In January 2016 I've tweeted 382 times
My Twitter archive of January 2016
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for January 2016.
- Off to a good start! Happy 2k16!
- @bommeljogi äh, what? Hat da jemand mit den Baseball-Schläger gefeiert?!
- On using paper prototypes: "Uncomplicated tools that are easy to learn invite wider participations but all stakeholders." #joyinc
- This is beautiful: Babies at work @menloinnovation: #futureofwork #joyinc
- @giantswarm @Anna__Loew @TopconfAT ... it's next month ;-)
- I just finished Joy, Inc. and I can highly recommend it: #futureofwork
- I've just release my first #slack bot: fetches information about new #mailchimp subscribers
- I'm writing for @hallo_frankfurt about #fintech and this is a great picture of the bubble:
- @coderbyheart … the drop at the end is just incomplete data for Jan 2016 …
- #ichmusserstmalgarnix A book that helps you organize your year and learn about your real goals in life. Very nice!
- Permanent Identifiers for the Web
- is a pluggable infrastructure for homes. Like camping. Only less flexible.
- @MattBolton365 @hallo_frankfurt are they fundamentally different?
- @lsmith No. "Collections" are a multiple reference field. These have a guaranteed order.
- @lsmith No, the best I have ATM is the usage in e.g. which is …
- @lsmith … that has been briefly closed source, will come back to dothiv. See for the version before.
- @lsmith But I think you should check out which is a simple content site with no business logic using ContentfulBundl
- @lsmith Yes. I'd add that projects requiring power features will eventually add their custom editing solutions built on @contentful
- @lsmith but having @contentful as a backend that works without attention, takes away a great deal of work.
- @lsmith on a side note @contentful advised me that having local caches is not their favored way of using them. But I wntd to limit API usage
- "acceptance of tables" is really high. ;-)
- Oh nice. @googlecloud DNS now has a web interface under Networking in the Cloud Console!
- @benjamin Why not? You look very happy!
- @benjamin I think this is your obligation as head of tech.
- It isn't: m(
- @benjamin Oh, I mean the sharing part.
- "Appsolute Bankfurt" is my first article about the #Fintech scene. Check it out @hallo_frankfurt:
- #Angular2 versus #React: React follows the unix philosophy and is more focused on JavaScript.
- The names of celebrity's child names provide and endless source of server names:
- @RH_Way many of your tweets appear twice ...
- Don't follow your passion, your passion follows you
- @MattBolton365 then I'd say bubble.
- As from next week Internet Explorers 8, 9 and 10 will show and End of Life warning.
- @RH_Way ah, it's the auto-publishing of facebook and linked stories to twitter …
- <marquee>🍔🍔🍝</marquee>
- @SamirTalwar check for a copy&paste config for various webservers.
- Slack's list of core values starts with empathy and courtesy via @RH_Way
- Ditching Scrum for Kanban — The best decision we’ve made as a team:
- Working on my talk about #remote teams at next weeks @wmfra . This is my desk @zentrale_ffm. #futureofwork
- @redpandacan Why? She says that passion comes from affection and feedback you get from others. So everything has the potential to become
- @redpandacan a passion of yours.
- Cool. Shannara is coming to the screen:
- EditorConfig is awesome: "helps developers define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors"
- (German) introduction to … I personally tend to redis all the things currently!
- @ulope they are working on it:
- @haraball @wmfra @zentrale_ffm
- @ulope … ask the developers of the editor of your choice to implement it …
- @ttaubert … great idea to deal with Terminators!
- @calibanatspace @jke … ja @essquare_de war das Konzept.
- Kudos to whoever hacked this city light poster.
- I found some bigos in the freezer!
- @jschirrmacher @calibanatspace @jke @essquare_de Nix. Henne-Ei-Problem: Freelancer wollen hohes Einkommen, ohne dicken Auftrag nicht machbar
- @jschirrmacher @calibanatspace @jke @essquare_de … dicker Auftrag nur mit Profi-Team zu bekommen.
- On my way to Würzburg to document a software project ... That's a first!
- @StartupGrindFra @dc7590 UNSUBSCRIBE
- I think I've successfully implanted someone with #softwarecraftsmanship!
- @DwalbarRockjaw This is the procedure I used: (sorry patched together from a few notes)
- @schinkenstrudel don't be so nosy!
- @mattsches ich vermute du verpasst was \m/
- Be awesome!
