In February 2022 I've tweeted 202 times
My Twitter archive of February 2022
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for February 2022.
- @kotzendekrabbe What I always loved working in coworking spaces, I met fantastic people there to and always had HUGE whiteboards available. Both great for figuring out problems...
- @OddNina Google hat TakeOut, und IMAP/POP3 access, da gehe keine Mails verloren.
- @kotzendekrabbe 😱 Can't imagine going to an office without them! I think it was the first thing I bought when setting up my own first office, when I was 17.
- This year I started to invest more into end-to-end testing web-apps because I recently got bitten by a bug in a UI component, which wasn't caught by TypeScript. It happened again! But this time the end-to-end tests caught it! #savedbythetest
- Test run:
- @kotzendekrabbe YES
- @SteamlabsA @microbit_edu @NordicTweets Could you provide a link where people can sign up, so they can get a reminder?
- Oh nice, the Norwegian pet-tracker startup lilbit broke the national crowdfunding record: Great to see that they partner with @NordicTweets!
- @miskaknapek I don't think that's the main goal of these projects, but yeah :-)
- @_francied Yeah, it's also made for people who still read paper magazines...
- @emsuiko ... because everyone is still on vacation?
- Hire Raphael, he is a very thoughtful and skilled web engineer!
- Most #COVID19 restrictions in #Norway have been lifted: The only thing that's not yet allowed is dancing/discos.
- Bin immer wieder extrem beeindruckt von Dominik und dem Team des @heimathafenWI, die mit dem alten Gericht die Infrastruktur für Gründende und Innovative in Wiesbaden nachhaltig verändern. Tolles Update hier: #YesWiCan #rheinmainrocks
- @heimathafenWI
- @raphaelfyi @Niklas_L Yes, talk to them if this sounds remotely *cough* interesting.
- @Maggysche Send him to the supermarket to buy something.
- @Maggysche Oh :/ I'm already used to supermarkets being open every day here in Norway. Brötchen holen?
- @Maggysche @Brommselbitch Take out the trash?
- There is a guide on how to access connected USB devices in WSL 2 for example for flashing: Could be interesting for those of you that use virtual machines with Linux on a Windows host for #embedded development.
- Uhm, have you heard about photography?
- @OnurGumusDev Yes, but I hope that someday we have an in-browser IDE for @ZephyrIoT which can flash targets from the browser... Maybe with the help of compilation in the cloud.
- Spend quite some time today opening word documents for updates to the ITU-T E.118 and released a large update to the e118-iin-list NPM package which helps to the show who issued SIM cards in our web applications:
- @martinjuhasz Yeah, it works with MicroBit already, which is really amazing UX!
- The process is copying from Word to Google Spreadheets, exporting to CSV, and importing via JavaScript. It's a JOY!
- @Niklas_L Always in close touch with customer / user base, and respect for them. Focus on quality. Code stewardship mentality. Good mixture of experience, always training juniors. Experienced people take responsibility in order to give freedom, room to less experienced. Keep promises.
- @pati_gallardo You are doing yourself a favor. Imagine having to work on a project that you know is not feasible. Such a waste of time.
- Which also could mean that U.S. asks allies not to sell products made outside of U.S. that contain U.S. technology to Russia.
- @lsmith @beberlei Right.
- Another day where writing test paid off. While developing I assumed that a component is working, however, it dependende on a setting in my browsers localStorage. Writing the UI test then helped me discover a bug when changing this setting. >
- It's great to have a companion that does not mind to click on the same button over and over again all day long.
- The #tinderswindler is surprisingly riveting and satisfying.
- Doing the first project after completing the tutorial:
- Color me surprised, but I started to write a #nocode/#lowcode tool for @DistributeAid: ... and I like the direction it's going. Idea is describe here:
- I think this IS huge.
- There is a new Azure Device Update for IoT: Last time I checked it wouldn't work with our devices, because it sends huge control messages, which include JWTs. Let's hope they addressed it.
- @ntboes @DistributeAid Yeah, for now it's faster to build the form generation from scratch. I want to focus on our use case first before making it generic. We need to repeat / disable sections based on answers, have custom inputs for number + unit (e.g. food in cans, or palettes).
