In August 2022 I've tweeted 436 times
My Twitter archive of August 2022
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for August 2022.
- 9 days later: ready to go back to the office.
- @Mahendra_017 Thanks, I am already fully recovered!
- @lucianadrian Yes, at least first time I've noticed some mild symptoms.
- @guna_lv I am fully recoverd and doing fine already. So it seems I was lucky!
- Putting on the summer clothes! #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- @borderless_dev Yes, this went over quickly!
- @the_qa_guy Yes, rain is just rainbow particles! 🌈
- This is cool: a board game enhanced by @NordicTweets' wireless connectivity:
- @ilpeach The problem is that this approach won't make Lighthouse happy. Ideally you should serve the best resolution / format for each client, and since they are all different you have thousands of possible image sizes to prepare. Therefor IMHO this is best solved using an image CDN.
- @tbrasington @ilpeach I have that aproach on a Gatsby Powered site: the original are in the source code there, but I have a hook that uploads these images automatically to @contentful, so the source of truth is the Git repo, and not the headless CMS.
- @Bahnhofsoma
- @olafurw Meanwhile Trondheim: opens a museum whose name you cannot say out loud.
- @AntzScaravilli @gazebo_c Of course: @ClearingTheWay_!
- This is an incredible opportunity to hire one of the most awesome JavaScript engineers I know, with a huge talent to share knowledge and lift the skills of any team. Mirjam is available #remote!
- @pati_gallardo @turtlesec_no I'd like to share what @mirjam_diala wrote, it's seen from the opposite side:
- Better WiFi reception.
- @CorinnaBaldauf possible answers
- How long can one spend trying to escape an asterisk in a shell? Asking for a friend.
- @WieVieleFrauen 0/9
- TFW you google the problem and your own error reports show up:
- If there is one thing Azure could steal from AWS it should be their permission management system.
- At least it solved the problem I was tracking down for days.
- Really, really proud of the work that @DistributeAid is doing! Check out this fantastic report they've put together summarizing the last 12 months: If you want to donate, head over to #RefugeesWelcome
- - Dass Crypto / Blockchain für 99.999% der IT Probleme keine Lösung ist. - Dass Software extrem gut darin ist, genau die gleichen Dinge oft zu machen, was umgekehrt bedeute dass sehr wenige Businessprozesse *gut* in Software abbildbar sind.
- @Frau_Professor Replies bei dem Tweet sind deaktiviert:
- @malk_zameth has some links to TS implementations.
- @malk_zameth Sorry, I missed that part.
- The recording of the talk about the future of #IoT with #JavaScript is online, btw:
- *crying in C*
- I think this is a pretty big opportunity that will unlock huge potential on @NordicTweets chips. A new CPU team for the next generation of world-leading ultra-low-power chips is looking for a #RISCV Designer / Verification Engineer in #Trondheim:
- Franziska is an incredible smart, authentic and humble engineer; and her offer here is priceless:
- Looking at these prices, it pays off to fly abroad to get your hair done! #harryhairtour Source:
- @TheaClay Yes, I am here 5 years now and every day is still exciting!
- @gazebo_c Ah, what a nice surprise!
- @jesslynnrose I love this one:
- Love this @NordicTweets campaign that highlights some of our employees who applied despite being not a perfect match to what's written in our job listings ... Want to #worksomewhereawesome? Check our job listings here:
- I know it's hard to find a good balance between describing what's needed to be successfull in the role and not sound too demanding. It's a magical triangle of reaching all possible candidates, finding the best match and not spending a lot of time screening candidates.
- As a business you have a strong focus on being efficient (optimize for invested time), that hurts the other two dimensions, though.
- @codingupnorth Yes, this is for sure one of these requirements that limit the number of candidates we can reach. But we do actually require a degree in Computer Science, or Electrical Engineering for many of our R&D positions.
- I admit, it gets a bit confusing after a while. #E_TOOMANYDEVICES
- @datenreisender Geht auch Vipps?
- @alex_schl Absolutely smart decision! All the best for you! 🥳🥂
- A colleague asked me if had slept well because I was so "disillusioned" when talking about the relationship between companies and their employees. No, it's just an experienced stoic speaking. Businesses will always optimize for making money, this influences ALL decisions.
- Have that in mind when you interact with a company and make sure to understand what prime directives affect managers and what they in turn optimize for. It's rarely their goal to make every individual employee happy.
- Median happiness is what matters because that affects directly productivity. This can leave a lot to desire for *individual* needs that are not shared by the majority of employees.
- For your personal happiness and health this is critical to understand because it's hard to get what does not benefit the majority of the employees in the organization.
- A nice find from our trip to southern #Norway two weeks ago. I hope to catch a bit more summer like this soon 😅
- @wolframkriesing Yeah, having recently had to built a react bridge for leaflet myself, this sounds like a big plus.
- @wolframkriesing @nodejs Ah that's nice, however assert is a bit limited in its use for me so I still would pull in an assertion library.