- Work #remote at these 76 virtual companies and distributed teams: #futureofwork
- @jke was ist das?!
- If you answer emails after work, you should be getting unlimited vacation via @qz #futureofwork
- Just learned today that the @foofighters did release an EP for free a while back:
- is a very good summary about the discussion during an open-space about leadership. Lots of insights and resources.
- @dc7590 thank you for the promotion. What do you expect from me?
- @dc7590 Yes, even if it is a pain to the eyes ;-)
- @dc7590 Yes. That I can do.
- @dc7590 I've updated the design a little and added the necessary license information to the group description. What do you think?
- Join me Feb 1-3 in Linz for a conference by developers for developers: #futureofwork
- @MattBolton365 @qz Do you have some links regarding this?
- I'm not aware of any full-time job boards that are focused on #remotees in GERMANY like Do you? #followerpower
- @twiecki … yes. But having the same timezone is a plus. And having a german employer has many advantages …
- @MattBolton365 How is performance measured there?
- @unixtippse @kventil Ja, Remote ist vielleicht für 30% das richtige. Fordert aber Firma als gesamtes, sich zu ändern. Das wird oft nicht
- @unixtippse @kventil … gemacht. Ich mache heute beim @wmfra und im Feb bei der @TopconfAT einen Talk über dieses Thema …
- @der_ak @kventil @unixtippse … wenn dein AG so drauf ist, ist vermutlich Remote nicht der Grund. Wenn es kein Vertrauen gibt, macht die
- @der_ak @kventil @unixtippse Arbeite keinen Spaß, egal wo.
- @twiecki Yes, obviously. There are some positions posted on @HackerNews, @stackoverflow and @github by German orgs, but only a few.
- @twiecki Germany has very strict rules protecting workers, and you gaid paid vacation, sick leave etc. If that is in your contract, good!
- @twiecki … yes, but you might run into problems with a foreign employer, then try to sue them …
- @twiecki … yes, more important is a culural match, which is easier to find in local employers and also colleagues.
- @amokleben … Ja, irre. Das Windows-Paket hat 2GB oder so.
- How to fix the missing watercooler … Tonight I'll be talking about challenges working with #remote teams @wmfra
- #32c3 as seen by a non-techie @FranziskaNaja #wmfra
- My slides for the #remote teams talk @wmfra:
- @Virtual_Patrick weißt Du doch!
- @Virtual_Patrick ich hab eine standing invitation for coffee für meine Follower :-)
- @heartcrazed @wmfra ... zu Hause arbeiten kann ich nicht empfehlen. Da sind zu viele Ablenkungen und man sieht keine netten Menschen.
- Very cool summary of my #remote talk! Thanks @photostroller ...
- hackathons everywhere @hronline does the #hrhack #wmfra
- @emsuiko Danke!
- @FranziskaNaja Sorry! Statt Bits&Bytes also Volt und Newton :-)
- @TomasHerzberger Danke!
- @klaaaatuuuu Danke!
- @Virtual_Patrick klar, einfach hier einen Slot buchen:
- @Niklas_L @VaamoTech so, now you are a proper startup :-)
- @HP_Deutschland Lenovo.
- Replying to the new interactive Twitter add format ...
- "Musterverfahrensdokumentation zur Belegablage." #wmfra
- Oh, one of the things I miss because of no @wemoof: Having Tim Karsko over and giving brilliant talks. #wmfra
- .@wmfra … btw. this is my first homepage: @alexschnapper
- Always remember that some client demands are impossible! #wmfra
- The #Offenbach sign is born:
- @herzflimmern @stadtkindFFM @haftoffiziell Kamerakran wäre gerade da :-)
- I'm really sad I did not go to #codefreeze … I mean, look at these pictures! is a #softwarecraftsmanship conf in FI
- @amokleben … hast Du auch schon getestet?
- @amokleben @zentrale_ffm … es gibt "Berater", die Tische hinstellen um ihren Kunden dort Services anzudrehen.
- @amokleben @zentrale_ffm Das ist kein Coworking wie wir es mögen. Der unterschied wird hier aber schnell offensichtlich.
- @lsmith wait … big companies do @github?!
- @amokleben … nee. Wir hatten das mal in der Auswahl zu Slack, sah gut aus, aber zu irgendwas fehlte, oder @mortzu?
- @stilkov check out
- @bc_rm #bcrm16 is already a thing! We are open for location suggestions ...
