In May 2018 I've tweeted 319 times
My Twitter archive of May 2018
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for May 2018.
- Very cool hands-on talk by @isabelcabezasm and @julietsvq on how to automate you plant-watering for cheap. #iot #JOTB2018
- Slides:
- @SmallBizBrian @johncutlefish I find this a rather lazy sentiment, because it puts the burden of fixing a broken system on the person who is affected by its flaws.
- @benjamin kennst Du schon Toundra?
- Since the original winner did not pick up their price, #JavaScript Math.random() picked @Xhoas to received the limited edition @NordicTweets Thingy:52 #IoT Sensor Kit! Meet me at 17:40 at the Firstro Hall stage. Here is how to get started: #jotb2018
- @dtanzer I have no experience using Web Components.
- @dtanzer @SamirTalwar @wolframkriesing @c089 General advice: make your web components use a library like @hoodiehq or @awscloud appsync which solves the offline data synch problem and you can focus on showing and manipulating the data.
- Crazy, who you meet on the way to the hotel: #JOTB2018
- Off to the beach! #JOTB2018
- @DanielMacannuco @NordicTweets @JOTB2018 Thank you Daniele! Feedback is so important! And good Feedback is 😍!
- @jezenthomas @TideBanking @jen_star @m0vas any tips for Jezen?
- I did this thing during my talk: I run a give-away for pictures of the talk. I don't require it to have feedback, though. Nevertheless I have received so many pictures with positive feedback like never before for a talk.
- So, it seems the talk was good, but I also gave attendees a reason to create a reaction to the talk. This worked great to source feedback, which I am usually not getting for talks (neither good nor bad), even though I always ask about that at the end of my talks.
- This was a cool learning, given that this was my ~ 35th talk ...
- Bummer, I need hard cash for food. (I'm so spoiled by cashless Scandinavia) #JOTB2018
- @benjamin Erinnert mich recht stark an Mogwai und Death from Above
- @benjamin I think we have different songs of them that we favour ;-)
- @benjamin I'm in a state right now where I am losing my "main" language. I'm already saying "unnskyld/takk/nei" (sorry/thanks/no in Norwegian), while being in Spain. 😵
- At the #JOTB2018 after-party these guys are now giving the closing keynote.
- @benjamin @EITS Cool will check them out! My industrial / post rock favourites (besides Mogwai, DfA): @nineinchnails @OfficialFilter, The dead weather, Helmet, Local H, Porcupine Tree
- @JOTB2018 Very cool! 🤘
- Parenting level: 🇪🇸 #JOTB2018
- This will hurt, but it's important that we get real numbers that measures tech's current toxicity for women.
- @ron_werner @EuroTestingConf Thank you for this feedback!
- @DanRea86 @SmallBizBrian @johncutlefish I also cringe when I hear a complaint. But then I reverse-apply non-violent-communication and try to have them share why they are complaining: what do they observe with the problem, how does it make them feel, what would make their personal situation better?
- @DanRea86 @SmallBizBrian @johncutlefish With this data I can look into possible solutions. Obviously, you don't want people who are like "This is shit, leave me alone!"
- Before flying back to Norway 🇳🇴 from #JOTB2018 I went to the center of Malaga and climbed up to the castle. I got such an amazing view! 😍 Thanks @JOTB2018 for having me!
- Back home. 🇳🇴 #JOTB2018
- @RidingWolf
- @RidingWolf Yeah, it's very hard to find something small+light AND powerful.
- @RidingWolf Also check out:
- @pvdlg_ the 15.5.0 release of semantic-release IMHO should have been a major release. It no longer works on AWS CodeBuild which uses git 1.9
- @gr2m @pvdlg_ Yeah, no biggie. I plan to fix this myself since AWS CodeBuild is still kind of obscure. And the old git version is definitely annoying. I plan to look into this next week.
- @c089 Hm, I didn't get that warning.
- #gdpr catch-22: Blocking users from a certain region (e.g. by IPv4) means processing personal online identifiers, which is not allowed without user content.
- @Paratron It is.
- @Paratron
- @NativeWired @rinkkasatiainen @kamilleblumm @NicoleRauch @khgdrn @justsoandme @celine @findingmarbles any pointers?