- @ntboes @DistributeAid Given how quickly I came to this I don't think it's worth generalizing the form generation, I think there are 100+ libraries already for that.
- "Hourly employees had a turnover rate of about 150% every year, data reviewed by The Times indicated." #LateStageCapitalism
- Tried @swc/jest and UH YEAH, it's FAST!
- Fresco is a new Norwegian car maker, and they plan to build these 8-seaters:
- Pretty bold to start collecting US$ 1,000 pre-orders for a 3D rendering of a concept, though.
- @datenreisender @electronjs @felixrieseberg once ran @covalenceconf.
- In other news: Norwegians buy more Porsche Taycans then they buy ICE cars combined.
- @martinjuhasz Arguable 181 Taycans is not statistically meaningful.
- We are hiring a software engineer specialized in #embedded security in #Trondheim:
- "There's new evidence, collected from orbiting satellites, that oil and gas companies are routinely venting huge amounts of methane into the air. Methane is [...] a powerful greenhouse gas, second only to carbon dioxide in its warming impact."
- OMG, please upvote this idea!
- Precisely why many want it to.
- @Maaikees Uhhh, sounds awesome!
- @Maaikees Reminds me of Undivine.
- Needs to be turned into a metal song!
- @fraclipe @tdpauw I think @emBOconference is pretty vendor neutral. Also, has a conference.
- @olafurw Also Italians rating Norwegian Pizzas should be a fun thing to watch...
- @fraclipe To the "vendor's trap" thing ... I think one of the issues is that there are very few platforms, an no really open one, so this vendor lock-in comes kinda natural. I think most OEMs run this way, and conferences tend to follow what the market favors.
- @Maaikees That lead me to this gem:
- @fraclipe No, certainly not. But I wonder if embedded development has different rules / preferences compare to other communities, though.
- @Andrea_Hanna I am not ready to make plans beyond the next two months, yet :/ So @boosterconf is the first physical conference since @EuroTestingConf 2020 for me. Why? Only heard great things about it, and it's in Bergen, Norway where I have friends to visit, too.
- @olafurw Also, looong loading times, and you couldn't switch to your browser to Google cheat codes and watch tutorials, while the game was running.
- @carlescufi @olafurw PC is life!
- Just a normal Friday where @DistributeAid sends donated aid to southern Europe to keep PEOPLE FROM DYING at the European border.
- @NikkiElizDemere @adammarx13 @shanacarp @AdrienneNakohl @agracefulgrin @ThatChristinaG @queermagical @KikiSchirr There is only one pizza in this image.
- More than 1 million people were murdered in #Auschwitz. I encourage you to follow @AuschwitzMuseum for the important work they do to remind us about the people that were murdered at this incomprehensible site that was designed, built and run by ordinary people.
- In 2021 they started to produce a podcast that provides a lot of details on the history of the #auschwitz concentration camp and extermination center.
- @JamesMontemagno @fhinkel @stefanjudis
- @oredev I met @borderless_dev in 2019 @oredev, and now three years later it could be great to hear him and Sara ( talk about how they have employed volunteer open source contributors and tech like @flexport to support the work of @DistributeAid.
- @selfawaresoup @lea_rosema Probably because your art is not that of a thief.
- @mathiasverraes And Paul fails to provide one example. This is typical manipulative speak: working with logically irrefutable claims. In German we call this "Totschlagargument" (a claim that trumps all others), and it's a sign of poor discussion ettiquette.
- PRs are a great tool. But like with any tool we use, it's worth considering why we use them, and for what reason.
- is the best thing that has happened to the JavaScript/TypeScript ecosystem recently. I am using it now to run tests and nodemon in a TypeScript project and it's AMAZINGLY fast.
- @fquednau I haven't found any for my use cases (compile TypeScript to ESM JavaScript), but it's a young project, so there are some bugs in the generated code for some people:
- Juke is an incredible teach lead in the best sense, they will bring your teach team to the next level, both on a personal and a technical level. Don't miss this opportunity to have a chat with them.
- Kudos to @Kraftful for giving companies a tools to get insights into their hardware product. After all, you can learn a lot about problems with your devices, when you start defining behaviour funnels for it, much like you would do with an ecommerce website.