- @aarongarciah @wolframkriesing I prefer that bu would write: const createDates = ({ date, ...hotel }) => ({ ...hotel, dates: [date] }) so it's clearer what the rest is (technically a hotel without a date).
- @mirjam_diala Das kannst du gerade echt nicht brauchen... Wünsche dass es dir bald wieder gut geht!
- @wolframkriesing I use exiv2 ( with some parsing for my specific camera model:
- @vishalgautamm This workaround is what I use right now:
- @marick I'd say a large amount (70%) has *heard* of it. It gets down to single digits when it comes to actual use, though, I'd reckon.
- @olafurw
- I guess Luxus is relative and depends on the circumstances ;-)
- Another applicant withdrew their application today because I am asking for too much of their free time. I am curious, how much are you willing to invest in an application process in total? #hiring
- Thailand to offer 10-year work visas with 17% income tax:
- @jilliancyork Yeah, we are pretty remote so getting people here for an interview is something we did pre-pandemic. But it's not very sustainable... And effectively requires more time from the applicant, easily a multi-day trip to get to Trondheim.
- @atyborska93 Yes, in total.
- @tangenteroja What will make you think an employer values your time?
- @eldahshan No, it's totally up to them. They also can decide when to do the tasks, or propose an alternative that is not a coding test.
- Tomorrow I am going to ask all the hiring managers at my company, and I'm pretty sure there is quite a big delta.
- @NativeWired For what?
- @charlesv Interesting! For me the option to do the assignment means it can be done async, when it suits the applicant best. For the tech challenges I give indepth reviews.
- @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan I have two coding challenges, one is small (implement three functions, where a test suite already gives you immediate feedback), and one open architecture task (which exists in more complexity in our codebase).
- @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan I have these texts in the process, one in the first welcome email, and another at the top of the assignment.
- @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan With one candidate I am now doing a pure synchronious tech interview, which has this structure:
- @RandomSort No, I don't. Because this involves a lot of bureaucracy to make it in a way that our accounting is happy.
- @emsuiko For this candidate when the time they had estimated themselves to complete the task ran out.
- @PanzerDominik Yes, one candidate now has asked for an alternative. This is what I am doing.
- @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan Oh, this one is also in the application form:
- @james_christie Sorry, that sucks, and it's not what I am after.
- @PatrickHeneise That's hard to beat. I guess they bank on the spendings of expats then?
- @OnurGumusDev But ... it's Dubai :/
- @charlesv I think one of the "problems" we have with coders is that there is a nice way to test for skills through assignments. I personally would not like to ignore that.
- @NativeWired It's hard to say, but I personally would say that all in all the current process requires can be done with someone who has the right skills in less than two working days (<16 hours).
- @Paysonhall That's some good scales there, I think. I'd also expect that juniors apply to 10x more jobs than execs. So total spent over all applications might roughly be equal.
- @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan Thanks, that's important feedback.
- @NativeWired Yeah, but Stockholm means much better access to candidates and less risk of relocating somebody there. So the probation period is easier to use for that ... figuring out if they are a good match.
- @PanzerDominik I'd say the two main problems are that I have low volume of candidates and the skills vary widely. In addition we need to relocate people to Norway which is a very expensive (both monitary and in time) investment, so I have to make sure that they are a very good match.
- @NoraTSM @charlesv Yes!
- @NoraTSM Ghosting is really not acceptable. If I discover that the candidat is not a match I will immediately take the time to let them know.
- @NativeWired Yes, I only hire for my team.
- @NativeWired Yeah, that's great. In my case we are the only team that needs cloud engineers, so I also don't get candidates from other roles at our company.
- @j_karatas For a company where you would stay as long as you prefer?
- @witchofthetest @AstridSawatzky @eldahshan Oops! 😶
- Please vote here so we can turn off the typing indicators in @MicrosoftTeams!
- It's nice to see the big difference @BicepLang (left) makes compared to ARM (right):
- npm init -y npm i --save @aws-sdk/client-s3 75665 LOC 2644 files
- @AWS Yeah, most of it is unused code because AWS SDK v3 bundles for multiple module loaders, but it's what's installed and becomes your responsibility.
- @BicepLang It's a bit annoying that you need to have an empty properties in this template so the deploy does not fail with "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.":
- param location string = resourceGroup().location resource serverFarm 'Microsoft.Web/serverfarms@2022-03-01' = { name: 'myApp' location: location sku: { name: 'Y1' tier: 'Dynamic' } properties: { } }
- @tottinge It's not paid, that's why I call this "free" time, as in "available".
- @agroebbe They disclosed that they've spent at least 5 hours on the task.
- @ahmedchicktay @tottinge How do you spend these two hours?
- @tottinge It feels weird to ask a senior candidate to implement FizzBuzz ... But I've seen seniors fail at interesting parts of my challenges...
- @Niklas_L Fantastic! Wouldn't be the same without you!
- @ahmedchicktay @tottinge I have an interview tomorrow where I'll try something like this (the candidate chose this over a tech challenge).
