In August 2019 I've tweeted 305 times
My Twitter archive of August 2019
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for August 2019.
- You don't like CSS in JS?! How about SQL in JS!
- @Der_Pesse Well, the Athena parser does that, and in this scenario the user can only read, they can't write to the underlying table or store (S3).
- @yatil Only if you want to rainbow color your statements!
- @Der_Pesse When there is no server, then it's somebody else's problem!
- Looks like my 90s PHP code again, finally.
- @Der_Pesse This is a serverless solution, so the "backend which sends the query to the database" does not exist for me. Hence, this is the API I have to use.
- @rotnroll666 Yeah, we can refactor it later and INTRODUCE AN ORM!!!
- @fquednau @Der_Pesse This is on the client side.
- Anybody working on react-orm?
- @ManuelBieh They fixed it, undefined is a valid argument for useRef:
- @Der_Pesse You can partition your data store (S3) in a way that you can only see your data. But ... bare Athena is not intended to be used in multi-tenancy setups.
- @Der_Pesse Yes, right. In that case it's only sensor data without any PII. Athena is used to analyse that. User data, credentials etc. are in a different silo.
- #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- @toggleModal STEAM MACHINE 💙⚡
- @iamjoyheron Thank you for sharing this, I appreciate that you try to let me see your perspective this way.
- @iamjoyheron I call that "full stack literacy": I't means I know my way around the entire stack, but don't claim to be (nor want to be) an expert developer on all layers.
- @troubalex @GirlsCodeMK @VIBB_IO 👏 to @VIBB_IO, because you have the structure to enable this quick cycle time! Getting code to production and seeing what you work on is so important, especially for juniors.
- @iamjoyheron Yes, so true. For a long time I was very proud to call myself a full-stack developer.
- @iamjoyheron One important thing I'd like to emphasize is that I ask you and other to reconsider what you are striving for, and if "becoming an expert on all layers" (which for me means FSD) is really that important?
- @iamjoyheron Is it so important that we do not invest in other areas?
- @iamjoyheron By all means I know that you are the not the typical FSD bro, who only cares about tech.
- @iamjoyheron And you absolutely have the right to call yourself whatever you feel reflects best your capabilities. Here I think we can focus more what we do (e.g. [Product, Solution] Engineer) instead of how we do it ([Full Stack, Frontend, Backend] Engineer).
- @DJGummikuh @iamjoyheron @rotnroll666 Men are trash.
- @MercedesBenz
- @toggleModal I guess truth is not always pleasant.
- @iamjoyheron I am now an R&D (Research and Development) Engineer at work, and I like that title.
- @domsom you really don't want to rely on Google Maps' movement data:
- @toggleModal Thanks for the heads up, they were missing in my collection as well!
- We Already Have the World’s Most Efficient Carbon Capture Technology: 🌳🌳🌳
- @katrinaclokie @MaritvanDijk77 @skamille @lara_hogan @joulee Accelerate by @nicolefv et al has a lot of important advice for leading engineering organisations:
- Now on the road in #Trondheim 🇳🇴: these 24m long Super Buses
- @miskaknapek Yes, they are the same model.
- "Dead to Me" on Netflix is good. So good!
- Great article on the benefits of Trunk Based Development:
- @colehafner One of the key aspects is continuous delivery, which is enabled through continuous integration: work towards that. This article explains how it all ties together:
- @colehafner This is three best book you can read right now about how to move fast without breaking things:
- @colehafner And, the article literally explains how to do it. What are you unsure about?
- @colehafner A contribution factor can be if you have no WIP limit: if developers each work work on individual tasks a lot of what could have been resolved during development gets discussed in PRs.
- For sponsors I believe the effect of being a diversity sponsor, enabling individuals to attend a conf has way more impact for the community and the companies karma than paying for shirts, socks or hoodies.
- Nice, because I am located in Norway, I obviously have knowledge as a Connection Design Engineer. When I say that we are overpaid plumbers, I do not mean that literally! #shitrecruiterssay
- @glembotzky @codefreeze_fi Did you contact Kiilopää directly? (See
- @heimathafenWI @TEDTalks @HansReitz @dannowack @cwaldeck @DrSchnuw @iconeo @norbertgilles Ohne roten Teppich, aber immer auf den Punkt!