- Carneval German style 1927
- @FranziskaNaja @photostroller @bc_rm Ich checke das Mal ... ;-)
- @benjamin @mattsches ich hatte für den @wemoof die gleichen Diskussionen ...
- @jke MesoGlue Is A Metallic Glue That Replaces Hot Solder via @techcrunch
- Cool, I'm looking forward to learn more about @hoodiehq!
- @gr2m @hoodiehq @ToH_82 @zentrale_ffm Nette Menschen, Technik und tolle Location? Schwer zu widerstehen!
- @amokleben Are you converting from Slack or did you explicitly want an open-source solution?
- Bitcoin failed:
- Ah, now @SlackHQ asking for my @Skype account makes sense, finally.
- has only 76 dependencies … I'm really not happy with the state of paid themes.
- @matthiaspatz @leancamp My friend and facilitator @sebastian_nell highly recommends @danbar87 …
- @jen_star ... und schwups ist er da!
- Probably all we'll get this year:
- “Rushing gets you nowhere.” — @dankim
- @kringkaste @calibanatspace nicht nur Angst! Seit ist speichern von pers.bez.Daten in den USA praktisch illegal.
- looks interesting!
- I spent my last year on the left:
- Watch my german talk about working in #remote teams here: #futureofwork
- Yes! Having null as a value is ambivalent. Make it explicit!
- @_Mr_Moe @socrates_2016 Lass dich nicht abschrecken. Es ist ein OpenSpace mit unfassbar fähigen Menschen. Da kann keine Konferenz mithalten!
- Coworker brunch @zentrale_ffm ... A lot of new faces to meet today!
- @djungowski @alexschnapper … Ich komme ganz gut zurecht mit Signal / Jabber+OTR.
- Schau mal: Ein schnelles & effizientes Tool, um Feedback einzuholen #startup #darmstadt #speedback via @speedback_io
- I took this as an inspiration to write about my motivation: - Freedom, Purpose, Challenge.
- WTF? Don't dress for yourself, dress for the version of you that should be seen through selfies …
- @chautzi … this even works with Unicode!
- @Roritharr
- @Seb666 Klar:
- @Seb666 Das läuft über den @support account:
- Wow, this is cool! With you can build stuff for @Trello like the @Github integration
- @trizblog @meta_maid @Floskelwolke nächste Stufe: Personal Brot Coach!
- @FrolleinJuNe ich würde mich mal bei den @OMRockstars durch klicken ...
- Now that's a lengthy mansplanaition why you don't need a code of conduct ...
- My bike's internal gear hub has issues with these temperatures … 🙅 ❄
- @ClarkGermany Der Versicherungscheck-Login sieht kaputt aus, und auf dem ersten Screen danach passiert nichts bei …
- @ClarkGermany … klick auf "Weiter."
- @gr2m @coderbyheart @zentrale_ffm Bring dir was mit, ich bin versorgt. Tipp:
- @ClarkGermany Im Chrome …
- @ma90 @ClarkGermany Find ich gut!
- .@PexelsPhotos is a nice collection of CC-0 licensed photos. Which means they are free to use for any legal purpose:
- Holy shit. Where did all these fintechies come from? I'll be pitching about coworking @zentrale_ffm tonight.
- Live right now @zentrale_ffm ...
- Frankfurt gets a proper incubator? #fintechffm
- @coderbyheart 4% for 200 hours consulting.
- @dreimannzelt 4% for roughly 20k in initial investment in a promising startup just by talking sounds good!
- @FintechBorat for how many fiscal years?
- @AndyScherzinger story of a founder :-)
- .@FinTechFFM #fintechffm did you read my piece on #fintech?
- @FintechBorat good valuation for a startup just in the seed phase ...
- @accelerator_ffm what was the website of yours?
- @accelerator_ffm Wow, that looks really shitty.
- @Marv2punkt0 … mach einen Podcast?
- This is how you hire engineers these days!
- @Marv2punkt0 Weil?
- "nom test" ;-)
- I think this satisfies for a 1.0.0 release:
- @Marv2punkt0 Von Wikimedia? Oder vom eigentlichen Rechte-Inhaber? P.S.:
- @lsmith Wordpress can export and import XML:
- @Marv2punkt0 zeigt aber alles Essentielle!