- Oh wow, what a wild ride. Terminator: Dark Fate is just great! ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
- About Astro Islands:
- @webology Besides the ass kicking Mackenzie Davis seing Hamilton and Schwarzenegger again was super fun!
- @VoieDev Because Employees can just quit, however letting go an employee is much harder (at least where I am hiring).
- @satya_vel @BicepLang @AzureSupport Where should I do that?
- @RealSexyCyborg @AlizTheHax0r Should be safe to meet a business partner at a hotel bar, and you bring a plus one. You might even pick a hotel close to their location, so it's still on your terms.
- @RealSexyCyborg @AlizTheHax0r Oh yeah, really red flag. You shouldn't have to put yourself in risky situations for a business opportunity, and the business partner should know that and make arrangements accordingly.
- @the_thagomizer @MaritvanDijk77 Professionalism.
- @MaritvanDijk77 @Maaikees No.
- @wolframkriesing Some say THAT is actively siloing.
- Tip for the #AWSCDK #TypeScript users: In order to ensure that the outputs of your CloudFormation Stacks are typed properly, you can use this technique.
- .@ft you could have mentioned @NordicTweets as a world-class alternative!
- @tdpauw Yes, we have a transparent salary table and I give a range upfront and info about all our benefits.
- @eenriquelopez The sooner the tenant dies, the more profit.
- @eenriquelopez (because the price the house sells for will be lower compared to similar houses right now)
- @SteBjoerne @VoieDev Yes, but in Norway it's very hard to let someone go even in the trial period.
- @SteBjoerne @VoieDev In Norway, in case the employee does not match your needs, you have to train the employee for your specific needs, and only if they fail to adapt you can let them go.
- Emphasis on *crashing*.
- Our @NordicTweets robot is alive! #hardcodedtodrive
- Held together by thoughts, prayers, and scotch tape.
- Printing a body today so we can get rid of the tape.
- @mngmvs @BicepLang I am sorry, you have to use Azure, too!
- Explained the OpenSpace technology to a great manager today who's looking for a team event. Seems I was so enthusiastic when sharing how an unconference works that I get to facilitate it for 50 people in October!
- My Home Assistant setup is getting really useful. 100x price increase tomorrow for electricity.
- @wolframkriesing @JSCraftCamp Great! I'll join, not the next one b/c/o vacation, but a later date for sure!
- The light today is 😍 #Trondheim
- @Niklas_L Wishing for a swift recovery! Hope you are fine for SoCraTes!
- A free conference about software quality, and it has a fantastic speaker lineup:
- @kringkaste Hab die auch und seither nie wieder einen Platten.
- @rinkkasatiainen Awesome! You should put them on!
- @kringkaste Hab die auf meinem Bike in schmal und da geht's eigentlich.
- I realize that the Russian terror in Ukraine has changed my view on working for companies that produce technology that can be used in weapons systems or are weapons manufacturers. Before I would have never worked anywhere close to projects with military use. Now I'd consider it.
- I asked hiring managers in my LinkedIn network and in my company what they expect and what I observe is that there is a significant mismatch when it comes to accommodate those applicants who only want to spend<2 hours in the process.
- @pati_gallardo Different email addresses per org. Email filter for bot emails, e.g. new releases or GitHub actions.
- @pati_gallardo 👍🏻
- @seb_londono It's a good question, I haven't tried to find get all the answers I need in two hours, let alone the additional time HR spents with the candidate. I am in the process of experimenting with a different, shorter process now.
- Finally some beautiful weather in #Trondheim 🇳🇴
- It's such a privilege to have a profession where most of us can answer "Zero" and act on that. This also turns it into an obligation to not accept jobs where this is the case.
- A hell of a read.
- @kriscorbus @NoraTSM You can't.
- @kriscorbus @NoraTSM Yes, but this imbalance also exists due to strong laws in favour of the worker, so some imbalance is merited.
- @GeePawHill I offer c) few organizations make use of that skill because they don't do TDD.
- Playing Dixit, and it's a really nice and calming game suitable for mixed groups with adults and children.
- @kriscorbus @NoraTSM I get what you mean, but the laws regulating probation periods in Norway are something I cannot change.
- No more #IoT on @GoogleCloudTech:
- @github It would be great to be able to assign more than 25 repositories to a GitHub project, I have a project with 35 repos which all should show up in one overview:
- We got it to work today. Not the slant on the wheels, looks cool, doesn't it?
- @Jen_BMJ Oh, it's so cute! 😍
- Look what came in the mail from @StickerApp: just in time for @SoCraTes_Conf!
- This effect ... 😍
- @TheaClay Yes, we are closely getting to something that we can share!
- @pati_gallardo How is that?
- @troubalex Will do! -> DM
- @pati_gallardo I'm going to send some to @troubalex!
- @AjParadith @StickerApp @SoCraTes_Conf Yes!
- @cdr_fyi @DistributeAid
- My take is that IoT Core was axed in favor of other projects which deliver more short-term revenue ( The growth potential for #IoT is huge, however we are still in a pretty early phase. It's a poor decision, a lot of customers want to run IoT on GCP.