- @glembotzky @codefreeze_fi That's weird, can you check that @rinkkasatiainen?
- I think I'll stop eating meat burgers. I made this homemade beetroot burger with halloumi and blue cheese and it's just so much tastier than every meat burger I ever made.
- @rinkkasatiainen @glembotzky @codefreeze_fi Thank you! 🙏
- @simonklaiber Replace the Feta with Halloumi. Add extra blue cheese after flipping them.
- @troubalex I don't know that. Some kind of sauce?
- @lessless_ua Let me know if you need a translation.
- @troubalex Nice! Looks like Meny is selling that.
- .@codefreeze_fi has very family-friendly accomodation options, btw!
- @I_am_Darina I already tried Beyond Burger, but they are not so convincing. The texture is great, though.
- Really well written introduction to functional programming. Read and learn why you'll ♥️ it! Thanks @bberrycarmen for polishing this article to perfection! 💯
- @meikeco Haha, die andere Seite des Tales hat schon Winter?!
- Bake like an Egyptian:
- Yeah! 🤘
- Look what came in the mail: proud to be wearing the @Code_Door t-shirt up here in #Norway 🇳🇴!
- Functional Programming? Don’t Even Bother, It’s a Silly Toy. 🐼 🙈🙉🙊
- My summer bike feels like new again. After ~15,000km it was time to replace the crankshaft, the breaks, the chain and the front gearwheel. No more cranking noises and nice break feedback!
- @pati_gallardo Log cabin builder
- Norwegen: 100% Einweg.
- @rotnroll666 More like: washing a bike moves dirt to places it does more harm than leaving it on the surface.
- @meikeco I worked hard for that!
- @ToH_82 Kennst Du ?
- @meikeco Who is cleaning bikes?
- @emilybache I'd say that it's not necessary that the approved value is machine-generated. I use this technique when implementing "formatters": given input, I write down the expected output manually. Then I test the implementation against that.
- @c089 Stimmt!
- Another new t-shirt today: after hearing @thebandGHOST at Granåsen for the first time in my life I had to thank them a little bit: I'm just hooked to their catchy metal.
- @rinkkasatiainen Great to hear. I wonder why they thought it got cancelled. What can we do next year so they are not confused again?
- @toggleModal Great that you got some outside perspective on that!
- This feature from @pikapkg is so cool: If gives you a zero-config npm installable version of a PR right away, so you can use a change without needing to wait for an npm release, or deal with npm channels! More hore:
- NOW I have a reason to look into #rustlang @rustembedded
- @CambNetwork @42Technology @NordicTweets It think the current progress is in here: @NordicTweets
- @merlanura
- @dc7590 @GunnarGrosch Yeah! Definitely come by, and maybe even at one of the AWS user groups in Trondheim or Oslo!
- @gr2m @github Can't wait for Actions to become GA! This will make CI/CD so much more accessible for more developers. More Quality for all of us!
- @gr2m @github This looks so good, and complete. Tough news for Travis and CircleCI.
- @c089 @AnnNat Freiburg!
- Stop complaining about node_modules. I have 1,2 GB of dependencies for compiling a hexfiles to flash on an embedded devices.
- @netzgeselle @ToH_82 @webrocker @m_ott @DevsForFuture @bjoekoe @unparteiisch What's your Antelope, then?
- @nagel_kl I honestly did not expect this!
- Interesting writeup on @shanselman's journey to better video conferencing quality - because great video and sound are important to be able to communicate fully and build connections.
- @fgortazar @micael_gallego Yes! I have a great webcam already and a headset with microphone, but I really need to try the ring light. Always struggling with good lighting.
- @skane2600 @shanselman Yes! When I speak I deliberately look at the camera, not at the screen. It's awkward but removed this awkwardness for the other person.
- @skane2600 @shanselman There are concepts to move the camera into the screen: And we could experiment with the teleprompter setup:
- We should all listen more to Faithless:
- Classic Cars Meetup in #Trondheim Burning fuel does not sound better than this:
- Classic Cars here in #Norway are a whole new level compared to what is street legal in Germany! There is a meeting today in #trondheim 🇳🇴
- Also check out this beautiful BMW 6:
- @lessless_ua They do! There were some classic cars which had their engines replaced. But I think one of the appeal is that you are allowed to preserve them in their original configuration. Also, here they are just a tiny part of traffic, you rarely see any classic car on normal days.