- Zappos' CEO about holocracy. via @RH_Way
- @FranziskaNaja Kannst Du nicht aus der @zentrale_ffm arbeiten?
- @FranziskaNaja Gerüchten zu Folge gibt es bald einen Hackerspace im Keller der @zentrale_ffm. Platz für ne Drehbank ist da evtl. ;-)
- @FranziskaNaja Ja, verständlich. Es ist schon ein Luxus, wenn man mit seinem Arbeitsgerät überall sein kann.
- @FranziskaNaja … aber mit deinem Interesse für 3D-Drucker bist Du ja ganz vorne dabei. Bald ist die physische Präsenz ja nicht mehr nötig.
- #Angular2 First App Post-Mortem by @MikeRyan52
- Chlorella sounds spooky.
- @msmails Oh, they look good! What's your recipe?
- Photo set of the nazi occupation in Finland during WW2 that belonged to my grandfather:
- @powtac … Ja, mein Opa hat nie viel darüber erzählt. Nur dass es so kalt war, dass sein Zeigefinger abgefroren ist.
- @GerdAschemann … beides nein. Wenn ich mehr finden sollte, stelle ich es rein.
- @gr2m ja
- .@github silently dropped SSH keys from my account … But why?
- Meeting the @hoodiehq at @zentrale_ffm! #opensource #nobackend #javascript
- @mortzu @github … nein, das waren neue Keys.
- Hanging with the @hoodiehq …
- Yay! I brought hoodie-client-store to 100% test coverage today:
- My nephew has cool stuff!
- @coderbyheart ... owns m(
- @FranziskaNaja hatte nie Probleme mit denen, aber die Meinungen sind so/so
- 10 concepts for a #fintech hub in #Frankfurt are being pitched tomorrow in front of @talwazir and you-it's public!
- Pitches are from #aurelis @blackchili @boersianisch @FinTech_AG @FinLeap @FrankfurtSchool @mainincubator …
- @coderbyheart … @accelerator_ffm #TishmanSpeyer and @029TheAgency
- #fintech in #hesse …
- @MattBolton365 IMHO this is mostly a PR stunt because we have elections upcoming. Frankfurt is failing FOR YEARs to be startup-friendly …
- @MattBolton365 … I don't see why this will change for #fintech. But let's see what is said tomorrow and what substance is behind it.
- @cathibruns … "Emails" eigentlich in jeder Form.
- @MattBolton365 … yes and every industry has it's special problems. In #fintech I'd say there is no shortage of money, know-how and customers
- (developer) happiness questionnaire: #futureofwork
- You can now subscribe to new posts from my blog via email:
- @jezenthomas do you know
- @benjamin these questions provide the highest correlation to business outcomes like profitability, employee retention, productivity ….
- @benjamin … and I totally agree. You will see Happiness/Joy and great results if the answers are positive. And they point in the right
- @benjamin direction where to improve things.
- @kventil Danke für den Hinweis. Ist in der Tat besser so auf Deutsch. Ich habe es angepasst.
- @kventil … Ja, und ich finde das schöne bei den Fragen ist, dass man kaum über deren Relevanz streiten kann!
- @benjamin I've just updated the post and clarified my modifications of the original questions:
- New #job offer my private freelancer job board: Content-Manager full-time in FRA, DM me if you are interested in the offer (or the board).
- I'm a CTO - a Channeler of Technological Obscurities
- I heard only great things about @unkonf … this will be my first time!
- @N0_M3 exactly!
- @janl to pin deps that are known to work / ensure that we don't deploy a version with untested dependencies on production / or dev machines
- @mknittig -> PN
- @unkonf … make the WiFi work ;-p
- Off to hear some pitches for a #fintech center in #frankfurt. Expect a writeup on @hallo_frankfurt soonish. Will live-tweet here. #ftcffm
- Alls pitches can be downloaded at #ftcffm
- Agenda #ftcffm
- Prof. Hackethal will be moderating. #ftcffm
- Now opening words by Hessian Minister of Commerce @talwazir … admits that this event has happened on a real short notice. #ftcffm
- #fintech is the future of the financial sector … they already have changed behaviour on customer side. Massive growth expected. #ftcffm
- Next decade will see more than 60% of all revenue transferred to #fintechs. #ftcffm
- Hessian gov sees this as big opportunity to influence and profit off the inevitable change. #ftcffm
- Hm. eduroam does not allow FTP. Why?