- @tdpauw Shit, man. I hope you find some good thoughts.
- @arne_mertz Are you coming to @SoCraTes_Conf?
- I guess they didn't figure out how to show ads to IoT devices.
- @arne_mertz @SoCraTes_Conf Ah, ok. If you DM me your address, I'll send you two.
- @DuncanConroy @GoogleCloudTech What does "low maintenance" mean for you?
- @DuncanConroy @GoogleCloudTech I personally would pick @AWS, it has been very stable without any major changes to their IoT offering for the last 5 years. However it means you need to build a lot yourself (I have e2e examples for asset tracking if you are interested).
- @DuncanConroy @GoogleCloudTech @AWS Depending on your needs you might find what @golioth_iot or @AVSystemCom provide to get you started very quickly. I think both are worth checking out!
- @DuncanConroy @GoogleCloudTech Then go for AWS IoT, it's serverless and integrates beautifully with other event-based services:
- Uh, @Airbnb, you OK? #testdev
- @DuncanConroy @GoogleCloudTech Let's have a coffee if you want, I have 5 years experience integrating #nRF9160's with various cloud providers. Happy to share!
- @DuncanConroy I haven't tried it, but @ClearBlade offers a drop-in replacement:
- @DuncanConroy I moved mine to a prepaid Telekom contract. Let's me keep it for a few Euros per year.
- It's time for a new wired headset with a microphone boom. I had mine for years, but it's beyond repair. I replaced the plug already, but it's generally deteriorating. I have the successor (Blackshark V2), but not soo happy (slight discomfort when wearing). What do you recommend?
- @charlesv @PeterHilton Seems a bit underpowered for listening to music all day (I do that, forgot to mention).
- @m4nl5r No, we have a quiet office.
- Crypto bros building companies:
- @carlescufi Do you use it to listen to music?
- @GoogleCloudTech The most mindblowing thing is to give customers 12 months! That's way to little time to figure out a replacement, migrate your software to the new solution, AND migrate your fleet to the new endpoint.
- @MeskanenP @Twitter @Survivaltechnow @TwitterSupport Build a sharing only domain, that provides redirects to content on, but serves the correct card markup.
- @MeskanenP @Twitter @Survivaltechnow @TwitterSupport Interestingly the preview works, I tried using the card validator for, but that did not work. However, it loads fine on my end!
- @MeskanenP @Twitter @Survivaltechnow @TwitterSupport
- @MeskanenP @Twitter @Survivaltechnow @TwitterSupport Oh, wow. I see it when I switch to Incognito mode.
- @MeskanenP @Twitter @Survivaltechnow @TwitterSupport I'd keep your regular domain outside of Twitter. The alternative domain just for sharing.
- @kraweelkombinat Great observation! The MMX 100 looks great:
- @elboart @Steampianist Great stuff, but pretty bleak...
- @petterssonsoftw Depends on your constraints. MQTT has a lot of great features for IoT devices. But if you want UDP and less weight, CoAP or LwM2M (which builds on top of CoAp with OSCORE) is a good choice. It also mimics a more REST oriented approach. I like the pub/sub model of MQTT better.
- @petterssonsoftw AWS, Azure only offer TCP+MQTT natively for IoT, so it's what you need to consider if you don't want to rely on third-part solutions, anyway.
- Watched "Prey" on the plane, and it's some awesome action! Love the look of the whole production. ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5/5
- @kojote "If it bleeds, we can kill it!" \o/
- It's so dark here at night! #FRA
- @mirjam_diala Hello!
- @Ravetracer Not sure what's happening on Friday (the nephews own my schedule now!), but I'll keep it in mind!
- @lisihocke I couldn't be more happy to have you as one of the first people to meet for those attendees who are joining @SoCraTes_Conf for the first time ever.
- @lisihocke @SoCraTes_Conf You will feel right at home!
- Brought something Norwegian with us to Germany: rain.
- I'd LOVE that!
- German regional ad for jobs in the local hospital ... are something:
- @AnnNat Oh, das sind ja tolle Neuigkeiten! 🥂
- A) B) It's obvious pattern that funding is mostly available for men. This is terrible.
- The nephews decided we should go to the movies and see DC League of Super-Pets and it's absolutely an enjoyable experience for all! I had quite a few laughs! ⭐⭐⭐/5
- Great tip for finding up-to-date job offers using the best available search tool: Google. Because LinkedIn search is utter crap.
- @FranziskaNaja Gibt es vielleicht Faktoren die den Brauvorgang beeinflussen, die aktuell nicht berücksichtigt werden, weil zu wenig Wissen existiert wie groß der Effekt wäre? Z.B. Energie sparen durch Brauen bei heißem Wetter, also einige Tage warten bis d.Wetter optimal ist?
- @haraball @kraweelkombinat Why did you go that route instead of getting Beyerdynamic with built-in microphone?
- Happy summer vibes for y'all! 🇩🇪
- @sarah_edo Best one, Sarah!