- @meikeco Vielleicht besseres WLAN und guten Kaffee anbieten?
- This summer 😲
- What a mess, testing #IoT on NB-IoT / LTE-m with multiple network operators and all of them have some individual quirks...
- Testing with the #nrf9160 outdoors:
- @colehafner It's raining and I needed a water proof case for my Thingy:91!
- @a_bangser @Singsalad Yes, sorry to hear it did not work for you, but I am also excited for learning what you do next. I wish you enough energy for the change, though. That's always tough.
- @gr2m Fira Code
- I found a better case:
- @tdpauw One question I use during interviews is "what have you learned recently and would like to share?". It's more open and tests also for their ability to explain a topic they are familiar with.
- This is a set of questions @tdpauw recently used for hiring full stack software engineers inside an agile team:
- @rinkkasatiainen That week is in our calender since CodeFreeze!
- But kept the name 😂
- @rradczewski Google's Pixel was release 3 years ago and is still up to date. But true, the iPhones are known to be maintained for very long.
- Microsoft starts a new game of vendor lock-in, this time in the cloud by making windows instances outside of Azure more expensive:
- Our industry works mostly without doing the same thing twice (innovate!) and does that without ability to plan ahead (agile/react to market). However we are gaslighted into adopting work processes from mass production lines. Here is why that destroys productivity:
- @MaritvanDijk77 I found that post to be very inspiring:
- Thanks for making this! I enjoyed all the episodes so far, keep up sharing! @moonpigtech
- @miskaknapek Ohh, this looks like a huge code smell. Why has your method no arguments?
- @miskaknapek @datenreisender Is it public somewhere? Happy to point you into the right direction.
- @miskaknapek @datenreisender I don't think that Object Oriented programming is the right answer here. A better principle is most likely: - keeping methods small (do one thing) - composing operations with multiple small functions - making these not mutation global state but take an input, and return change
- Look at this @NordicTweets cutie! This is the hardware part of the #iot Cat Tracker project I am currently working on, and my colleagues just spend two days assembling two of these by hand. There are components on it which are smaller than a grain of sand.
- We have students in house today in #Trondheim where this work serves as a great example of what we need here @NordicTweets - not only electrical engineers, but all kind of developers to build samples like this end-to-end.
- @miskaknapek @NordicTweets Yes, and parts of it can be broken off to make it even smaller when deploying it in the field.
- Size comparison with a Tile Pro:
- The Cat Tracker project is getting a lot of questions from students:
- I just blogged on how to automate the building of HEX files for your @NordicTweets nRF Connect SDK application using @CircleCI:
- @m4nl5r It runs on a small LiPo battery.
- @oredev @ConfBuddy Thanks for sharing this @oredev!
- @mattsches in us-east-1 starten...
- It took me three hours to get the Typescript CRA work with twemoji, but this was totally worth it. And here is the PR for twemoji:
- Coffee Bar in a Norwegian train: (You pay with Credit Card)
- @android_oma ich bekomme keine Token Email von der Android App.
- @storchp @android_oma Nach 5 Minuten war er da... Danke!
- @storchp @android_oma Da war halt nicht so viel Bahnhof zu zeigen ;-)
- Symbolpolitik ist die dümmste Politik.
- #Glow season 3 AKA "Show ALL the tits!"
- Matrix John Wick Heat Starship Troopers Apocalypse Now
- @domsom @NordicTweets I am aware that this is not a new idea. The purpose is to show how to build something like this with Nordic hardware. We make this entire project (from device to end-user app) available for free.
- @liran_tal Maybe, but hugely entertaining for me.
- Steuererklärung get's so much better, once you live abroad.
- @clekis Easy! Aber die Deutsche wird dann auch viel einfacher, weil ich nur noch viel weniger angeben muss ...
- @clekis Ja, das wird sicher frickelig.
- I have this wild dream of turning email in organizations into a force ranked issue list where the sender gets direct feedback about the impact of their request.
- @sschrass @alexfischer Auslandseinsätzen passieren nicht von heute auf Morgen, sondern sind Missionen die von Truppenteilen ausgeführt werden die genau dafür vorbereitet sind. Ee wäre das selbe zu sagen, dass die Feuerwehr nicht auf Brandeinsätze vorbereitet ist.