- However, hardware companies typically do not yet have experience running this form of analytics because in the past it often was not possible. With always connected devices (#cellulariot!) you suddenly have a convenienent and secure way to send telemetry and to analize it.
- Successful products will develop an understanding of a "healthy" device from day one of their design phase.
- Yes! 💯 Check out the @memfault integration in the @NordicTweets nRF Connect SDK:
- Juke is als a *tech* lead, but the typo suits them well!
- @Tweet_Cassandra So, here are my favorites:
- @devdevcharlie Sorry, that was too short to be good.
- Good advice.
- @tdpauw Happens, when you question dogmas.
- Today I'll be part of a group of colleagues from @NordicTweets who will be chatting with students attending E&T dagen: It's a carreer day organized by @NTNU's Electronic System Design and Innovasion department:
- This is one of many collaborations between the university and the industry, and I think this is one of the strengths of the Norwegian education system.
- It turned into a free Norwegian practice for me. 😅
- @lucianadrian Så det har blitt akkurat et gratis Norsk øvelse til meg.
- It's a big difference from meeting people physically, and I miss that working on conference boothes makes it so much easier for attendees to approach us. I think doing this virtually puts the barrier much higher to start talking to us.
- Die Einstufung von Gas als nachhaltig ist grundfalsch, aber es könnte sein, das gar nicht genug Gas vorhanden ist um die gesteigerte Nachfrage zu befriedigen. Norwegen z.B. ist bereits and der Kapazitätsgrenze.
- @a_socialpreneur Aus Wiesbaden kommt da z.B. @reflectanetwork...
- @olafurw JavaScript:
- We've got a LOT of snow in #trondheim right now. 🇳🇴
- Norwegen ist mal wieder Trendsetter.
- @Argorak I would argue that this is a result of the superior product development speed and user experience when it comes to the UI they offer. This trumps a lot.
- @Argorak Not sure how it is a failure of the platform (web browser engine), that it needs a lot of resources to make the mess that's web standards work. I guess this is your point, we *could* write better standards, and better implementations of those, but then again could we really?
- @ClearingTheWay_ Yes, I did share it here:
- The @notjustajewel crowdfunding campaign went live today: LÆMON is a personal safety bracelet that can send geolocation and call for support in dangerous situations, while looking stylish and unobtrusive. Great application of #cellulariot.
- Do those companies love to see their employees slam into walls, or what?!
- I think it's an underrated property of the JavaScript ecosystem that there is not a single overpowered entity in control of the key components.
- Reason 286 I love #serverless: I do not need to take care of these kinds of scenarios any more.
- The opening up of everything is going fine up here.
- OpenCat is an affordable Boston Dynamics-style quadruped robot dog for STEM education and AI-enhanced services.
- In other news, your (or at least my) favorite headphones from @Sennheiser_D will have a @NordicTweets chip inside in the future: #Bluetooth #LEAudio
- So cool to see what @lightling inspired ...
- We got an amazing present from two lovely @codefreeze_fi'ers! The coolest tote bags we've ever seen! ❄️ Thanks so much @kunstp1xel and @EvAltenberga!
- @kunstp1xel @codefreeze_fi @EvAltenberga Yes, the reflective one is super useful here in Norway!
- @alexeheath @ldavidmarquet that's your queue!
- Third time's a charm! @codefreeze_fi #codefreeze23
- It's 2022 and HR systems still don't have their shit together which makes me crave the legally binding function and easy of use of the FAX.
- My quarterly reminder for your to #giveblood of you can!
- @_francied @leahecole Damn. Great that it doesn't affect you any more. Those memories must be horrible.
- @miskaknapek Yeah, it's quite limited who is able to be a donor ...
- It's finally time to taste the #nRFHoney!
- I'll stop ranting about terrible Norwegian frozen pizza now.
- @casarock bei @dd24.
- @casarock @dd24
- I recently explained to a student how I was able to fix a specific problem they encountered: I could tell from the error message which sub-sub-sub-system caused it. This is impossible to teach, it's just years of reading useless garbage turned into pattern matching.
- Now a device to the rescue which was invented less than 50 years ago: the scanner!
