In February 2021 I've tweeted 206 times
My Twitter archive of February 2021
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for February 2021.
- I guess the problem with using pre-defined coding challenges is, that one proliferates programmer falsehoods. 😟
- @codurance @SoCraTes_UK We care about inclusitivity, so I kindly ask you once again, drop the middle-man. s/craftman/crafter/ It's not hard. Thank you!
- @emsuiko If you get the opportunity to try something new with a limited blast radius, go for it!
- @vicbergquist My coffee grinder.
- @pati_gallardo do you know someone who is tracking covid vacciniation progress for norway, and predicting when it will be that we have a sufficient amount of people vaccinated?
- @pati_gallardo Alright, using the numbers here: and some information about "Tiers" (how many people are in which tier), we should be able to roughly predict how vaccination is doing.
- @jke Mich würden ja viel mehr die Kreppel interessieren ...
- big fat air quotes around that "easily" Cognito is the most cumbersome, outdated, obscure piece of AWS technology.
- @JillWohlner I do, because I believe it puts many in too much pressure. I use code-challenges that are very close to real tasks in our projects, and a technical assignment without a time-limit, so they can do it when it suits them best.
- @lxztlr Well, it's great to have a serverless auth solution, that integrates very well with AWS, so it definitely has it's use.
- Adding two o-rings does improve the sound even further on my @XBowstech ...
- @martinjuhasz @XBowstech These are the Silent Yellow Optical. I have it for 4 weeks now, and now there is new variant :/ Anyway, pretty happy with the feeling. The wife is, too.
- npm 7 is now `latest`:
- Jesus.
- @alex_schl
- ... and Ubuntu standard:5.0 provides Node.js 14 for #CodeBuild.
- @jhein @thilographie_de Reminds me of
- @deeheber @awscloud I've wrote down my findings here:
- @SoCraTes_UK your twitter bio is outdated ...
- Good morning #trancefamily!
- We'll write tests later.
- @siljel 🥑
- @kotzendekrabbe @Confer_O_Matic Zoom with breakout rooms and Mural was really the best experience.
- @kotzendekrabbe I really loved geeking around in
- Looking forward to spend a great day with people who care about great software in @SoCraTes_UK.
- OH: Jira and ZenDesk are destroyers of learning cultures. #SoCraTesUK
- @dwass @fhopf @marcobahn I guess the point in this context was, that these are tools made for archival, it's easy to dump information in there, but there is no dedicated feature around that encourages maintaining information, keeping it up to date, and connecting information.
- 👇💯
- $savedByWireshark++
- @Der_Pesse I use to have nightmares from this game, when having a fever.
- I guess I was very lucky. #pc2021
- @c089 This is how the Matrix was created.
- @katta_spiel maybe @mulmbot knows someone?
- Congrats @Argorak!
- @alexboly The WordPress plugin interface.
- @c089 Three 27 inch monitors...
- A for effort? lineup for 2021.
- @c089 #2: the standing desk
- Friendly reminder that I am #hiring a cloud engineer for @NordicTweets. If you are looking for a family friendly workplace, where we don't compromise on quality and are leading through innovation, have a look. I've designed the hiring process to be relaxed and without surprises.
- Learn more about what it is like to work at Nordic here:
- 😂
- @vicbergquist 🤩 Congratulations!
- @Maggysche SEO.
- @Maggysche DELL XPS 13.
- @lena_lebt @Maggysche Yeah, but they last forever. Mine is now in it's 5th year, did a lot of travel, and still works and feels great.
- Life goal:
- @lena_lebt Good choice. I have the HiDPI glossy touch and it's horrible.
- @lena_lebt I have the most issues with the HiDPI, standlone it's ok, but when connecting regular displays it's always a huge PITA with KDE, because you are mixing displays with different scaling factors ...
- Learned some amazing things about challenges developers face in Iran, while hiring for this role: They have to rebuild so many services we take for granted, and make it work for millions of Iranians, who expect world class quality.
- @jke In Norwegen ist das Porterbuddy:
- Die afip! in #Offenbach ist leider Geschichte. Ich bin Lutz sehr dankbar, dass er dem @wemoof willkommen geheißen hat und uns eine einmalige Location mitten im Herzen Offenbachs bieten konnte.
- Es ist gerade für nicht-kommerzielle Events schwierig Locations zu finden, und Pioniere wie Lutz sind unersetzlich für das Schaffen und Erhalten von Communities, die eine Stadt wie @Stadt_OF überregional einbinden. #wemoof 💙
- @terabaud @cmmd_mx I recently had the same discussion, and I favor separate repos. The reason is that with a mono-repo you are not dogfooding your own packages (because you can run/build/develop everything in place).