- @sschrass @alexfischer Ja, schon klar. Aber die sind auch nicht "von heute auf morgen", oder "ueberraschend", was du als besondere Belastung darstellst. Das ist Teil des Jobs des Soldaten, mit dem sogar Werbung gemacht wird...
- @emsuiko If you measure the quality by that metric it will be totally misleading. Think about all the questions you did not get! See Survivorship Bias: Is there an easy way for people to let you know that the documentation helped them?
- @EmmaWedekind No, but the conf must - have a Code of Conduct - pay for travel - have reasonable ticket prices
- @_c16n_ @KlaraMiffili Make them shine, not yourself.
- @lordthundering Check the open call for presentations on @papercall_io @AppCfp, and @cfp_land
- @lordthundering What's it that you are sharing about serverless IoT backends? I'd love to hear more...
- Outbound towards #SoCraTes2019! So much looking forward meeting old and new friends! #trondheim 🇳🇴
- @FQ400 I love how you frame it!
- @FQ400 Yes, that's a great tool when you can openly discuss and discover this!
- #Trondheim as seen from the plane. It's so cute and small ...
- @RidingWolf Friends, we go to Frankfurt after SoCraTes, and then to
- Started to watch and already learnt so much about the background of this terrible war. They unfold so many layers, it's amazing to see what normally is not told.
- Why the 5LL is such a great book:
- @pati_gallardo @TechWomenNorway Do you needs hands-on support during the event or can I do something remote/from Trondheim?
- @pati_gallardo @TechWomenNorway I'm in! Web stuff is my job! GitHub-Handle: coderbyheart Shoot over those issues!
- Welcome Germany, also already needed hard cash 💰 to pay for the baggage storage at Hamburg central station.
- @Code_Door Thanks for being so welcoming for any form of contribution!
- I don't know any bigger UI/UX mess than what is Microsoft Office 365 Single Sign On.
- @toggleModal Hm, let's see. Reloaded and Revolutions weren't exactly good sequels...
- @toggleModal Exactly, I'd rather see a Trinity-only prequel, where we learn more about her.
- A colleague asked me, what my preferred platform for learning more about software engineering is. It's my work! And here is how I do it: I am always experimenting. >
- Every time I work on a new task (something bigger, not a bug fix), I will try to implement one aspect using a different, new approach so that I always have one uncertain element, where I can learn and try a new thing. But only one!
- It's important to not introduce too many uncertainties at the same time.
- I would be great if @github actions had a caching feature, so that I would not need to download tons of dependencies over and over again.
- @XDetant Yeah, but it's a REAL product.
- @natfriedman @github Awesome!
- I hope @rinkkasatiainen brings this to #socrates2019...
- Disappointed that the new 13" XPS is limited to 16GB RAM.
- @w3ltraumpirat Someone will have that thing you forgot at #socrates2019...
- @fdeberle @w3ltraumpirat @FrankS @mehowte :-(!!
- @AmelieCornelis @TetianaBorys @w3ltraumpirat Yes, we already met last year! So @TetianaBorys there are quite a few people like @mirjam_diala and me who are happy to be your @ConfBuddy ... Meaning we are always there and happy to help it just hang out if you need someone!
- Started my day early and now en route to #socrates2019 via Hamburg with beautiful weather!
- @gazebo_c @teamcoder_ @jingx23 @markusheilig2 I hope some day you will come here, too!
- @rinkkasatiainen I'll take the 14:37 train from Central Station to Soltau.
- @rinkkasatiainen Awesome!
- This job will be one of the most influential roles @NordicTweets because it will have decicive impact on our journey from short-range wireless to cellular wireless products. >
- You will work at the helm of a $100M investment effort and help to get the exciting tech we have developed to unfold into amazing and innovative #iot products in the hand of our customers.
- I worked for two years on nRF Connect for Cloud and can tell you that there is amazing potential to tap the brains of hundreds of amazing engineers and build on top of that.
- It requires all your creativity and empathy for the customer because at Nordic we have tech on our hands years before it reaches the end-user. This means you need to think ahead of anybody else in the market.