- Frankfurt is one of the most important digital hubs worldwide. Simply counting the # of startups in the region is not fair. #ftcffm
- Frankfurt wants to support the scene of founders, educational institutes and meetups. #ftcffm
- Visibility for Frankfurt as a great place for startups needs to be increased. But not by handing out cash but nurturing communities. #ftcffm
- Frankfurt and Hessian is certain that besides all digital connections a physical place is needed. Support the process is their goal. #ftcffm
- (a small punch towards real estate developers; they just want to fill the void in their buildings) #ftcffm
- Frankfurt is not Berlin, due to the lack of EU funding available to subsidize founders. No place for hipsters, and a working gov. #ftcffm
- So to sum up: fintech has huge potential, frankfurt wants a share of the market to stay relevant in a digitized market. #ftcffm
- It's funny how they fall for the idea that a new physical location is needed. This will be just an expensive marker on a map. #ftcffm
- First pitch: /
- First pitch: | by @tlgg from Berlin. The want to realize this concept no matter what #ftcffm
- @MattBolton365 … strengthen connections between initiatives.
- #ftcffm good point by @tlgg: founders need support at a really early stage (pre foundation). Solution: have rooms where founders can meet.
- #ftcffm aurelis: 570m² coworking style space in Bockenheim free for 9 months for startups. They will invest €750k.
- aurelis: the surroundings of looks pretty dead to me. #ftcffm
- aurelis: "we have location but literally no other knowledge". #ftcffm
- aurelis: free pricing model will only be available during the first nine months. #ftcffm
- Good question from the audience: who are the other tenants? Answer: city's social services. No match there. #ftcffm
- That's also sth I see often with these projects: centralized, physical locations can't scale. #ftcffm
- Now @FrankfurtSchool with their pitch: accompanied by one of our local funds: @gruenderfonds #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool: Frankfurt is getting crushed between Berlin and London.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool is already active for years by educating the future founders and having own spin-offs in the sector.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool: the most pressing problem is lack of software development resources. They themselves have huge off-shore teams.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool wants to offer ~2000m² at their new campus. … does not need a lot of investment.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool: "it's in the center of the city"; Uhm. No.
- But given @frankfurtschool's strong ties to the industry and combining education, this will provide a lot possibilities to connect. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool: the building was due for demolition, but was preserved and now could be rejuvinated.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool will ask for around €2.50/m².
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool reminds me of @loftberlin …
- To sum up @frankfurtschool has a solid proposal without shenanigans. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool concept & location is ready to go.
- #ftcffm @frankfurtschool surrounding area offers affordable housing for students, 24 hour shopping.
- Now Tishman Speyer : the own e.g. the Messeturm in Frankfurt. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: want's to be the @level39cw of Frankfurt in the center of the financial district. Independent of banks.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: THIS is central.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer is building new high-rise in Frankfurt, the first with mixed use (office / living) in Germany.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer is showing some high-gloss real estate porn. No words on the support for the startups yet.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: He said it: "this is the landmark we need".
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: wants partners to fill the void.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer wants to subsidise the "nucleus" so it becomes attractive for startups.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: they expect a very positive influence on the real estate project, that is why the want to provide the space.
- #ftcffm TischmanSpeyer: lengthy discussion about "What is a Fintech" / "Is central location important".
- #ftcffm Now @startzero_ffm and @blackchili: / on stage too @CarolinW @KoerberKim
- #ftcffm @blackchili is a corporate startup consultancy which sees itself as a startup and wants to build a startup center with 2,500m²
- #ftcffm @blackchili this is their actual pitch deck:
- #ftcffm @blackchili knows corporates and <3 startups so they can enable startups to earn money from the start.
- #ftcffm @blackchili calls for subsidizations. They are needed because there are to many other ways to make a living in Frankfurt.
- #ftcffm @blackchili has a good point: the decentralized efforts needs to be visualized.
- On the last fintech roundtable I already called for a one-stop digital platform that connects existing players. #ftcffm @KoerberKim
- #ftcffm @blackchili has an unsigned contract for … where they can start building their "flow" concept.
- #ftcffm @blackchili … which is a fancy word for saying that there are no fixed workplaces.
- #ftcffm @blackchili I wonder if the actually did talk to startups? The open-space concept is horrible for teams.
- @GUnibator the link for the @blackchili_ffm slides is missing on (it's the same as the onepager)
- #ftcffm @blackchili closes with a lot of namedropping.