- @terabaud @cmmd_mx I prefer to use separate repos and with CI and @SemanticRelease pre-release feature allows me to publish and use a new npm package version within a few minutes. For quick local edits, I sometimes use "npm link".
- Meister @flula bringing some German humor to the US of A.
- Thank you @tonymcguinness for taking us along this beautiful ride! #trancefamily
- @FalkSchmidt Wir haben beim das auch und der Aufwand das durch zu bekommen hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt.
- @tdpauw I have a well received talk around e2e testing and I use it daily, the team I left where I introduced it is still using it because of its value:
- @tdpauw I guess the "ends" you are talking about are not my "ends".
- @Lynoure End-users telling me that my work made a difference for them.
- I know it's hard to join a new organization and a team, so I am trying to make the things that I care about (my first principles) transparent. For now it is a only a loose collection, but it should serve my future colleague to get an impression:
- It started as an idea @SoCraTes_Conf, and I wrote about it here:
- @tdpauw All User Stories/Functionality are tested that way.
- @tdpauw Could be. It makes no sense to call 3rd parties, because I can't verify. There is an example in the talk where the app needs to do that (send webhook alert). I solve this by setting up a real separate endpoint which allows to veryify that the webhook was delivered by the app.
- @tdpauw @sarahjwells might also disagree, she has talked in the past about how they use e2e testing @FT.
- This is a pretty stellar job ad: ... I love how the "Apply Now!" is asking the screening questions. This gives you a so much better insight into the candidate. It's co-creates the perfect cover-letter with the candidate. 💯👏
- Amazing winter day in #Trondheim. The sun is getting warmer which doubles the fun! ☀️❄️
- @terabaud There is an interesting discussion in about the pros and cons. I'd say you can ship ESM only.
- @terabaud I looked into this a few weeks ago, and the tooling I use (e.g. jest) is not there yet. Also the benefit for the user in my case was not noticeable, so I stopped the effort. I use TypeScript so the switch will be solved by the compiler and once tools are ready will be quick.
- is also available in English, btw. Great resource to give to conference organizers!
- The next tier is webscale?
- I took this as an inspiration to add screening questions to my job ad at #hiring
- @fhinkel @type__error Yes, really accentuates the spa area.
- @maaretp worth translating this, it's about women trying to lift women into Wikipedia, and how they get shut down by a mysoginistic mob. It hurts both, the ones writing the article (they've invested months to learn the Wikipedia rules) and the women the articles are about.
- @pati_gallardo I do, and it's great for me and customers because it removes the hassle of maintaining a specific set of dependencies on your system.
- @AlexOhneW 9/11
- The perfect GIF to illustrate what's wrong with our industry: you can shift people around with a single click and everything magically aligns. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING SMOKING @Atlassian?! Source:
- @janl
- .@swarminternet offers $5/month satellite connectivity for #IoT: ... pretty interesting for applications in remote locations (e.g. wilderness, off-shore, etc.). #spaceiot
- I am absolutely not using the @frontend_love virtual badge generator with these permissions!
- 👇
- @colloq_io Really sorry to hear that, but I can imagine how tough it is to move into an over-saturated market.
- @kotzendekrabbe Obviously, getting contacted by engineers is the best way to start building a relationship. That way you immediately know who you would be working with.
- @kotzendekrabbe For a recruiter to get my attention they need to *read and understand* my profile and come up with a pretty compelling argument why I would be a good match for this role.
- @kotzendekrabbe Immediate attention if they got referred by a contact of mine who works there.
- @dan_abramov @snyksec I love and use @snyksec but it's a brainless tool, which does not understand the difference between compile-time dependencies and run-time dependencies and treats them like all ends up in production.
- @hughw @dan_abramov @snyksec True, but I also have libraries which themselves are build tools, so they need to have real dependencies, but never are included in the code they are used to build.
- @FPresencia I think you are right in pointing out that there could be incentives to report as many issues as possible in codebases. Who would be inclined to keep using their service when they see an 👌 on their first try?
- @RidingWolf @OptimumTechYT Looks nice. I would have picked up black Noctua fans, this brown destroys the aesthetics.
- Where's the t-shirt?
- @malk_zameth I hope you fully recover, my friend!
- OH: AWS Velocity templates = Alien language. #nodeCongress @slobodan_ I feel you ...