- Develop not simply long-range wireless solutions but have the paradigm shift in mind that our products enable: an entirely new category of #iot products becomes feasible because of our ultra-low-power chips.
- Combined with the increasing ubiquity of preto- and prototyping fablabs this makes rapid product innovation in hardware the norm.
- Bonus: this role is based in beautiful Norway 🇳🇴, out of our offices in #Trondheim or #Oslo. We sponsor relocation with @onboardnorway (which made moving here for me two years ago so easy). I'm happy to tell you more! PNs are always open.
- @SamirTalwar @NicoleRauch I have a good counter-example: If I import the individual modules from the package it will be harder to understand further down which AWS service they belong to.
- @rinkkasatiainen We are going to have a Currywurst before that somewhere around Central Station. Will let you know precise location later.
- Now meeting @LobaroHH at their office and look what I see: their evaluation board with @NordicTweets #nrf9160 Cool thing: they put two mikroBUS headers on it which gives them the ability to plug-in 800+ readymade shields.
- @rinkkasatiainen We are going here and will be there in ~15 Minutes: KÖRRI SPEISEKONTOR Springeltwiete 2, 20095 Hamburg 040 76755100
- @saskalii I'm looking forward to what you will be sharing!
- Met @rinkkasatiainen and Patrick for a fancy Currywurst, now we are ready for the train to #SoCraTes2019
- This is how it starts: The first evening news at #socrates2019
- is a place where you can practice your coding skills. Thanks @mirjam_diala for the tip! #socrates2019
- @emsuiko @SoCraTes_Conf It's not that bad actually. I'll do some more photos tomorrow. Diversity is important here, and it's reflected in the audience (I think).
- Perfect subtitle for #socrates2019
- We started #socrates2019 with a awesome World Café, very awesomely facilitated by @Singsalad:
- @gazebo_c #socrates2019 is open for everyone who is interested to meet nice people. That's all your old mind needs to known!
- #socrates2019 is also about: Killing Zombies (or getting killed by them)
- I took the hit for my comrade:
- @rradczewski @mrksdck @mkrogemann @mgaertne Where is the pool table?!
- And now we all lost to the zombies. #socrates2019
- #socrates2019 ist packed: so amazing to see these many come to share and learn.
- Long queue to share ALL the knowledge! #socrates2019
- @spielplatzmnstr @SoCraTes_Conf We miss you!
- @gazebo_c @SoCraTes_Conf I'll make a mental note, to invite you!
- Brainstorming how we can save the planet and deal with dispair not to do enough. #socrates2019
- Slides from the #socrates2019 session on saving the planet:
- So much choices! The #socrates2019 coffee corner serves all tastes (there is tea also)!
- Just learned about a new effort to compile a Software Craft Body of Knowledge, an open-source (CC-licensed) curriculum that provides community curated resources for building good software and being a good crafter: #socrates2019
- Found a quiet place to hang the hammock and relax a bit. Unconferences like #socrates2019 are intense!
- There is an older, similar effort which quieted down, but worth a look:
- I had two super-interesting sessions on #javascript and #iot #e2e testing, so I forgot to take sessions. My slides on the #e2e testing are here: I also mentioned this technique how I deploy lambdas to AWS:
- This is day one of #socrates2019: still going for many more hours.
- @olsharoth If they have a Imperial Stout or Milk Stout, I'm in!
- This is the front of the t-shirt I'm wearing today at #socrates2019
- Tonight we are on a (long) crusade: #socrates2019
- @mirjam_diala It's mine, I brought it.
- I received a lot of positive comments about this t-shirt, thank you #SoCraTes2019! You can download the layout-files here, so you can print your own version yourself: I printed this shirt @spreadshirt for €33,98. Reach out, if you need help with that!
- #socrates2019 ist ready and eager for day two:
- I'm not crying, you are! 💓
- @AdharaIT Thank you for sharing this, this is so valuable for me to know what's needed to happen in our communities to be more inclusive!
- #socrates2019 If you brought your kids here, please share about your experience to make #confswithkids the norm and not the exception.
- Here is the post I mentioned in the OOFP (object-oriented functional programming) session: #socrates2019
- The #rust intro session is packed: #socrates2019
- Thanks to whomever brought the Nduruomo PB to #socrates2019 I live these kinds of dark, chocolatey roasts.