- #ftcffm Valid question for @blackchili: how is all this financed? Currently self-funded, but the "flow" organization wants to offer services
- #ftcffm @blackchili want's to invest €1.6M via a loan in the project and €500k into two new companies that run the concept.
- #ftcffm @blackchili pricings: Corporates and sponsors pay a surplus which enables startups to pay less.
- #ftcffm @blackchili prices will be above coworking spaces like @zentrale_ffm … even for startups.
- #ftcffm @blackchili why is this attractive for sponsors? They get to co-decide which startups will be allowed to join.
- #ftcffm coffee break. Back at 1630.
- #ftcffm Next up @boersianisch: starts with a buttom up aproach: How much space do we actually need?
- #ftcffm @boersianisch does think big and wants to build a global network of fintech centers.
- First excel screenshot. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @boersianisch's assumption is, that location is a problem. Still talking excel. Furnitures will be made by
- @amokleben and m for masochism.
- #ftcffm @boersianisch that's it? Here a room; now go and take care of everything else.
- #ftcffm @boersianisch 360m² / Investment for 2 years is €500k …
- #ftcffm @boersianisch bascially just made the business plan but doesn't want to run it himself.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator is next: - starts off with putting #fintech in Frankfurt in Perspective. It's tiny.
- #ftcffm @boersianisch concludes: we have EZB so we need to be on the global fintech map.
- #ftcffm For @mainincubator the best possible location in Frankfurt is next to a inner city highway:
- #ftcffm @mainincubator wants especially to focus on marketing to make #fintech in Frankfurt known. Lots of cash is crucial for the success.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator Basic idea is that the location should be open for a diverse selection of startups not only #fintech.
- Don't bash #Offenbach @mainincubator if @talwazir is in the house! #ftcffm
- @MattBolton365 @mainincubator Yes, with that amount of space!
- #ftcffm @mainincubator 800m² for an initial investment of €600k and yearly costs of €1,4M. That sounds expensive.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator Goal is €200 / workplace including drinks.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator has it all figured out: this governance structure ensures independence and fairness.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator now jumping through slides. Looks nice. Should be sustainable. Open for everyone / accelerators / partners.
- The @mainincubator is really good. It pays that they were able to put 9 months into it; where others only hat a few weeks. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @finleap was supposed to pitch too, but via @SabineOster they are kinda on board with @mainincubator.
- #ftcffm @mainincubator's vision for the eco system is: 1000 innovators in one place. Which would attract the big players.
- What's sad is: all this energy and money just for vanity. Make Frankfurt Great Again™. #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @mainincubator can start with 1,800m² where 3,700m² will offer 200 workplaces.
- #ftcffm Next up @accelerator_ffm: … an accellerator is an important building stone for attracting startups.
- #ftcffm @accelerator_ffm calls for more investment in startups because they create a lot of jobs. They want to bring "deal flow" to FFM.
- #ftcffm @accelerator_ffm frankfurt has bankers, angel investors and VCs. So everything ready but just needs to be connected.
- Yes definitely an emotional talk by @accelerator_ffm #ftcffm
- #ftcffm @accelerator_ffm is the first pitch that does not talk about a location. Yust their service.
- #ftcffm @accelerator_ffm … their goal is successful exists of startups which would itself speak for an attractive local scene.
- @MattBolton365 #ftcffm @accelerator_ffm Yes, I also don't know where they are hiding.
- @benjamin … well I think @ClarkGermany would not agree!
- .@accelerator_ffm arent investors required for "deal-flow"? #ftcffm
- Last but not least @FinTech_AG: #ftcffm | They have a #fintech lab in Berlin and Frankfurt.
- #ftcffm @FinTech_AG knows #fintech: they are in the market since the 80ies.
- #ftcffm @FinTech_AG having proposed a short talk he spends an awful long time on the intro.
- #ftcffm @FinTech_AG combines a banking license with IT know-how and investors into a lab. And they are profitable.
- Never trust the estimate of a software developer ;-P #ftcffm @FinTech_AG
- #ftcffm @FinTech_AG has 5,000m² in Frankfurt, but does not want to make money off leases. They take equity.
- #ftcffm @fintech_AG does not need any funding. But open for sponsoring. Location is at the West-Hafen.
- First time for a ministry: listening to pitches.