- @BenjaminHilborn Unfortunately not, it was given to employees and handed out at the financial markets day. But maybe @NordicTweets could auction off some for a good cause?
- @AzureSupport so, the old invoice portal for Azure Developer Support is now retired, but I can't access my invoices for developer support. Where are they now?
- @AzureSupport Nope, that doesn't help. I am logged in with email the invoice is for (as per the notification email), but I don't even see the subscription.
- @datenreisender
- So @NordicTweets employees are ... Chipmates.
- @octopuscitizen @DarknetDiaries because it contains insider knowledge about hacks, scams and other digital crimes, which is a great resource to learn about new things you should be paranoid about in tech.
- Quake had better graphics.
- Völlig richtig. #SolidaritätMitTessa
- Oh this is nice. No more need to set up my own email testing infrastructure for smaller projects, which is a little bit involved. I wrote this project using AWS a while back:
- @NicolaLindgren Oh, it was made private because it contains some project specifics. I can share an open-source copy, if interested.
- @martinjuhasz I didn't feel it's enought to rely on that and actually wanted to ensure that the infra is configured correctly and actually sends out emails.
- Not all apps are made the same, so zero config usually means too many compromises. It's like using a truck for ALL your transportation needs.
- @martinjuhasz @DistributeAid @NordicTweets That's a very unspecific question :-) What do you want to know? Can't really compare the projects I am working on for them.
- A great opportunity to step into the #IoT domain, if you have experience with web technologies:
- @ntboes @m_ic @benjamin @MarioHachemer I'm not such a big fan of SAFe especially, and I know that you are also pragmatic and I guess more interested in improving generally. So talk to @tdpauw, who focuses on continuous delivery, or @allankellynet, who also has great stuff to teach.
- @ntboes @m_ic @benjamin @MarioHachemer I also think that @emilybache's @CoachingSamman is a great approach, worth having a talk with her.
- @kaylalunita I was impressed by your openness to share and ability to invite others to contribute in the session you did at SoCraTes. It felt both very self-reflected and extremely curious about others in a very warm way.
- Snabba Cash is pretty awesome action, and a fantastic mixture with the startup world. But it makes me look a bit different at Stockholm, now.
- I love their take on the Heat (1995) shootout scene.
- I think they call it bycatch.
- Great resource by @evildmp: "There isn’t one thing called #documentation, there are four: tutorials, how-to guides, technical reference and explanation. Understanding the implications of this will help improve most documentation - often immensely."
- On that project, there is now a storage backend as well, that can store individual forms, and responses for these forms:
- Recruiters would do so much better if they'd focus and growth opportunities instead of matching what candidates are currently doing. Because that's what they have already, why go through so much effort to do the same somewhere else?
- @m4nl5r We'll, it's a move for growth nevertheless most likely. And you are changing companies for that potential.
- @TonyBologni I guess I was a bit bold about "success". You can make good money as a recruiter, but if recruiters and talent worked better together, this could improve the industry for everyone.
- @Lynoure Yeah, they typically earn 3-4 monthly salaries of the candidate if they make the probation period.
- Finally some sun, so we went on a snowshoe hike on powder snow. #trondheim 🇳🇴
- This is my first question when I interview: What are your expectations and what do you want to learn in this role? I think it's critical to align on those goals.
- My point exactly.
- Sind zum Glück früh ausgestiegen, weil unser Berater einfach schlecht war.
- @gazebo_c Thank you for this feedback! It encourages me to keep sharing.
- Cool stuff!
- @pati_gallardo I think you figured out the brain to computer interface, but accidentially connected it to Twitter.
- @edjgeek @mavi888uy Support Node.js 16 and ESM dependencies in layers.
- 🤯 (Tinlicker edit of Chicane's Saltwater)
- It took one hour and three support people to find my invoice on Azure ...
- @lisacrispin Awesome! May you have awesome projects!
- Shit. But not surprising.
- @katrinbretscher Ideally, don't call it crafts*man*ship, but software craft. I think @emilybache has made a great effort to formalize teaching the mindset in And here are two videos I like that help to understand the mindset a crafter aims to be in:
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache TDD for those who don't need it
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache TDD, Where Did It All Go Wrong
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache And a quick reminder about *what* software craft is:
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache I'd also recommend joining conferences like the upcoming virtual, and other software craft confereces ( where you will find many people to answer your question.