- Well deserved after playing some 🏐 with the nephews in this heat!
- How-to thread on hiring senior women leaders ... It's very different to what I perceive to be the norm.
- @RidingWolf Yes, gotta catch some summer and time with the family!
- "Teknologi som overser kvinner" 'smart' ring, designed by men, does not recognise that its wearer is pregnant.
- I am getting spammed with CVs and profiles from a sender that uses ... Which looks like a fake, and leads to a dead LinkedIn profile. I wonder what's going on there. The LinkedIn profiles in the SPAM mails actually seem to be valid, like @nielshenriksen.
- TIL: there is really good multi-use packaging for clothes from @OriginalRePack.
- @Niklas_L Good news!
- HT to for offering it for their shippings!
- Made a new friend:
- Power pose:
- No weather too warm to bake German plum cake!
- At the beach!
- It turned out great!
- The drought here is really bad, I haven't seen anything like this in my whole life. The rain in autumn will meet concrete hard ground and create floods. 😞
- Too late for that:
- @janl Grandma approves! 💪🏻
- @scarletalphabet @StickerApp @SoCraTes_Conf Thank you!
- @janl * my
- @aahunsberger Ok, I'll give you the translation later. It's very easy to do, but it's not vegan ...
- @aahunsberger How experienced are you in baking? Asking for the level of detail needed in the recipe...
- I wrote down the recipe in English here: #teamgermanfruitcake
- @aahunsberger Here you go:
- @bjartnes Yay, with all the sweet Hvetebakst in Norway, I really don't get why this type of cake is not popular in Norway!
- People who complain about #SheHulk because of "uncanny-valley CGI" really seem to simply cannot enjoy a good, entertaining show. And, I think the effects are on par with other Marvel shows, or even movies. After all, how "belivable" is the the Spiderman CGI?
- I always love when teams can maintain a public list of issues where customers can vote on using a limited amount of points.
- @miskaknapek Hessen.
- I've analyzed this a bit more over on LinlkedIn:
- @codingupnorth Ah, thanks. Good to know, I'll try to report his profile.
- @codingupnorth Oh, I blocked them a while ago :-)
- Probably the only use for the corn this year: turning it into a labyrinth.
- Gender of the day is Queen if the corn labyrinth
- Fighting the heat with some ice-cream!
- @chrissbaumann Just the perspective 😅
- It's a virtual event and coaching is provided for 1st timers!
- Had a fantastic day kayaking on the Fulda today.
- Me in turbo mode:
- Topping off the day with a home made pizza from the BBQ:
- Tomorrow, the 11th @SoCraTes_Conf is happening and I am excited for so many awesome reasons: 1. My wife is an agile coach and joining for the first time! 2. I bring 6 of my colleagues from Norway, all of them are first timers at this conference #SoCraTes2022 >
- 3. Three of my colleagues, like many others can experience the foundation day ( which I think is an absolutely fantastic way to introduce new people in a safe space to our community, which can seem obscure, secluded and even a bit cultish.
- 4. Get to experience inspiring people from the testing community to connect with our community: after all, we want the same ... enjoy working on good software projects 5. Witness how this conference is evolving again and after two years of pause will be magical, again.
- @msdeibel I don't have any. @mirjam_diala can you share the sticker design?
- This year @ConfBuddy is present @SoCraTes_Conf again! If you are looking for someone who can support you during the conference find a buddy in the #buddies channel in the Slack. Check the pinned posts! We have 6 buddies right now! #SoCraTes2022
- I'm bringing 6 fantastic colleagues from @NordicTweets with me. Very excited to connect 🇳🇴 with the Software Crafter community!
- @wolframkriesing @NordicTweets Yes! It's my favourite, too. Let's hope for next year!
- @tdpauw It was killed by Deutscher Geiz.
- Just in time for #SoCraTes2022 I've added tracks to localschedule. This also works for the iCal export. Example:
- @tdpauw Being stingy ... not wanting to spend any money at all.
- @datenreisender Last wek I talked to someone doing that @evyonenergy. And @circunomics also works on this!
- Who designed this popsicle?! 😁
- @AnnNat @SoCraTes_Conf Awesome!
- Had my first COVID test today (visiting a care facility), so all good for #SoCraTes2022!
- @Ravetracer Snowpiercer ist mega: Vikings auch:
- @malk_zameth @TotherAlistair @tpierrain Heart Attack!
- @Lynoure I guess the Python people figured out that GraphQL doesn't really solve any problem most web apps have.
- Conference organizers, which one of you has a conf in Prague?!
- @troubalex @lyzl Passend dazu eine bewegende Reportage: Doku | 37 Grad Leben Mutter sein gilt als höchstes Glück in unserer Gesellschaft, wird in Medien bejubelt und als das Ziel schlechthin bezeichnet, wenn eine Familie gegründet wird. Doch ist es immer ein Glück?
- @jhannes @emilybache I like the Mars Rover kata:
- @testobsessed @gazebo_c Yes absolutely! I struggle very much with finding the right balance between letting everyone discover better and smarter solutions and guiding them to the dumb thing that I know works for the sake of efficiency.