- Source:
- *sigh*
- The build-up in this song is amaaaaaazing. #goosebumps #trancefamily
- @franzen_simon @jannisborgers
- I had this on repeat for 30 minutes in @Spotify with 15sec auto-fade and it is pure perfection. I'm trippin'! @iBluestone
- @toggleModal I really have to watch it ...
- @toggleModal I'll wait until the season is over.
- @jezenthomas @TideBanking Have you seen @RevolutApp ?
- We are having a field day while our building is being a true zero-emission building. (The whole block just lost power.)
- @RidingWolf 6 on this deck. In general I'd say 15% here. But most commuters by car come from further away. So the number of electrical cars is lower.
- GitHub adds checks feature, which shows detail output of e.g. linters in pull-requests:
- GitHub adds checks feature, which shows detail output of e.g. linters in pull-requests:
- @DoFideas Thank you! Happy to hear, that you enjoyed it!
- My new wallpaper: #JavaScript
- deyarn: an open-source module to help you convert your projects from Yarn to npm (because npm is now legitimate awesome 🤘)
- @SamirTalwar @benjamin We use Microsoft Skype for Business together with these Polycom cameras here, and it works very good for meetings where you have multiple people in one room.
- @SamirTalwar @benjamin Personally I have been using the Logitech C920 and its very good for the end where only one / two people sit.
- @SamirTalwar @benjamin I do concept / planning with these whitebords: This works really well over camera, too.
- @SamirTalwar @benjamin Software-wise @zoom_us works best, it also has good screensharing and built-in whiteboard. For persistent whiteboards I prefer @RealtimeBoard .
- #fallout76
- Interesting account of the state of #AI:
- @rradczewski Oh, that's intense. I currently stick to generating TypeScript types from the contract and including these in the implementation. This way I can ensure that we are sending the right shape. Only at compile time, obviously.
- @rradczewski It also totally sucks that Open API does their own schema which is not 100% compatible to JSON Schema.
- @JanSchfr @rradczewski Right, it can't. I use "classical" unit tests to ensure that the output is correct. But in runtime I don't have checks. I wonder how that practically works? Do you abort a response and do not send it to the client and just an error 500?
- 22:00 in #trondheim 🇳🇴
- @Paratron
- 90 MB for an app that can be a webpage.
- @dunkelzahn_ That's the new FB HQ:
- Check out these awesome @SoCraTes_Conf sponsors! 👏 @codecentric @leanovateBerlin @InstanaHQ @mozaicworks @etermax @tngtech @novatecgmbh @datev @innoq @klosebrothers @mercateo_com @p_pugliese @maibornwolff @oosenews @rewedigitaltech @HolidayCheckLab @codurance @itagile
- @toggleModal (I had just started Handmaids Tale and it is good, I'll finish that first)
- @jen_star 😓
- Local governments are also seeing the benefits of #remote work:
- Flights booked to @SoCraTes_Conf #socrates2018
- @unclebobmartin @dtanzer @simonharrer This is a very creative interpretation of @sarahmei pointing out that using the term Softwarecraftman in the subtitle of this book is not inclusive. 🙄
- @c089 I'm hesitant to say yes, mostly because it's yet another side project ... But I have something like this on my blog's todo list. I would love to hear about your plans for that book.
- @c089 Mazbe we can have a call this week and see if our ideas match ... and whether we can produce something out of that.
- @dtanzer @unclebobmartin @simonharrer @sarahmei If your nice and thoughtful response is "I don't see a problem here", than it deserves a strong reaction. She predicted all of those reactions, because we hear them over and over again.
- @dtanzer @unclebobmartin @simonharrer @sarahmei There is no way to make this discussion comfortable for those who keep supporting the status quo through ignorance.
- "It’s like we’re the people running the casino and everybody else takes the risks and we don’t."
- @Lynoure @tabatkins I do see the use case when bookmarking web pages: you might want to refresh the contents, and see if something changed and notify the user about it. It could be an offline capable website ...
- @wolframkriesing is a project initiated by Google, the <address> Element is a W3C HTML5 Element: They can be used to express the same data, but they are not related.
- @wolframkriesing Yeah, you can have a total div-soup and augment it with schema ...
