In September 2015 I've tweeted 423 times
My Twitter archive of September 2015
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for September 2015.
- @jezenthomas currently in Krakau. Then Mazuren and then up to the eastern sea coast.
- Warka Strong spotted. I have to try it! #poland
- More Pierogi! This time not fried. Check the bill! #poland is awesome.
- @DerExperte … da ist zuwenig Fleisch drin. ;-P
- There it is. Very good distraction after such a day. #camping #poland
- From overcrowded to all alone in 9 hours. There is only one other guest at this camp ground. #camping #poland
- This.
- @jezenthomas Cool, we'll consider it because we will drive up to Leba from Mazuren and this is on the way ...
- .@kamilleblumm recommended Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown to me and it's great:
- I practice the habit of saying no to things I don't deem necessary already, but this can always be increased, for insurance at work.
- is great craft beer, made just a few miles north of us. #camping #poland
- The polish outranks by far everything we had in any other country. Ever. #camping #poland
- @jen_star eigentlich sind das Pfannkuchen. Schmecken wie große Pirogi, aber eigentlich ist mit das egal weil es wieder mal super war.
- @AndyScherzinger thank you for the tip. I'll check it out!
- @jen_star oder es wurde verwechselt. Wir haben es mit der Kellnerin (die englisch sprach) und einer nummerierten Karte auf deutsch bestellt.
- @jen_star ... Alle total nett hier.
- @dc7590 sometimes it seems that the chaos you create is not productive :-) #swrm
- @dc7590 … well I have the feeling that you like to try stirring up things to create momentum by creating opportunities.
- @dc7590 … but this also calls for takers … and those are a minority in every team. So often your good intentions will not be seen but only …
- @dc7590 … as an undirected disturbance.
- @dc7590 I think you need a counterpart in your project that channels your input, creates consistency and takes care of the follow-ups.
- @dc7590 I think that you've experienced that @kamilleblumm can cope quite good with your style of organizating things.
- My mentee @converse_fee got interviewed about her startup @BASISREBELL: … she is bootstrapping her startup!
- @dc7590 there is a bunch of them @zentrale_ffm ... I make sure that they know where so you can pick up as many as you like next week.
- I have no fear of artificial intelligence. 25% of my job is answering questions that Google already knows. But you cannot blame Google.
- Moved to the next can ground. Only Germans here. Because it's listed by ADAC or simply for fact that this place is amazing? #camping #poland
- Oh. Now 2 out of 9 campers on this camp site are from #Offenbach.
- #camping #poland
- @DeinBus schickt ihr ein paar Busse hin?
- They serve this awesome polish food at our camp site. We'll stay here until we had the whole menu. #camping #poland
- @mxschumacher organisiert irgendjemand da was in dieser Richtung?
- @pfhllnts
- #trainofhopeffm is just awesome. #RheinMainRocks
- Vacation is great, it gives you time to evaluate what's important. Should do this more often during the month.
- Weather is okayish. So we opted for some inner sunshine. #camping #poland
- @mxschumacher Ich unterstütze dich dabei gerne. Ich hab nur keine Ahnung, wie sinnvoll sowas ist, und ob das gebraucht wird.
- What refugees bring when they run for their lives:
- #socrates15 made me think about what teams need most to succeed: a vision and common values. #agile #futurofwork
- Hello from #Poland!
- We are the lucky ones! The sun is back. #camping #poland
- @haraball I'll win #movember!
- #polish food porn for your enjoyment. With beer and vodka just 79 PLN. #camping
- @DerExperte Ja, als Nachtisch. Gebacken und dann frittiert. Gefüllt mit einer Art Quark und obendrauf Pflaumenmus. Unfassbar lecker.
- @contentful nice. Is this open source?
- Great idea: is a refugee code school in Berlin. #refugeeswelcome
- @mxschumacher @Roritharr so kann das aussehen ...
- I'm not sure if "Refugees on Rails" is a good project name, though.
- @c089 for me its mostly the review of a fix by the original reporter.
- @Roritharr vielleicht solltest Du dich mal auf dein Business konzentrieren?