- The amazing @malk_zameth is facilitating dozens of katas during #socrates2019. On both tables all are doing their first katas ever. Who better mentor could you wish for?
- I think I brought the @NordicTweets Thingy:91 to the right #socrates2019 session.
- Here are the results from the diversity++ session: #socrates2019
- So happy that my friends @benjamin @c089 @rradczewski from sponsored the kudos cards this year! #socrates2019
- Thank you so much for your efforts @w3ltraumpirat to make this a welcoming and inclusive event and inspiring others to continue! #socrates2019
- @NativeWired @benjamin @c089 @rradczewski Yes! Designs are available at
- #socrates2019 collected 1000 € in tips for the hotel staff here which made use again feel very welcome.
- #SoCraTes2020 dates: August 27-30 #socrates2019
- Love it!
- 2,5 hours in the CQRS/ES/Hexagonal Architecture session and still going! #socrates2019
- @lessless_ua Do it! 😜
- We are now doing the RPG Combat Kata: #socrates2019
- ...why CodeCraft UK started calling "Diversity Tickets" differently: "Community tickets". #socrates2019
- @ollispieps can you send me the link to the presentation?
- @gdinwiddie @_andreasgrimm But "cræftiga" would be male if I understand that analysis correctly.
- @mirjam_diala Great that you did try a kata!
- Addition:
- @tomphp @bnathyuw Yes! Priorities have definitely shifted in the last year!
- Goodbye #socrates2019! I had a fantastic time and am blown away as usual by your love and compassion for building an inclusive community around being better humans in front of computers. 💙💯💥🤗
- @lisacrispin Thank you! I always try to find new ways to push my communities to be more awesome!
- @datenreisender Ohh, the name is awesome, but uhm, maybe a Vodka?
- @offbyoni Yes 👋, sorry I didn't find you when leaving!
- @availle @w3ltraumpirat Save travels! It was so cool that you could bring you #nerdfamily to #socrates2019!
- That's a first. My train gets overcrowded (#ice777) by passengers whose train broke down. Now my train has overweight and can't continue. I'm leaving and will wait for the next train. #dbfail
- Train conductor promised 25 € rebate for those that exit at DB Reisezentrum but that's closed here. @DB_Bahn
- @offbyoni Awesome idea! 💯 Would love that, too!
- @miskaknapek Thanks, the following connections seem to be on schedule again...
- @sebs303 Haha, guess who brought some of those stickers :-)
- I've arrived! #socrates2019
- I really love our latest development platform, the Thingy:91. It's an amazing package and with cellular connectivity lets you now prototype highly mobile #iot products:
- The sound of hard cash in my pocket. I must be in Germany ...
- @ollispieps Thanks!
- Thanks to @ollispieps who gave me a very good reason for my gut feeling that argument bags: myMethod({arg1, arg2, arg3}) are better than positional arguments: myMethod(arg1, arg2, arg3) #firstprinciples #socrates2019
- @ollispieps Here is a DevZone article about it:
- @Kiview @ollispieps Would this be different in static languages?
- @Jan0707 @ollispieps But you can combine both, because in TypeScript you can also type the argument object's properties.
- @ollispieps @Kiview Yeah, I'd also say it does not matter whether it's a dynamic or static language.
- @yefoakira @ollispieps Yes, more specifically Connascence of Position (CoP)
- It's a great talk!
- @garstenko You can find your distributor here:
- @tomphp @ollispieps @Kiview IMO it's not less-able. Either you need to know the order, or you don't. With argument bags I can change the order without the caller needing to care.
- @Kiview @tomphp @ollispieps I think a HashMap?
- @SamirTalwar @Kiview @tomphp @ollispieps Good point, in JavaScript though both approaches provide the same (none) typing for the caller. What gets lost?
- I love how we can discuss very controversial topics @SoCraTes_Conf and then we listen to all opinions and try the best to lift us up to a better understanding.
- @dc7590 @SoCraTes_Conf You should come, I experience so many there that bring their full self to the conference and receive respect with compassion and a deep commitment to make everybody feel safe and included. That's the magic of SoCraTes: strong community builders who lean in.
- It's hard work.
- @_andreasgrimm @fullstack_js Thank you for this invitation! I'd love to talk about this some time.
- @colehafner A lot of places are still cash only, or don't take credit cards.
