
Value Types

This technique is a variant of Value Objects which I have been using for many years, in different languages. The gist is that you create a boxed value, which encapsulate business rules for a value, which cannot be attribute to a primitive value, like a string.

Let's assume I have a class which allows sending of emails to a user: sendEmail(email, subject, text). All three parameters are strings:

class Mailer {
   * @param string email
   * @param string subject
   * @param string text
  public async sendEmail(email, subject, text) {
    // ...

It's now very easy when programming against this method to construct a correct invocation, with nevertheless invalid arguments:

// email argument is not an email
m.sendEmail("John Doe", "Hello", "Text ...");

It is also easy to flip the order of the arguments, because they are all typed as string:

// email argument is not first
m.sendEmail("Hello", "Text ...", "[email protected]");

If we instead turn email into a value object, we can mitigate these kinds of errors:

class EmailValue {
  constructor(email) {
    if (!isValidEmail(email)) throw new TypeError("Not an email: " + email);
    this.email = email;

Now the first example is no longer possible:

// throws TypeError
m.sendEmail(new EmailValue("John Doe"), "Hello", "Text ...");

The second example has become less likely to happen, because it's easier to spot in an IDE that the first argument is an object, not a string, and it is easier in our implementation to detect wrong arguments. Value Objects also enable us to have domain contracts about certain values shapes in one central location and not beeing replicated in all places, where we need to validate e.g. that an argument looks like an email address.

class Mailer {
  public async sendEmail(email, subject, text) {
    // Validate by shape, not by content using a regular expression
    if (!(email instanceof EmailValue))
      throw new TypeError('email must be EmailValue!');
    // ...

Safer, but harder to understand

Having built the fourth iteration of this technique in my projects, I recently noticed one disadvantage: it increases the complexity of the calling code. Let's compare the two examples.

Without value objects:

const { Mailer } = require("@acme/mailer");

const m = new Mailer("localhost:25");
m.sendEmail("[email protected]", "Hello", "Text ...");

With value objects:

const { Mailer, SmtpHostValue } = require("@acme/mailer");
// let's share global domain value objects!
const { EmailValue } = require("@acme/values");

const m = new Mailer(new SmtpHostValue("localhost", 25));
m.sendEmail(new EmailValue("[email protected]"), "Hello", "Text ...");

We now require the caller to construct the arguments first using the correct value objects, before calling the actual method. This is well within the idea of failing fast but the problem here is that we move the knowledge about parameters details to the outside world. The caller needs to know exactly which Value Object class to import, and in case we need to refactor our implementation we have increased our the code surface which might be affected by that.

We also increased the screen real-estate our code needs in order to get executed which puts a toll on readability and comprehensibility. Especially for developers who are not familiar with this concept constructs like this one seem counter-intuitive:

  // "new" in an argument?
  new EmailValue("[email protected]")

Last but not least: using instances of value objects becomes cumbersome.

Imaging the sendEmail method returns the email it has sent:

class Mailer {
  public async sendEmail(email, subject, text) {
    // Validate by shape, not by content using a regular expression
    if (!(email instanceof EmailValue))
      throw new TypeError(
        `email must be EmailValue! "${JSON.stringify(email)}" given.`
    // ...
    await this.transport.send(...);
    return {
      email, subject, text

For the caller letter.email is now an object:

const letter = await m.sendEmail(
  new EmailValue("[email protected]"),
  "Text ..."
typeof letter.email; // object(EmailValue)

In order to access the value they would need to either know that an EmailValue has a email property:

letter.email.email; // '[email protected]'

This is weird and leads to generalizing the primitive value through having them implement a .toString() method:

class EmailValue {
  // ...
  toString() {
    return this.email;

so consumers of the value can stringify it:

`${letter.email}`; // '[email protected]'

Unless the value object is no longer a string but e.g. a float, or composite value which can no longer be usefully represented as a string:

class SmtpHostValue {
  constructor(hostname, port) {
    this.hostname = hostname;
    this.port = port;

Although one could intuitively tend to implement it like this:

`${new SmtpHostValue("localhost", 25)}`; // 'localhost:25'

the problem here is that the string representation can not be used to construct the value object:

new EmailValue(`${new EmailValue("[email protected]")}`); // this works
new SmtpHostValue(`${new SmtpHostValue("localhost", 25)}`); // this doesn't

To be fair: in many cases you will simply be passing through value object instances. But my experience showed that it gets especially tedious when marshalling data to and from representation, e.g. when sending them via JSON or receiving JSON input.

Value Types: call me, like you mean it

I was looking for an alternative way and what I wanted to achieve was to keep the promises of Value Objects, but to reduce the overhead for the caller.

One design decision was to remove the need for the caller to know about Value Objects, they should be able to call methods with primitive values ... we are after all writing TypeScript code and I don't want to add additional bloat to it. Also I wanted to address the boxed value problem: you should be able to directly use the value instead of needing to reach into the box.

class Mailer {
  public async sendEmail(
    email: string,
    subject: string,
    text: string
  ): Promise<Letter> {
      // ...

type Letter = {
    email: string;
    subject: string;
    text: string;

I removed the boxing of values, but kept the semantics and shareable validation of values through the introduction of Value Types which are built on top of io-ts which combines run-time validation and TypeScript types.

This is how sendEmail is implemented:

class Mailer {
  public async sendEmail(
    email: string,
    subject: string,
    text: string
  ): Promise<Letter> {
    email = validate(EmailValue)(email);
    await this.transport.send(...);
    return {
      email, subject, text

Let's look at the details:

email = validate(EmailValue)(email);

validate is a method which is able to validate an argument against a given Value Type. EmailValue is such a Value Type. validate will throw a TypeError if an invalid argument is passed. For our method this means, we ensure that email actually contain a string with a syntactically correct email address according to our domain specs. We have also explicitly expressed the developers intention: email is a valid email address. In case the caller passes an invalid email address they will receive the TypeError.

It's important to note that email stays of type String, and also in the returned letter, the caller can now access its properties naturally:

const letter = await m.sendEmail("[email protected]", "Hello", "Text ...");
typeof letter.email; // '[email protected]'


This is the implementation of validate:

import * as t from 'io-ts';
import { PathReporter } from 'io-ts/lib/PathReporter';

 * This function takes one of the value types to validate a parameter.
 * Example:
 * const u = validate(URLValue)('https://example.com')
 * // typeof u === 'string'
 * @link https://github.com/gcanti/io-ts
 * A: static (runtime) type
 * O: output of encode
 * I: output of decode
 * @throws TypeError
export const validate = <A, O, I>(
  type: t.Type<A, O, I> | t.ArrayType<t.Type<A, O, I>, A, O, I>,
) => (value: I): A => {
  const result = type.decode(value);
  if (result.isLeft()) {
    throw new TypeError(PathReporter.report(result).join(''));
  return result.value as A;

And the email value type is implemented like this:

import * as t from 'io-ts';

const emailRegex = /.+\@.+\..+/;

export const EmailValue = new t.Type<string, string, string>(
  (s): s is string => typeof s === 'string',
  (m, c) => (m && emailRegex.test(m) ? t.success(m) : t.failure(m, c)),
  a => a,


Value Types are are used to enable runtime validation of parameters. This provides a simple and expressive way to ensure their validity and convey their semantic meaning in code at the same time while making this transparent for the caller.