- Those of you who still think that "Software Craftsman" is a gender neutral term, I challenge you to go to the 1,084 results on LinkedIn and find the women in there.
- .@awscloud CodeBuild now supports Node.js 8!
- Great thread on Code of Conducts:
- @c089 @SamirTalwar For me the one feature of a book is to be able to explain a concept / idea in very much detail. It should have one fundamental idea that it expands on from beginning to end. Chaining together a bunch of blog posts would not serve this purpose.
- @c089 @SamirTalwar That said, I would be happy to collect your links on JavaScript architecture on reddit, or somewhere else.
- Great thread on good API design:
- So, our coffee machine is now stuck in an endless @internetofshit cycle.
- @dtanzer @internetofshit ;-) Usually I have my AeroPress (no software updates \o/)! But I forgot to buy milk today ...
- I think it's a good introduction on building APIs, although in parts it's very technical (they try to sell their tool...). The interesting parts in the first segment are around how upfronting an API design can enable multiple teams to work in parallel. >
- It provides the contract between the teams, and the individual teams will use mocking tools to ensure that their implementation follows the API specification.
- The negative aspect there IMHO is that it postpones the integration efforts and before work can start the API really has to be very well thought out to its full extend so that teams can depend on the API not changing during development.
- Another good aspect is how they put an emphasis on starting from the business use case. This is really helpful to understand why an API is getting built. Start with a Mission, Personas and User Stories!
- me when in home office:
- @greenkeeperio is it intentional that I can have no monthly plan when I select an organization as a billing account?
- @janl @greenkeeperio Ok, thanks.
- It's windy up there:
- @janl @greenkeeperio Happy to be paying for it again!
- Good read from Allan Kelly 👇 The Product Owner refactored: the SPO/TPO model.
- @findingmarbles Do you have something on this Canvas Owner?
- #shitrecruiterssay
- "Isn't this done?" How philosophical do you want me to get? #devlife
- Time to market is key: not the transport.
- I'll be tuning in to the live stream:
- I did some spring cleaning: deleted my accounts on @klout and @AngelList ... Because I haven't logged in there in quite some time.
- This is a handy tool: The #GDPR Checklist
- Congratulations @awamo_group! #rheinmainrocks
- @dtanzer Silent overlays are always a bad idea. Use import { Map as ImmutableMap } from 'immutable'; And in your code use ImmutableMap() ...
- @w3ltraumpirat @cnnbrk I guess / hope they had a component which logged the password provided during log-in. So they leaked the plaintext in transit, and that got stored.
- @codePrincess That's why the median pay at FB is $240k:
- @dtanzer @SamirTalwar
- @dtanzer @SamirTalwar There is this tool to calculate a good CSS font formatting to be used before the webfont is available to reduce flickering:
- I don’t believe in #notmyuncle recent mind change because of what he keeps saying in his talks:
- @plaugg @katystoll (For this who don't know German: it's "die Vergangenheit / die Gegenwart / die Zukunft", all are feminine nouns) I still don't get the point, though.
- Vår er endelig her i #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- Summer in #Norway 🇳🇴
- The Financial Times should be renamed to Dystopian Times.
- My desktop @NordicTweets these days: #javascript #iot #cloud
- @miskaknapek @NordicTweets I also have some windows to look at the hills around Trondheim ...
- @MattBolton365 @NordicTweets I really need three at the same time: console, IDE and Browser ...
- @JohnONolan Maybe not restricting access, but write a bot, which adds labels to issues that come from VIP users. VIP users could also upvote / mark existing issues from non-VIP users, to upgrade them.
- Best conferences on the planet!
- I approve! $ git config --global pull.rebase true
- @FranziskaNaja Wofür möchtest Du das lernen? Sehr klassische Qualifizierungen bietet die GPM an:
- @FranziskaNaja Gibt's in deiner Kollegschaft schon welche, die diesen Kurs gemacht haben? Was halten die davon ...
- @maybekatz npm audit is ACE! ... but I think it should be turned off by default for "npm ci".
- @maybekatz In our case on CodeBuild it increased the time of an npm ci from 17 seconds, to 6 minutes 12 seconds. Maybe because of networking issues.