- State of #IoT in Germany: 2 SIM cards from different vendors 3 network modes to test Nothing works.
- We just transferred a bigger amount of money (like in we needed to call the Bank for confirmation big) to Norway using @TransferWise. It took a day until it reached our account and did cost roughly a third of what we would have payed at our bank. Great service!
- So. Important. If you see something say something.
- @maaretp @SamirTalwar @wolframkriesing @ikusalic @dtanzer come to mind when I think about men who care about testing and software quality that also speak.
- @maaretp @SamirTalwar @wolframkriesing @ikusalic @dtanzer @alvarobiz has won a special place in my heart at #socrates2019, he needs to go on a stage!
- @maaretp From first hand experience I know @carlosble and @DanielRamosAcos to be in love with good software and great teachers.
- Come to #Trondheim 🇳🇴 Maker Faire Fri and Sat and learn how to build a Cat Tracker with @NordicTweets tech. We provide hard and software samples so you can start easily with the newly released #Thingy91.
- New haircut. New sunglasses. Old town hall. #Offenbach
- Perfect weather to be testing the @NordicTweets #Thingy91 outdoors!
- @pati_gallardo Thanks, it's easy for me, but great to hear that it helps you!
- Hey @MicrosoftTeams, it seems you and @Outlook are playing a tag-game with my credentials on Android and I need to do this SSO dance multiple times a day.
- @ChristinGorman Hei, I am helping to build the event page for the Ada Lovelace Mini Conference and I would like to provide speaker information on the page (if that is OK for you). Would you kindly provide me with the information you would like to share?
- Name: Pronouns: URL: Description (in third person): Image: The content will be published on and you can always update it yourself later via Thank you!
- @acdlola Hei, I am helping to build the event page for the Ada Lovelace Mini Conference and I would like to provide speaker information on the page (if that is OK for you). Would you kindly provide me with the information you would like to share?
- @acdlola Name: Pronouns: URL: Description (in third person): Image: The content will be published on and you can always update it yourself later via Thank you!
- @SamirTalwar ts-lint and eslint-typescript have tests for "floating" promises:
- @SamirTalwar I personally have been bitten by try { doAsyncThing() } catch { // Never called in above fails }
- The one and only @dc7590 is opening an evening full of chaos (SO on brand for him) with @russmiles Thanks for the hosting @dbsystel!
- @matschmann Ja, kurzer Zwischenstopp vor der CodeBreeze:
- Mirjam wrote a beautiful post about what makes @SoCraTes_Conf such a unique place. And how heartbreaking the real world is. No coincidence that we called it a "place for utopias" this year. I hope that we got to inspire more people to work on making these utopias reality.
- @acdlola Sure! I was not able to DM you, but my DMs are open.
- @acdlola No worries!
- #chaosengineering is about acknowledging that we are wrong all the time and with that knowledge deliberately and scientifically work towards being less wrong.
- @alexschnapper Thanks! Sorry you couldn't make it, the talk is pretty good!
- @russmiles quotes extensively from @nicolefv's book Accelerate. I also highly recommend it!
- @mirjam_diala @SoCraTes_Conf I couldn't explain SoCraTes in a better way.
- Seems a lot of "guys" work here...
- Thanks @halle_bad_kapp for sponsoring this cool event!
- @sebs303 @s0enke @benjamin @Quora @SoCraTes_Conf @learnerbyheart It has been researched, the Wikipedia page lists three studies you could look into:
- @sebs303 Do you see people "applying" conveys law? It describes emergent behaviour of organisations. It's like a bias, I know it exists, and I can try to reduce it's effect.
- @sebs303 I don't use Quora.
- @pati_gallardo
- This post now also contains instructions how to build @zephyriot binaries on @github using Actions: #iot #continuousdelivery
- @SamirTalwar Thanks! Days since wearing it would have been needed: 0
- @datenreisender @NordicTweets Yay! Starting there already?
- We are pioneering a conference format that combines nature, vacation, outdoor activities, saunas, building human connections with a tech open space. I 💙 it! Reach out, if you want to join!
- @marcphilipp @rinkkasatiainen We are planning to!
- @robinboehm @ConfBuddy @ngdeconf @webdave_de Thanks for being awesome @ConfBuddys!