- No foosball tables but nap rooms. #startups these days. #ftcffm
- @TomasHerzberger es gibt noch ein paar Termine in einem Arbeitskreis. Und die Details sind wie immer tricky.
- @airbone42 the bigger the location the less likely I'd reckon.
- One reason more to use @github for wikis!
- get it while it's free!
- @elmasry2moataz … Welcome! It was fun!
- @amokleben #fintech is serious!
- @kringkaste Naja, Cobi, Dr. Severin, Pippa&Jean, Dormando ... Es gibt me ganze Liste von Nicht-Fintechs die erfolgreich/bekannt sind!
- @AnnaMelitta nach Staffel 4 aufhören.
- @plaugg für mich ist das was ich am besten kann auch mein Bestes, ich verstehe also beide Varianten gleich.
- @plaugg die Frage zielt ja darauf ab, ob man das Gefühl hat seinem Talent entsprechende Aufgaben zu haben … wenn ich das nicht habe, passe
- @plaugg ich nicht zur Rolle.
- @plaugg und wenn Du die Frage negativ beantwortest, weil Du auf der Arbeit nicht Singen kannst; ist das auch ein guter Hinweis dazu, was dir
- @plaugg fehlt bzw. wo es unterschiedliche Erwartungen gibt.
- @kringkaste … ja das ist in der Tat ein Problem und verzerrt die Realität. Aber es geht ja nicht um die Sache (Innovative Gründungen),
- @kringkaste … sondern um PR für den Standort. Frankfurt beansprucht weltweite Relevanz.
- Congrats to who ever that will be!
- @rolandjudas @WIRED_Germany this guy is bound to die when a part of his construction fails.
- I've added a talks section to my personal homepage: … I'd love to do more!
- @shochdoerfer @phpugffm Well, i can't offer any cool PHP stuff. But thanks for the offer!
- @benjamin Ups, fixed. Thanks!
- @kventil … no, although it looks nice. Which browser is this?
- @kventil … hm not on chromium.
- @kventil Windows?
- @igorwhileproxy if I would want to work in Berlin, I'd talk to @ZenMate /
- #ftcffm
- @Marv2punkt0 vor allem aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Handgranaten findet man auch immer wieder bei Biker-Gangs.
- @MattBolton365 Yes. We have a few even bigger companies that does this in DE: @mayflowerphp @sinnerschrader @seibertmedia …
- @martinemmert haven't tried it, yet. But my first idea was, hey @yeoman does this, already.
- Masterclass for #Angular2? It's not even stable, yet.
- @martinemmert Thanks for the background!
- @ilpeach because it's hyped? Or because it's still not stable?
- @ilpeach … oh and what are your findings?
- @ilpeach Yes, I have 2+ years Angular1 exp. So v2 would be natural step. I prefer clear definitions over options.
- @ilpeach Yres, it keeps showing up on my radar. I might have a project where I would compare it to AS2 next month.
- @ilpeach Yes, please. If you can share already, I like to read about experiences using vue and or angular2 … Just email to [email protected]
- @hoodiehq is there a team password manager built with hoodie, yet?
- @morgler So what are you using instead? /cc @ilpeach
- @morgler Well Angular2 is still on my todo list, but also and obviously React (I like the pure JS aporach).
- Anyone has experience using @HeyTribe for #remote teams, yet? I think this could be an awesome addition to using @SlackHQ …
- very powerful talk about embracing shame as necessary for a happy life and meaningful connections to others.
- I often struggle with giving others the feeling that they can be vulnerable and that I won't judge them.
- perfectly lines out the delusion of grandeur of the #startup world.
- @cyrilpaglino Obviously ;-)
- @TrojanRYMO @cyrilpaglino Thanks! I'll definitely try with my next team ...
- Yes please @piraten_of!
- @SamirTalwar In a complex setup this creates a lot of processes which could be a limiting factor
- I wish it would be that simple. #webdev
- @HDScurox was denkst Du ist die richtige Wahl?
- @HDScurox was meinst Du?
- Wow, so many great talk proposals on … @TopconfAT will be awesome!
- Free SSL certificates via is also nice. Just to toy around a little is now server-free.
- Gotta try Linux Hawaii ...
- @morgler What I like about Angular is that it provides a project structure. Everything already has its place. Great if you work in a team.
- @jke in der nächsten @WeAreYummyMail ist das Rezept drin. #flickr