- The other gender:
- Vær i dag: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #trondheim 🇳🇴
- @YDKJS do you know any good books / works about JavaScript application architecture? Most works about JS focus on the language ...
- 😂
- .@gsma suspends eSIM standardization process: #notcool #iot
- @Ocramius @jwage Yes, I did this for a while: It was really great and I learned a lot.
- @lauralindal Cryptoheads are so great at creating and maintaining their own bubble. What can we expect from people running ponzy schemes ...
- Colors of #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- Das @FemFoundersBook will Frauen zum Gründen inspirieren! Tolle Idee das über Portraits von Grunderinnen zu machen, statt über Business Case Success Stories. Die sind nämlich oft Zufall, entscheidend ist vor allem der Wille durchzuhalten, und Frauen erfahren viel mehr Widerstand.
- I'm leading the hiring for this #job role, so here is some more context: We are looking for an experienced candidate who wants to lead the development of next-generation #iot and #cloud solutions from day one on their own responsibility.
- This requires significant experience with building web-based applications on @awscloud (especially #serverless services and IoT) as well as deploying and operating these services Proficiency in #Nodejs, #TypeScript and test-driven development #TDD in general.
- We provide a stress-free, family friendly work environment and the opportunity to be one of the first engineers worldwide to work with the worlds best IoT hardware and a fantastic, diverse team. PN me if you have more questions!
- Also this in Norwegian summer:
- Ferie på Lysøysundet. #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- For et fantastisk utsikt! #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- Protip™️: don't check emails right before a weekend or vacation. While you can turn of notifications during the vacation on your smartphone, your mind will have a hard time not thinking about something that needs to be done after you return.
- .@PHP_CEO be like:
- @wolframkriesing @travisci This is their free service ... Paid project have reserved resources ...
- @SamirTalwar @wolframkriesing @travisci You have a number of concurrent jobs depending on the plan. And if you start a build within that tier it will start right away. It makes a big difference compared to open-source projects on .org.
- @PiaOnTheMove Der @dtanzer hat dazu einiges zu erzählen und hat auch schon ein Buch zum Thema Agile geschrieben:
- The future office is a community building space, work gets done at home: #futureofwork
- @miskaknapek We had a super warm day yesterday here in the region. 25+ is quite unusual. Today it's back to spring weather: 9°
- Awesome ✨ idea: Conference Buddy is for everyone who wants to attend a tech conference but is afraid to go alone. It’s for all you first-timers, introverts, socially awkwards, timid and shy people out there. 👏
- @rinkkasatiainen I can't do dinner because I'm flying out in the evening, but I'm looking forward to seeing you there!
- @powtac In den USA gibt es Root-Beer-Floats: Ich könnte mir das auch sehr gut auch als Imperial Stout (z.b. eins mit Kaffee-Note) + Vanille Eis vorstellen.
- Det er hyggeligen #Stokkøya 🇳🇴:
- After 18 months on the same team your possibilities to grow and learn are close to zero. Here is a fantastic book with scientific research on why you should switch job roles every 6 months:
- Godt natt! #trondheim 🇳🇴 #lysøysundt
- One of the early ride-sharing startups in Germany was @flinc. Their domain experts were the users who they asked from day one to participate in building the solution. Find the people whose problem you are solving!
- @codePrincess The Circle?
- @dc7590 Works best when combined!
- Where the roads have no names: #trondheim 🇳🇴
- Med fjord1 tilbake til #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- I'm happy to be your @ConfBuddy at @awscloud summit in Stockholm on Wednesday. It's my first time there as well! Just approach me or ping me.
- Lena gives us some super interesting stats and analysis what it can take to find the right job:
- @benotist I just added my first talk and what I am really missing is a way for attendees to to provide feedback and rating!
- Great thread on conference speaker diversity!
- @w3ltraumpirat @realn2s Exactly what I meant: you need to switch responsibilities in order to keep learning. This can happen within the same organizations, and it's what is described in the mentioned book. Bad example: being a senior sw developer for some years, on the same project.
- If I write code that can only be attributed to me, only be maintained by me, I have failed as a programmer. Organizations that have this relationship between programmers and their sorcecode create a hostile work environment, which favours low-risk changes. Innovation stagnates.