- @malk_zameth I mean, beer.ex is already taken by @sanae_beer ;-)
- Wo sind meine Mediengestalter-Homies?!
- It's so many I lost count of them, we are 8 people from @NordicTweets! 🤘🏻 #socrates2022
- @iguanafritz Danke! Das MGi ist ja leider tot.
- @Ravetracer The Rain: Dark:
- @Lynoure It's quite nice for the consumer, they have complete freedom on what they want, how they want it. But this puts a lot of work on the backend to make the responses snappy. REST is very much architecture driven, GraphQL is domain driven. Both have advantages.
- 💯 accurate.
- Node.js 🤝 JSON
- @olafurw I learned to say: vær så god! Norwegians: <let's process this transaction with as few words as possible>
- I'd like to add that an Unconference like @SoCraTes_Conf is for making new connections to people and get inspired which topics to look into *after* the conference. It's OK to have no conclusion at the end of a session. #SoCraTes2022
- This switch worked for 25 years and broke today:
- Me and @kamilleblumm are on our first leg towards #SoCraTes2022!
- Bought it around 1998 for my first business: Darkprojects. It has been switching the internet connectivity for the appartments in the building since then.
- @emsuiko @kamilleblumm YES!
- @Tweet_Cassandra Invest some of the time in researching which part of the idle time can be reduced and at what cost. Write tests and refactor. Try out a new thing you haven't tried before.
- First delay because of train repairs: 20 minutes #ice538 @dblocator
- @SteBjoerne @dblocator We made it. After all the next connection also seems to be reachable .
- @SteBjoerne @dblocator We made it. After all the next connection also seems to be reachable.
- @dtanzer @mirjam_diala @dblocator @kamilleblumm Got her back! And our last leg to #SoCraTes2022 on the extremely packed Hannover station.
- Not going to use a tool that promises developer productivity but gives a shit about its developer's life.
- @mknittig I think they already made quite a wave a few weeks ago, when they launched.
- @ClearingTheWay_ I think these colored wristbands are quite good, also when every attendee has to pick a color at registration:
- @kriscorbus @dtanzer @mirjam_diala @dblocator @kamilleblumm Arrival at 1705?
- @jkriggins @witty_works works on software that helps to write more inclusive texts.
- @kriscorbus @dtanzer @mirjam_diala @dblocator @kamilleblumm Nein. Bis NORD fahren!
- #SoCraTes2022 first test negative!
- And this is how #SoCraTes2022 starts: with the World Café! I'm really excited to hear what everybody came here to learn!
- @chrissbaumann @TanteMara81 Sieht mega aus!
- @mortzu Yeah, but it think it's one of the early consumer switching hubs ...
- @breakthesystem I think we have 98% mask usage indoors! #SoCraTes2022
- The amazing @Singsalad is with use again to facilitate the World Café! Juke asks us to leave something there to remember! #SoCraTes2022
- Let's go! #SoCraTes2022
- It was amazing and too much to share in a Tweet, so let's say that y'all have to attend @SoCraTes_Conf next year!
- @NativeWired I looking forward to you joining one day, too!
- @PanzerDominik @breakthesystem Every attendee also has been given 4 COVID self-tests.
- Already incrementing the kata counter at #SoCraTes2022, facilitatet by @malk_zameth and @mathiasverraes.
- Still struggling creatively with the Reverse Roman Numerals kata.
- Tested negative for the first day of the #SoCraTes2022 open space.
- At #SoCraTes2022 you can have German Pflaumenkuchen for breakfast! 😍
- .@SoCraTes_Conf is starting! Let's fill the agenda! @Singsalad is starting by introducing the principles of the OpenSpace. #SoCraTes2022
- The @NordicTweets crew is prepared to be inspired @SoCraTes_Conf. If you want to learn more about the exciting #IoT technology that we make in #Norway 🇳🇴, do not hesitate to talk to us! We are looking for more colleagues! #SoCraTes2022 #shareandcare
- Our job board is full of interesting opportunities: If you are curious, do not hesitate to grab me for a chat!
- Curious to learn more about working @NordicTweets, give this a view:
- The queue of attendees presenting their session is MASSIVE! You can tell we have been waiting for another @SoCraTes_Conf for three years. #SoCraTes2022
- Oh wow, look at what @quilaztlia has prepared for us! #SoCraTes2022
- What is this #arrrgile T-Shirt and where can I get it?! @duesenklipper, I think @NativeWired would love to know as well! #SoCraTes2022
- Well, my agenda just became full, so I'm not going to propose a session. #awesomeproblems #SoCraTes2022
- The #SoCraTes2022 agenda is packed!