- @Hamatti Adding a dotted outline? Or adding a ⚙️ icon next to it that on click focuses the input?
- @dan_abramov This could be solved using force directed layout: connect the centers of all existing rectangles with the new rectangle and the outer corners of the plane. Change the lengths of all connections so they are as short as possible but the rectangle to place does not touch any corner.
- @dan_abramov similar to
- Great talk by @BridgeAR about memory leaks in Node.js @NodeCongress #Congress ... made me happy that I rarely encounter these issues, because #serverless. Nevertheless it's important to know about hanging allocations how to avoid them.
- I already use ajv to do runtime validation but just learned from @arrowoodtech about which simplifies creating the #TypeScript types for the consuming code after validation passes. #NodeCongress
- @Lazer
- @slsoftworks /cc @Ravetracer
- @48nairda @FHillemann @FlyBehaviour Adrian, you are now tone policing. If you are getting push-back after push-pack, the smart thing to do is to reconsider that you are adding nothing to this discussion and shut the fuck up. Take the original tweet as is and stop trying to falsify it.
- The #covid19 numbers are going up in Germany again ... I am not surprised.
- Two weeks ago I already saw this predicted (the mutants taking over at 10 times the rate), so anybody who acts surprised did not do their homework.
- @miskaknapek I think Germany's failure to limit office work and the much more aggressive mutants are two key factors right now.
- @48nairda @FlyBehaviour @FHillemann Adrian, I think this need to be spelled out for you to realise the issue here: You slide I to a thread that refers to scientific studies showing that men overpower women significantly in meetings and the OP asking for men to given women the space they deserve. >
- @48nairda @FlyBehaviour @FHillemann You offer a personal anecdote saying that if women are charismatic (meaning pleasing to you personal standards) you will listen to them. Therefore it's not the mens fault that women don't get to talk a fair amount of time, it's because women are not pleasing the men enough. >
- @48nairda @FlyBehaviour @FHillemann This is some A-grade sexist bullshit and turns women into subjects of arbitrary male standards. This is one of the key problems with our industry: men don't see the problem and all issues can easily be addressed, but in a "nice" way. This is fucking ridiculous.
- @MattBolton365 :/
- @pati_gallardo Thank you for sharing and taking the energy to make it wider known.
- @48nairda @FlyBehaviour @FHillemann That's some interesting way you twist my words to fit your agenda. I really made an effort to help you understand. Comparing me to an abuser is a horrendous accusation. I'm done here.
- Getting called an evil cult leader (and lurking abuser) was a first for me today. 🤷♂️
- @m4nl5r Not worth spreading around, I pointed out a mysoginist and he couldn't handle it. But his reaction took a really fucked up dark twist.
- @byteborg ... of feminists.
- @SamirTalwar I was equated with someone who abuses women. That kind of evil.
- @pati_gallardo Yes, it took a mind-bending turn.
- Just fixed a non working webcam in my sisters Zoom, by just joining. #karma
- @annaraefm 1. Idea 2. ??? 3. Profit
- About that MBTI (Myers–Briggs Type Indicator):
- @EmmaBostian People here actually have color concepts for their wall paint, because they don't use every square inch to put stuff there.
- Just noticed that setting up an #AWS CloudFront distribution now takes only 1-2 Minutes. That's a massive improvement!
- Breaks my heart.
- @bionhart @DistributeAid One of them being in need of a big ass uplink.
- Testing a new recording setup: When I recorded my last webinar I got a ringing sensation in my head from wearing headphones all day while speaking, so this should be more comfortable. And the sound is much better compared to my headset microphone.
- Here is how it looks like.
- @Der_Pesse If I do not crop the video, yes. But I typically record screens and my head only in the bottom right corner, cropped to a circle. Like this:
- @Der_Pesse Without crop it would be visible. But in OBS that's easy to do.
- Should I talk a little bit about the hiring process, and how I've tried to make it suitable for a diverse set of candidates? I'd also like to point out, that this role is still open and I haven't talked to enough candidates, yet...
- Great aspect in the @Frontend_Love talk by @mirjam_diala: how to sell #TDD to your ... coworkers, managers, clients: it's enables you to build better software, so the arguments in favor are plenty!
- @vannsl do you have a recording of your talk somewhere else? The @Frontend_Love compression really makes the audio unbearable for my ears... :/ I'd love to follow, but it's painful.
- @vannsl @Frontend_Love :/ I'll take the slides then...
- @Frontend_Love @vannsl Sounds like it got compressed twice.