- @oaz Yes, I agree. I personally experienced this when working as a freelancer, you are hired to make something an once you are done, you are out the door. This didn't feel healthy for me as a way to grow.
- @oaz But if you stay in the organization, you are available to learn about your decisions later. I don't see why you must keep the role for 3-4 years for that.
- A good, practical introduction to Event Sourcing:
- @oaz This happens if there is no hand-over and people get yanked out of projects. I would closely look at how a move happens.
- Tomorrow I am giving my first talk here in #Trondheim 🇳🇴 at the #AWS UserGroup: I'm very happy that @NordicTweets is also sponsoring this evening, so more people can become aware that we are also an exciting software company! #iot #cloud
- let's you test your #JavaScript knowledge in small tasks.
- .@wmfra live-stream and chill in #trondheim 🇳🇴
- @jke @alipasha @seibertmediait Echt gut für einen Anwalt!
- @Maggysche
- Gerne könnt ihr alle meine Konzepte für die Offenbacher Digital-Kultur kopieren! ;-) #wmfra
- @c089 Hier gibt es evtl. sogar finanzielle Unterstützung:
- We already live in a dystopian world: The state of West Virginia has proposed to change their public workers health plan which would fine workers with $500 a year if they do not wear a fitness tracker.
- Getting ready for #pizza and #iot @digstrondheim
- My slides for the @awscloud #Trondheim meetup are here:
- @Paratron const ist ja auch keine *Variablendeklaration*.
- Very cool! is a playful toolkit developed @NTNU which lets you generate ideas and prototypes for developing #IoT inventions without requiring any prior experience. Powered by @NordicTweets chips!
- @Paratron Ich glaube der JS Parser dahinter kann nur ein subset von JS. Arrow-functions gehen aber ...
- @jke @NTNU @NordicTweets I think it's supposed to be a guitar 😂 🎸
- On my way to the airport #AWSSummit #stockholm I had to stop for this sunrise over #Trondheim's fjord. 🇳🇴
- The apple trees started to bloom. #trondheim 🇳🇴
- Took this hopper: #trd ✈️ #arn . #AWSSummit
- @Ookami86 @dtanzer GitHub pages does that for free.
- 🎸 not 🍆 😂
- @Ookami86 @dtanzer If you find a hoster like @dd24 that allows you to purchase credits you can be good for a long time.
- "I understand #JavaScript, so I forgive it. And in doing so, I give myself permission to enjoy it. I hope you give it a shot."
- #AWSSummit registration is one hell of a logistical nightmare:
- @m0ppers I wonder why they do it still physical.
- @benhermann Yes, you walk up to a screen enter your name, or if you are registered use a QR code and scan it. It prints your badge then.
- #AWSSummit is also a white dude summit.
- #awssummit Genius Bar is great for getting quick answers and best practices. Especially helpful since there are so many overlapping services.
- Learning about Machine Learning at scale using @awscloud SageMaker. #ai #ml #AWSSummit
- It's very telling that a #blockchain startup can't run a tamper-proof poll with their early adopters (check the replies). I don't know, but isn't the Blockchain exactly designed for that?!
- Pretty big customer success-story from moving from Spring/MySQL to serverless #AWSSummit
- Better visibility of critical code and usage through clearer separation (because boilerplate no longer hides concrete implementation). They let AWS take care of scaling, so they can focus on building business features.
- Closed with a refresher on @awscloud Lambda best practices: #AWSSummit
- .@heitor_lessa now demoing how to build real-time and offline-capable serverless aps using #graphql on @awscloud. #AWSSummit
- GraphQL API with AppSync gives us a new way to handle real-time updates (think websockets) in an easier way.
- I really, really like @awscloud AppSync, this changes a lot for building web apps, it makes building truly serverless applications so easy. #AWSSummit
- What a mess. Speed-Trains to #arl are out of service. Let's hope this bus is quick enough. #AWSSummit
- Finland wants to educate everybody about how tech is going to shape their future and offers free online Artificial Intelligence courses: #ai #digitalcitizenship
- That was close, but I made it just 10 before boarding. It took me two hours. #AWSSummit
- @offbyoni Thanks!
- The plane landed on the wrong terminal ... What's up with #stockholm today? Too hot?!