- First session: we are helping Anne-Christine to debug a cloud-based architecture, and we are doing it in the perfect room! #SoCraTes2022
- @spfeiffr Room Dortmund
- Now in @cvollrath's session where her compares Spring Boot & Kotlin with Node.js and TypeScript (?). #SoCraTes2022
- @MaritvanDijk77 @pati_gallardo
- Summary SpringBoot/Kotlin: #SoCraTes2022
- Hi-Res pictures from left to right of day one of the #SoCraTes2022 open-space:
- Summary Node.js / TypeScript: #SoCraTes2022
- Final Countdown: SpringBoot/Kotlin vs Node.js/TypeScript #SoCraTes2022
- No, there is no @NordicTweets swag placed in the restrooms! #SoCraTes2022
- Session 3 at #SoCraTes2022 is us trying to figure out what's *really* wrong with monorepos.
- @kriscorbus @witchofthetest Yes! I'll give them to you later.
- I think we found a few good arguments against them! But to be fair, there are few issues caused specifically by monorepos. I'd say it makes it hard to limit scope during development and tracking which changes affect which components (for CI/CD). #SoCraTes2022
- In session 4 we are collecting our favourite frontend frameworks because Anne-Christine has the opportunity to start a new project. #SoCraTes2022
- In the last session for today we've set up a TypeScript project with Jest and ESlint from scratch with @rubstrauber in 45 minutes. This took 5 minutes with Deno 😍 #SoCraTes2022
- Stretching the legs in the Heide. #SoCraTes2022
- #SoCraTes2022
- @sebs303 @rubstrauber I'll compare it later, we had 0.200 s test execution with @swc/jest
- #SoCraTes2022 evening activities: we are learning @rustlang while next door people are having a blast with PowerPoint Karaoke.
- There were vegan sausages as well!
- @alex_schl @Ryanair @manairport Damn, that's annoying this late in the evening...
- Only at #SoCraTes2022: @Wolfcraft_IO taking portrait shots of attendees:
- Second day test is also negative: #SoCraTes2022
- The Marketplace for the second day of #SoCraTes2022 starts:
- The flow of topics is still going strong: #SoCraTes2022
- @sebs303 @rubstrauber assert(promise).not.toThrow() is quite nice
- We are trying to improve hiring for everyone else together with @ZebLarsson and @the_startup_cto. #SoCraTes2022
- Here is the session plan for day two of the #SoCraTes2022 OpenSpace.
- @SteBjoerne You'd be surprised how many fail at seemingly simple tasks.
- In the second session with @msdeibel of the day we talk about architecture diagrams: #SoCraTes2022
- More people joined, right now explaining the
- was mentioned which provides a more complete overview:
- @SteBjoerne There are topics that I find not many to be proficient in, that are needed for the seniority and role that I am hiring for, like for example testing.
- @SteBjoerne I'm happy to look at code bases, or do live coding, of course that shows this.
- There is vegan Apfelstrudel at #SoCraTes2022
- .@fnbk01 explains Flow Design #SoCraTes2022
- We are figuring out why the hell you would want a microfrontend. #SoCraTes2022
- No one showed up to show me how to test serverless apps on @Azure :/ #SoCraTes2022
- Now in @rinkkasatiainen's session on functional programming with #TypeScript. #SoCraTes2022
- @PanzerDominik TBH I didn't get this approach, IMHO it focuses too much on the implementation, too early on and it does not specify acceptance criteria.
- Source code for his talk:
- @BenjaminHugot Yes, that would be nice. I'll try to find you!
- Closing the space with the awesome @Singsalad. #SoCraTes2022
- Quick #SoCraTes2022 feedback spider chart from my group:
- @sebs303 @Azure @BenjaminHugot offered and we'll have it after all!
- Picture time! #SoCraTes2022
- Really cool from Benjamin to sit down with me, and he actually had a great tip! My biggest problem ist Azure AD B2C not being automatically deployable, and the tip was to share it between multiple instances of my project (which is deployed for testing). #SoCraTes2022
- @PanzerDominik Had a chat with @fnbk01 and I think it's mostly due to the fact that I prefer a BDD based style for agreeing on changes which combines a User Story and an acceptance test.
- Going through some pictures with @Wolfcraft_IO: #SoCraTes2022
- @jacek_smolak Maybe @MicrosoftDE should sponsor @SoCraTes_Conf next year?!
- Learning about Two Rooms with a Boom: #SoCraTes2022
- #SoCraTes2022 workshop day: the COVID-19 test is still negative
- Started the workshop day early with @mathiasverraes' introduction to Event Storming: #SoCraTes2022
- Day 4 of #SoCraTes2022 is workshop day!
- TIL: the @swkBerlin has a repo with barebone bootstrap projects for many languages to quickly get you started with a kata in your favourite language! #SoCraTes2022
- One hour into creating an unbreakable domain model with 10 engineers and we are already at the phase of creating tech debt... 😁 #SoCraTes2022 #workshopday
- @captaink99 @msdeibel Use legal entities. Or separate between the things your team can change and those they cannot.
- @malk_zameth 👆🏻
- Node.js 18.8.0 has now a native test runner, and I've added a zero-dependency template for Node.js in this PR: #SoCraTes2022
- @gazebo_c @SoCraTes_Conf It was great that you could attend!