- @gazebo_c @Frontend_Love @mirjam_diala The recordings will be available on, however paid.
- @mirjam_diala @gazebo_c @Frontend_Love We can also just get together in a video call and discuss!
- @m4nl5r No kidding! *SCNR*
- @m4nl5r Yeah same here. I have some limitations from the corporate side, I wonder if I need to put much more information about the hiring process online, on the ad itself. I mean yours and mine are basically™ the same cookie cutter job ad:
- It would be so amazing to see what amazing space robots @SimoneGiertz will come up with if we #sendsimonetospace!
- @Lazer I'd take this sink apart ... It's messy, but probably worth the effort.
- @Lazer Right, makes sense. I have good experience with using chopsticks to fumble around there. And the hardcore pipe cleaners from Plumbo (white powder that reacts with water). That's available here in Norway, so maybe in Sweden as well.
- @j19sch Thanks for the shout-out! @ieks, happy to improve it, in case you have feedback!
- @jrosaproenca @lisihocke Congrats, João! Well deserved. I think it's kinda premature to plan for travels early June, but 🤞 for you!
- @Lazer @firstdrafthell YES!
- @ieks @j19sch Combining it with Notion works really well, in the session plan below you can also show the field where people enter themselves as interested.
- Working with @Niklas_L and the entire team at @BryterDev will definitely make you a much more well rounded engineer and human. Check it out!
- @Niklas_L Are you finally giving Sprint Boot the boot?
- I'm writing an announcement blog post about the Cat Tracker, and found this gem on @unsplash. Magical.
- @FreXxX @unsplash I disagree. It's beautiful.
- When you launch a new electric car in #Norway ... everything breaks.
- Who said #IoT couldn't be fun? And art? Thanks for this food for thought!
- @spazierendenken Don't forget "Founder"!
- Video and audio quality for @Frontend_Love is 10x better compared to yesterday. Thanks! #JSworldConference
- RedisGraph looks like a really fun way to build graph databases: #JSworldConference
- @pati_gallardo This is ... I don't know which superlative to pick ... galactical incompetence at display?
- This is the registry-free future we need in #JavaScript land: serve dependencies from any webserver.
- @gr2m @deno_land @da_berni_ import maps will improve this for production apps: So you still can have you "import foo from 'bar'" but you can pin 'bar' to a specific version.
- @liran_tal Well, the good thing that making it simpler for people to host their own registries and safer to use them does not mean you can keep using npm. However it makes it more explicit. Golang has proven that it works.
- Kitemaker merges Trello, Notion and Slack with a focus on Getting Things Done. Worth checking out if you are in the market for a new project management tool!
- @poledesfetes What security headers are you talking about? We rely on package-lock with checksums today and in browsers on subresource integrity, so this is already a solved issue today.
- @pati_gallardo I made a very naïve prediction based on the 7 day average of dose 1 administrations ... doesn't look promising right now. Herd immunity reached in 594 days: 2022-10-12
- @Andrea_Hanna :/
- @poledesfetes Yes, I agree, resolving dependencies at runtime would be a stupid idea.
- Can I see the drummer's tent?
- Version 1.5 of the nRF Connect SDK has been release: This time I worked closely on one one of the "Highlights" featured in the release notes: Can you guess which one?
- @gr2m I've done some iterations of that (building reporting for IoT data, which is highly variadic), and is great (looked at Athena, too but). You pipe in JSON and get a super fast SQL interface. It's serverless, so you'll be up in a minute.
- @gr2m Does not solve the UI part for you, though.
- I've added an #e2e test for ensuring that calls to an external API work, and I really love that I can tie this all in one test file: 1. set up the expected call to the remote API 2. Describe the action that triggers this call 3. Verify that it happened
- @troubalex It's kind of a bad time to buy and gaming hardware. This one would be amazing, if you can buy it: Right now if you can't wait, it boils down to what you can actually buy, not what's best.
- @troubalex What's your budget? Preferred screen size?
- @troubalex You can go to Elkjøp, btw. they have quite a few models in their stores to get a feeling about size.
- @troubalex If you still have a working laptop, is right now the best option if you have some demanding titles.
- @troubalex This is available now, has a pretty good price (it's reduced because it's a customer return), and has a 2070 super, which is a good GPU: Norwegian prices for hardware are ~25% more compared to EU, but you don't wan't to hassle with shipping.
- @troubalex The 3060 has 2 GB less RAM, 6GB is OK today for this resolution (FHD). They perform roughly the same today, and 3060 has some other improvements. However, the CPU is slower (impacts gaming). So it then boils down to the display, design, and how good the keyboard feels for you.