- When in #OSL:
- Hjem. #trd
- @franzen_simon @awscloud The point is that AppSync let's you write a GraphQL API which directly connected to AWS serverless services. This removes the need for a custom backend and API Gateway.
- @undef_obj @franzen_simon @awscloud Yes, I'd emphasize that prior experience with the serverless services on AWS helps to understand why this is so awesome. Check out @gojkoadzic talk on serverless:
- Norway is celebrating #17mai and the live-stream on NRK shows pictures from Oslo: - No commentary, no music. Just people on the streets. Gratulerer med dagen!
- Så et fint vær i dag! #17Mai #trondheim
- Seems I need to have a look @code again:
- Feedback on the lack of inclusivity at AWS re:invent
- People are messy, squeezing them into a rigid system doesn't seem to help them: #Futureofwork
- @timbuk2 hei, both snaps are now broken on my bag. Can I get replacements somehow?
- #17mai #trondheim 🇳🇴
- Stormtroopers were the best!
- @c089 @code I'll ping you when I get to it. Are you using it as your main IDE already?
- #17mai also has a #loveparade style parade called Russ: students celebrating before they write exams tomorrow. #trondheim 🇳🇴
- @clekis It might be because of 17. Mai happening before the exams, and this is such an important day in Norway.
- If you are there check out our preview for a new feature for an #iot device API that lets you build connected experiences using the web-technologies your are familiar with: #REST, #GraphQL and #webhooks!
- #React components that implement Google's Material Design see 1.0.0 release:
- I was lucky! #socrates2018
- #trondheim 🇳🇴 #oppdal
- @khgdrn check Mal den Hersteller ...
- We met a really chill fox. #trollheimen 🇳🇴
- @Bahnhofsoma ist Norwegen eigentlich schon in den #Bahnhofsfotos?
- Wow, Hessen seems to have found a new national holiday:
- #røros is a fascinating place: it's only a city because of mining for 30 years and this shapes the whole city until today.
- 300 years ...
- Yesterday we went to Storligård which is near #Oppdal in the south of #Trollheimen, 3 hours by car from #Trondheim 🇳🇴. Still quite some snow, and barely any hikers.
- @abrunelll Happy to hear that you like them! Let me know if you are in the area again.
- Godt natt! #røros #trondheim 🇳🇴
- In my latest blog post I explain how I implemented #JavaScript dependency management with @greenkeeperio on @awscloud CodeBuild for #nrfcloud, the project I am working on @NordicTweets:
- @Fly_Norwegian Hei, I currently can't check in because of technical problems. Is this known?
- Looking good @JOTB2018 ... #jotb2018
- It worked now ...
- For my followers in the US timezone: In my latest blog post I explain how I implemented #JavaScript dependency management with @greenkeeperio on @awscloud CodeBuild for #nrfcloud, the project I am working on @NordicTweets:
- Seidt es diese Regel gibt ist das 1 tolles Deutsch!
- On my way to #JOTB2018 and my direct flight to Malaga has just been cancelled ... This is going to be a loooong day... 😒
- On Thursday at #jotb2018 I'll be speaking about why it's now so easy to ignore the hardware:
- Ok, rebooked for tomorrow.
- Just #trondheim 🇳🇴 being ridiculous.
- Do you know why I have a cable mouse? Because I can feel that lag. Now, last weekend I was in a hotel which had smart switches ...
- "Rekognition face surveillance is now operating across Orlando in real-time, according to Amazon, allowing the company to search for “people of interest” as footage rolls in from “cameras all over the city.”"
- Let's try this again: #trd ✈️ #agp to #JOTB2018
- #osl
- @mirjam_diala I find the definitions here very good:
- Arrived at the Hotel, shopped some food and now putting some final touches on the slides. #JOTB2018
- These are some magic tunes: #TranceFamily
- ¡Hola @JOTB2018! If you need a @ConfBuddy during #JOTB2018 feel fry to find me, I'm here also for the first time!