- @emsuiko You are right, those comments were really not mindful.
- @AnnNat @SoCraTes_Conf It was so 😍 to see you again!
- .@DB_Bahn really bad UX in the DB Locator: the stop where I need to change the train has been cancelled, the app nevertheless shows me to change there, which is now impossible.
- Leaving #SoCraTes2022 with our minds full of ideas and hearts full of great memories. Thanks to everyone who made that happen!
- @Soisco It was a privilege getting to know you! 👐🏻
- Let's see if we fit in this train ...
- We are in Hamburg and having a post-#SoCraTes2022 team dinner.
- @balajisriniv @SoCraTes_Conf That's great, you should bring them next year!
- ... and BIG drinks 😍
- @ste5eu Half a litre very good Mai Tai! 😁
- @Soisco Love the combination!
- Day 5 (post) #SoCraTes2022: still negative.
- Oh, that doesn't look good. The touchpad of my new XPS 13 started to stol working while constantly producing the click haptics. Clicks no longer register in the OS. @DellCares. (Sound on)
- Hamburg breakfast.
- Doing tourist things today!
- Having a great time seeing beautiful Hamburg with @NordicTweets colleagues.
- @foofighter75 Would love to, but I'm showing Hamburg to colleagues from Norway and we are leaving in the afternoon already... 😔
- Michl-Selfie and some panos:
- @MauroLopezJ doing tourist things:
- @foofighter75 Yes!
- Hei! to the Norwegian sailors! 🇳🇴
- Hello beautiful! 😍
- Unit test passed!
- Mind. Blown.
- Here is how I make Twitter much more useful: lists. I have a private list, where I add the accounts to, that I want to actively see in my timeline. I pin this timeline, this will make it appear in the Twitter client on mobile as a second tab. I only use that timeline.
- @BestDanMan @Soisco You cannot buy them, they are awarded.
- @KatrinRabow Hm, I use TweetDeck AND the Android mobile app, and I have not noticed that ...
- @mortzu Prost!
- Back home in #Trondheim 🇳🇴 with 10°C and rain.
- The only way to go back to work after #SoCraTes2022 is to know, that tomorrow #SoCraTes2023 is one day closer.
- Second day after leaving #SoCraTes2022 and my COVID-19 test is still negative.
- @jocrossick I think you would be a perfect fit! Note also that there is a @SoCraTes_UK coming up!
- @nicolefv @DeveloperXM Sounds much more like you!
- One thing I found suprising to learn in my session on #hiring at #SoCraTes2022 is that many are not aware that a hiring manger is not allowed to share feedback because this can create an opening for a lawsuit. That's why you are mostly getting no or generic rejections.
- I wonder if companies should make this more clear early in the process, and if it will have a negative impact on the number of applicants.
- @mirjam_diala It's OK to share feedback especially when it's about specific tasks. For example I do give very detailed feedback on tech challenges. This is more about what's possible to share in a rejection letter.
- @ShawnMcCool Can't request what's not stored.
- @HadrienMP Yeah, actually I prefer this over not being able to sleep.
- Another reason why hiring sucks and we need a better way to get rid of the sucky process we have now and become better in referral and full-team hiring.
- Check your @Netlify sites, there is a new build image, and if you are using the legacy one, your builds will start failing soon:
- My photos from #SoCraTes2022 are up on ... see what you've missed!
- I love this (very meta) photo of my friend @RidingWolf!
- @raae @Netlify Should be fine ... it's "only" Ubuntu 20.04 which itself is quite old.
- Until I've published the blogpost you can find my tweets here:
- .@WomenInDevOps is a 3,000+ member strong community for women making sure things runs smoothly. It has Meetups in London and Berlin. Check it out!
- Munich as well! @Soisco @_francied
- @lorn Yes, I've created it after flickr changed it's pricing. I needed something which is fast and cheap (uses @contentful) as the image CDN but where all information is stored in GitHub. Original images are in backup and can be used when changing the CDN.
- @lorn @contentful Source is here, it's not polished for, but you might find it interesting: Editor for the photo metadata:
- So Twitter Circles is group DM but with an editable list of participants. Feels like Twitter is going to be another Slack competitor eventually.
- Einfach Unternehmsgewinne besteuern, reicht schon.
- @borderless_dev @DistributeAid I'm one of the code contributers and would love to provide additional support for #100Devs, so they get a nice and smooth experience.
- @TrustInAntonia @WomenInDevOps Thank you for making this happen!
- @quilaztlia I absolutely did not perceive you as complaining, you made some very important and valid points. Thanks for coming to the session and your contribution!
- Wasser sparen, so wichtig!
- @NicolaLindgren @JaclynBrothers we just talked about this ... check it out!
- @hola_soy_milk @DistributeAid @jesslynnrose Proud of you, man!
- I will also immediately call back if I miss a call. No exceptions.
- @ShawnMcCool Notes written by employees are not included in this, btw.
- I've fixed the keyboard navigation in the album, and the photo description is now displayed as an overlay ...
- All the planning poker cards you need. Works well with