- @troubalex I've spent the last months watching @GamersNexus @HardwareUnboxed and @JayzTwoCents ... to build my own gaming system in January. So I am at an 8 year peak on Gaming knowledge right now.
- I can say from my own experience with ICANN, that it is really ambiguous, on the one hand you have these big, open, steering groups, and a lot of enthusiastic people really trying to reach out and hear many opinions, on the other hand you need to know the right people.
- I was asked the other day what "the ability to navigate in a global matrix organization" means and it's corporate speak for "being able to communicate with other people". Why do we need to make things so complicated? #hiring
- Even a cookie get's it!
- @BLJENGINEERING I first discovered them when moving to Norway, and they are so much better than what we are used to in Germany:
- @mrdoob On Chromium/Linux the immersion doesn't work so well because of clipping:
- @miskaknapek @katzentracker Don't know about that ... we didn't pick it for the market size, but for the constraints cats put on a tracker, which highlights the features of the #nRF9160.
- Herd immunity reached in 749 days: 2023-03-17 #corona #norge
- @martinjuhasz Thank you Martin, love to hear this kind feedback!
- @j19sch Oh, yeah, we can always peel away more layers ;-)
- I know @LinusTech audience is probably mostly the same demographic, but I always cringe when companies hiring developers like @xteam advertise their company with 100% white dudes. Source:
- @RealSexyCyborg What a moron, asking you to please him.
- @m4nl5r @BLJENGINEERING So many times did I get sore arms! It's not a "Lüsterklemmer", but a "Lasterklemme"...
- @terabaud I'm happy to have a look at your projects and profile/CV to point out what makes me curious, there is probably a lot of cool stuff. And, just remember that people are great at finding terrible excuses to proof why they must be right.
- @Lazer For me it's typically the other way round. I get easily bus-sick, but usually not in cars (when not driving self).
- @KingOfCoders @solmecke ist ziemlich fit, wenn es um grob um IT/Medien geht.
- @bdougieYO @gr2m Keeping settings like branch protection rules, and labels in sync across multiple repositories.
- @ChristaGoede Was?
- @KingOfCoders Habe ihn schon im Abmahnkontext genutzt :/ Abmahnung sind ja nicht wirklich was, das einen Anwalt benötigt, ich habe auch schon gute Erfahrung mit gemacht, dort kann man sein Problem schildern und bekommt schnell auch Kontakt zu einem passenden Anwalt.
- @KingOfCoders Oookay. Ich glaube nicht, dass eine Abmahnung da was bringt. Dazu musst Du ja erstmal den Aufwand betreiben die Melde-Adresse des Absenders um rechtskräftig belegen zu können, dass die Abmahnung eingegangen ist.
- @KingOfCoders Wenn dir Unternehmen wiederholt SPAM senden, dann ist es einfacher über den Datenschutzbeauftragten zu gehen. Bei Unternehmen aus dem EU-Ausland ist das dann auch zwecklos.
- @KingOfCoders Ich empfehle hier mit guten SPAM and regelbasierten E-Mail-Filtern zu arbeiten um die Anzahl der unerwünschten E-Mails einzudämmen.
- Really great, if they can pull this off: Framework startup designed a thin, modular, repairable 13-inch laptop
- @dbmindbox @tensorparc 👆
- Norway has its own producer of solar roof tiles already:
- @type__error You could host it from GitHub pages instead, they are already fast, free and play well with CloudFlare.
- I tried to count the ratio of women to men depicted in a technical context in articles and ads in the Norwegian Teknisk Ukeblad and ran out of space on my post-it before the last page ...
- @emsuiko Well, I didn't expect it to be equal (I had seen the content before), but wasn't prepared for this contrast ...
- @m4nl5r Let me know if I can assist with sourcing them, they should be fine with English inquiries, though.
- @zimmskal It's getting better, at a glacial speed.
- Is there a way to get a @Netlify preview for only a specific PR? I have preview builds turned because there are a lot of dependency updates, which won't break the build and I don't look at them. But now I have a fix, which I'd like to have a preview for:
- @alex_schl pretty cool to see you featured on the @browserstack sign-in page!
- Heat Terminator 2 John Wick Hardcore Henry Hurt Locker
- @wolframkriesing I think it's more portable to use the unicode instead. Because :smile: is english, while 😁 is not a specific language.
- @wolframkriesing It sounds like you need a way to quickly find the right emojis. There are plugins for e.g. vscode that simplify inserting them in.