- If you happen to be @JOTB2018 feel free to pick my brain any time! Ask me about programming (web, backend, APIs, Node.js, JavaScript, AWS, IoT, ...), software craft (Testing, Quality, Releasing), career advice, leadership and agile methodologies. Also Norway 🇳🇴! #JOTB2018
- "Here at Google, I've been harassed, sent death threats, stalked and pushed around." The dumpster fire that is the tech industry:
- Arrived @JOTB2018, and no surprise, it's on a beach! 🏖️
- #JOTB2018
- Want to learn about prototyping #iot products using #JavaScript? Join me today at #jotb2018 - 16:50 in Gromenauer Hall.
- @jurgenappelo Have you been to @supercell? Also, I think @rinkkasatiainen might know more companies there.
- We will finally get proof that Aliens exist!
- .@ashasquasha gives her #JOTB2018 on Insane Difficulty Mode: beamer not working and audio glitches.
- @jurgenappelo Also: @SlushHQ itself is a fascinating organisation.
- True, the contrasts could not be stronger. Not only regarding the weather, but economy. Prices (and thus wages) here are crazy low compared to Norway.
- Now @Tweet_Cassandra from @MaibornWolff talking about the perception of #devops at #JOTB2018
- @JOTB2018 @Ravetracer That definitely made it extra interesting to submit a talk. But also that #jotb2018 had an actionable Code of Conduct and offered travel support for speakers! #paytospeak
- "Certificates, technologies are the least important factors when evaluating candidates" - Cassandra about her learnings working as a tech recruiter.
- @JOTB2018 @Ravetracer Well deserved. I hope this paid off and you had a good amount of applications from underrepresented groups. I also hear that you actively reached out! This is so important.
- In order to help others understand compex concepts like DevOps we need to provide a lot of context for them, and only through experiencing it they will truly understand it.
- Cassandra provides a good list of tips how to teach concepts in general!
- .@sergeybykov from the @msftorleans team gave a great talk about the many things that are still unknown when it comes to transactions in large systems. #JOTB2018
- @palvaro Yes! She didn't break a sweat!
- @jke Das ist ein Fall für das Abuse-Form von MailChimp.
- .@jboner talking about the fundamentals when design software systems: look at the events (verbs, what's happening) not at the things (nouns, the structure). #JOTB2018
- "Event-based systems better reflect how things work in the real world. They are not easier compared to CRUD based systems, which we as developers prefer." #jotb2018
- Here are my slides for my talk about Prototyping products for the Internet of Things using JavaScript at #JOTB2018:
- And the first of our limited edition @NordicTweets Thingy:52 #IoT Sensor Kit goes to @oseas! Meet me tomorrow at 9 at the Firstro Hall stage. Here is how to get started: #jotb2018
- And the second of our limited edition @NordicTweets Thingy:52 #IoT Sensor Kit goes to @NeuedaCareers! Meet me tomorrow at 9 at the Firstro Hall stage. Here is how to get started: #jotb2018
- It's nice, isn't it! #iot #javascript @Espruino
- Big shout-out to @Amsimss for being such a great session host and handling the quirks in my talk like it was a walk in the park! (Hint: Don't update firmware just before the talk). #JOTB2018
- Today I learned about @thesafemovement and how it's aiming to change the tech industry through commitment to #diversity and #equality. It's a simple and powerful way to start the conversation in your tribe. Check out:
- "Gender balance is important to us!" Great to hear that from a CEO of a tech company. This is the CEO of @salesforce.
- @goethalss ... aus der Bild.
- This was the Speakers Dinner Location, and I'm now stuffed with fantastic seafood. #jotb2018
- Walking to day two of #JOTB2018 and Malaga be like:
- The beach of #jotb2018 where large sea shells can be found in droves.
- .@joeerl speaking on the core principles of computing and what we should learn to become a great programmer. #JOTB2018
- 3 great programming #books to read: #JOTB2018 #learning
- "Apple has given us Super-Computers which we can't program"
- "Knowledge travels with people. Silicon Valley has a good way of rotating people and thus spreading good ideas."
- @NeuedaCareers, still want to claim your Thingy or should I pick another winner?
- @c089 @zoom_us works great and has cool features like shared whiteboards and on-video drawing.
- @c089 @zoom_us Oh :/ I didn't have this experience so far.
- @jezenthomas I could watch @tinyhousegirl all day:
- Learning about Reactive Design from @rolandkuhn on #JOTB2018
- PSA: Don't paste code that you found on the internet in your browser console.