt schon seit einiger Zeit ein GitHub für strukturierte Daten vor, PRs für Datensätze die mit
- @dbopendata einer einfachen Datenmaske erzeugt werden können. Das hat IMO riesen Potential.
- .@hallo_frankfurt please be good netizens and stop using URL shorteners, prettyplease? You are breaking the net:
- @hallo_frankfurt … dann warte auf die Dritte Meinung ;-)
- @hallo_frankfurt was waren denn die Pro-Argumente?
- Join me in Feb @TopconfAT for a wide range of talks about everything related to sw dev:
- @jke ich mag die generell nicht so, auch eigene nicht. Und Traffic kannst Du doch auf der Website messen.
- @jke was würde das ändern?!
- @Marv2punkt0 ich hab die in der PC Version:
- Eating molten cheese in an igloo on an alp. Tomorrow we'll visit a chocolate factory.
- Why Are Projects Always Behind Schedule? Dec 18, 2015 · 815
- @phpugffm error 500
- @Ravetracer @phpugffm check out @hostedinspace!
- @mailbox_org lädt nicht ...
- @HeyTribe I'm in. The app is great!
- Suisse at it's finest: we've visited a chocolate factory and a medieval village.
- starts a new article series by @thoughtworks giving insights on organizational change management. #futureofwork
- Sexy German wurst!
- Brunch @zentrale_ffm - the champagne is for celebrating my new freedom! #futureofwork and #coworking of course!
- @dc7590 die you talk to @ElectricMaxxx and @mayflowerphp?
- Reminder to self: tomorrow isn't the 24th.
- @ElectricMaxxx one more day to work on @thenametacker and other side projects.
- Unfortunately @nerdhub_cgn was shut down: … the platform had great potential to deliver a hyperlocal event calendar.
- Today I've worked on the hardware part of the @thenametacker MVP: getting the Intel Compute Stick to run Arch Linux.
- @calibanatspace @Ravetracer Infrastruktur-Änderungen sollten sich nicht auf die public API auswirken.
- @olivergierke @calibanatspace JSON-LD?
- My hometown #offenbach has female traffic lights:
- Brainstorming a project name (recipes as a service). What sounds good to you? #leanstartup
- @coderbyheart Unfortunately "Death to Cookbooks" sounds to negative :-)
- Where are all your 3d-printed Christmas tree decorations?!
- After a firmware update the Intel Compute Stick can now boot Arch Linux headless.
- Fixing a 10 year old Laptop. The BIOS battery died.
- #utopia
- @metafoo … also ich würde den nicht mehr nutzen, als Surf-Maschine für die Schwiegermutter ist er aber super.
- That box is ridiculous.
- Google search.
- This could be a great setup for web development: IDE + browser and console on the lower screen. #u3415w
- @coderbyheart so many screws, had to drill one out, but it works again. Display is still good after 10 years and it will probably get Win10.
- Picked up a dead Galaxy Note 8 at my parents and will try to fix it, too. Starting with replacing the battery:
- #wandertag
- The fear of not having enough cake in case of surprise visitors. My wife's grandmother has it.
- @jannisborgers Nein, das ist Oberreifenberg.
- @jannisborgers Ja, sehr idyllisch gelegen. Tolle Häuser mit schönem Blick auf den Wald, kaum Verkehr.
- Need a #microservice that can POST /smtpcredentials POST /template POST /send email with SMTP and template
- @ToH_82 @Kleenex @JustinGuarini I use kitchen wipes...
- #wandertag
- #thingswithfaces #wandertag
- #wetzlar #wandertag
- Happy new yeahr!
- @jke war heute auch 45min. 4 Stunden durch den Wald gleicht das wieder aus.
- Former CEO of DAX organizations: it's nearly impossible to innovate in big corporates. Everything is about power.
- @Marv2punkt0 kennst Du ?
- So … I just made it:
- The force is strong with these bananas!
- "a single Bitcoin transaction uses roughly enough electricity to power 1.57 American households for a day"
- @FellowRabbit … there are some number ins the article about that, too.
- Not afraid of heights!
- @ilpeach would be great to have your analytics device stats syndicated for an advice what you actually need to support.
- Farewell the server that powered @dotHIV throughout our prime time. And thanks to @SKYWAYDC for the great support!
- If you wonder where the name vishnu came from:
- Basically no employer: We offer relocation where you want work. #futureofwork
- @calibanatspace … öhm. Willkommen als erster Follower!
- @calibanatspace Huch … war gar keine Absicht.
- @calibanatspace … der Account folgt dir nicht.
- My #x230 has a new display …
- domain twitter facebook instagram mailchimp trello slack gmail #leanstartup stack
- New wallpaper:
- I'm so not excited to talk to someone I don't know about working for them. 2015 really amped up my reluctance towards people. :-(
- @Marv2punkt0 … @EmrgencyKittens @DailyOtters @DailyDilbert
- @Marv2punkt0 … und wenn es ganz schlimm wird: @9GAGGifs
- Me: Go find us a website theme … She: There are 1000 sites with Themes! … oh, they all look the same. #stateofwebdesign
- @jen_star @Marv2punkt0 zu meinen Klausurzeiten hatte ich zu Hause im Router twitter und 9gag geblockt ;-)
- Thank you @dc7590 for this surprise! #RheinMainRocks
- Nice: free organic food vector icons!
- @LucasMoodyy Currently to have a centralized channel for all notifications (e.g. from Trello, MailChimp, UserLike).
- @haraball … we've picked a nice theme already. Currently stripping away the things we don't need.
- Jetzt kostenlos für die Beta anmelden …
- You can't use https-hosted images for og:image and twitter:image markup … weird. @twitter @facebook
- @ddirkinho @jen_star @elschnet @LucasMoodyy Gefixt! … @MailChimp Kann leider keine sauberes Formular über SSL.
- @ddirkinho @jen_star @elschnet @LucasMoodyy Signup nun direkt via
- @marcoscheel Ja :-) Danke und ist gefixt!
- is dependency injection for #JavaScript inspired by AngularJS 2 and Aurelia.
- Why focus on current problems if you might save hundreds of billion lives in the future? About nerds doing good:
- Because we still love polish food.
- @mortzu post #32c3 blues? Frohes Neues Moritz!