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache Finally, I'd like to say that "software craft" is not a goal, but a journey, and for me the point is to have an honest conversation about what we do and how we do it as humans in front of computers and how that impacts ourselves, our coworkers, clients and society.
- @katrinbretscher @emilybache Those conversations have to be both technical AND personal, otherwise we can't exercise our full potential and make most of our privilege and responsibility working in this industry.
- @katrinbretscher Our community is very open and helpful, so very often it works by reaching out (we have a #_help channel in the Slack. There are a lot of great people there that are happy to provide input.
- OECD on Norway: "Strong demand driven by low borrowing costs and increased teleworking have led to steep rises in house prices, which are up by more than 80% since 2010"
- @d_pisanu @credly Sure, pay someone to make badges for stupid certifications. Exactly what I was looking for!
- @pati_gallardo have you read, yet? It's not much on programming, but a great read nevertheless.
- This is remarkable. The German Railway @DB_Bahn is starting to offer #remote jobs:
- @fhinkel @jesslynnrose Oh, gawd.
- @_francied Not trying to copy myself in them is the toughest part and figuring out what motivates them and how they learn best. The second one is to turning experience into lessons.
- Nice! CoffeeCodeBreak aim to empower women to enter tech, stay in tech and succeed in tech through mentoring and a supportive female network.
- Tried to add the new AWS IoT device SDK (v2) today to a browser app (using ESM), and did not really succeed, Node.js module dependencies can be polyfilled, but some other dependencies need also a replacement: Upvote it, if that's something you care about.
- In-depth analysis of what #LEAudio is going to offer: Good that @NordicTweets is ahead of that:
- Cøøl.
- If you have 1,5 hours to spend, you can watch a recording of the guest lecture I gave today @NTNU about #serverless for IoT, and have a look at the code I work with at the end: #architecture #cloudnative Questions/Feedback appreciated!
- IETF SUIT defines a standard for firmware updates for #IoT:
- .@CloudEventsIO is a specification for describing event data in a common way: Discovered it via the @golioth_iot output streams feature.
- People living in Norway can relate.
- Ecosia is hiring a Chief Product Officer (CPO) in #Berlin (German not required 😛). #job
- Love the Norwegian way of the shoe/no shoe zone in the public swimming pool. 🇳🇴
- @rinkkasatiainen Just sad.
- Earlier: under sea cables cut for sonic warning system (can detect submarines)
- @fraclipe @tdpauw Congrats!
- @dave_skin @DrLucyRogers Same.
- @DrLucyRogers @dave_skin Yes!
- @Lazer I can't imagine what it means to be going through this. I hope they can stay safe and this is over soon.
- Follow @annagranta for more content aimed to help adults who are neurodivergent!
- If you want to donate in NOK, @UNICEFNorge is collecting donations here: #ukraine
- Statement from our friends in the Russian tech community.
- Ukraine's national bank has opened a special account to raise funds for the armed forces: Donations in EUR, USD and more currencies are possible. #Ukraine
- @fquednau @SamBraslow Why would there be a regular peak of deaths in February each year?
- @fquednau @EvanBalster @SamBraslow It's much less dramatic than the chart makes it appear:
- @duesenklipper Sure! I just added a license to make it explicit.
- We got a spring sneak peek today in #Trondheim 🇳🇴.
- @rorevin @meikeco Faste kunne ikke være enklere!
- @duesenklipper Thank you for bringing this amazing tool to more conferences!
- @Charbax Oranienburger Straße 285, 13437 Berlin-Reinickendorf
- @PeterHilton @emsuiko Here is how Mozilla attacked this problem: Collaboration happens via source control.
- @PeterHilton @emsuiko That source control isn't an option wasn't clear from your original tweet. Finding something existing that solves your needs will be tricky. You might want to look into what @sanity_io studio is doing on the content collaboration front:
- @PeterHilton @emsuiko @sanity_io Funny side note is, that I wrote my bachelor's thesis about that (@retext), and I know @haraball is also working on this for years on a side project. It's a pretty underdeveloped space.
- Makes my heart beat faster!