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher Ist es richtig, dass wir das organisieren? Oder sollten wir das als Hilfsangebot formulieren so dass
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher Interessierte daruf zurück kömmen können, in Abstimmung mit den Organisatoren der Erstaufnahme-St.?
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher … wir haben ja keine Leute vor Ort, die den Bedarf dafür überhaupt ermitteln könnten …
- Our first souvenir: 1,2kg polish honey.
- @Roritharr … ui. Hoffentlich mal Gute ;-)
- Woha! #WorldEscapeDay is coming to #Frankfurt!
- @Roritharr … jetzt bin ich aber gespannt!
- @jen_star … just incredible how your flight karma is just non-existent.
- Breakfast by the lake. #camping #poland
- Learning great things about the OLOO code style in #JavaScript via the great @YDKJS books:
- @shochdoerfer @MeetLima Why an I not surprised?
- #remote workplaces look like this. #futureofwork
- @benediktdeicke @dputsche ich bin schon da, lasst es uns einfach hier machen! #polen
- After 130km on country side roads in part with cobblestone the S22 feels like the best street we've ever ridden.
- @Roritharr how about asking #phffm if they let the winning team from @swrheinmain pitch?!
- @Roritharr producthunt is very loose regarding the term "product". Basically everything you can buy is a product.
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher this looks interesting, too;
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher … they are matching students with refugees …
- Everyone laughes at German super markets. #camping #poland
- @tomwhoscontrary @SamirTalwar @Charlotteis well, @angularjs does a fantastic job at form validation.
- @Roritharr @jschirrmacher @mxschumacher tech support for what?
- #futureofwork in the wild and surprisingly in German!
- @mayflowerphp Hey, wer hat gewonnen?
- @mortzu
- @magicmonty Oh. I hope that is only true for some of the perks. E.g. insurance is something we have automatically in Germany.
- What a surprise! We get to ride the boat on grass today! #camping #poland
- @jke Yes!
- @TimoHirt Enjoy! Would have been there, too if I wasn't on vacation.
- #polish supermarket questions: What to do with whole sunflowers? Where can I buy the white part of this?
- After an improvised lunch we opted for the full campcooking treat! #camping #poland
- Very good writeup about the fallacy of estimates in software projects: #agile
- @airbone42 Danke!
- My first attempt at making polish Nalesniki myself! #camping #poland
- The christians have a commandment forbidding this amount of butter. #lasttweet
- Looking good and tastes even better! #camping #poland
- @N0_M3 Thank you!
- @juitde Danke Jan!
- @airbone42 ich hab da so ein Sideproject zu dem Thema: @cooboo_me ...
- @airbone42 @cooboo_me Ja. Aktuell gibt es bei @swrheinmain @bc_rm und auch @dotHIV und andere immer genug zu tun.
- @Flocke Danke Jens!
- @SilviaHundegger Danke Silvia!
- @magicmonty Danke Martin!
- @jschirrmacher Thanks Joachim!
- We walked to the end of the EU. There is a cute fence on the beach between #poland and #russia. #camping
- @Ookami86 Thank you Johannes!
- @_mknet_ Danke Marcel!
- @KatjaKupka und
- @KatjaKupka nicht meine Abteilung.
- @contentful Are you hiring for Berlin only, or do you have remotes in your team already?
- @Chris_T_Roth I think you can count @mxschumacher @Roritharr @jschirrmacher and me in!
- Pure meme gold!
- @benediktdeicke so true. Statistics are worth nothing if your counts are on the low hundred.
- @calibanatspace Dankeschön Jochen!
- What a view. #camping #poland
- @thilographie_de Danke Thilo! Vodka habe ich leider nicht da.
- @thilographie_de heute ist es mal ausnahmsweise selbst gemacht!
- @jezenthomas we'll visit Gdansk tomorrow and I'd love to say hello. Have some place we could meet you?
- .@jen_star @zentrale_ffm Danke! Ihr seid die Besten!
- @Marv2punkt0 Danke Marvin! Und bei dir mache ich mir keine Gedanken. Du bist nur voll positiver Dinge!
- @sauerstoff Danke Karsten!
- @florianbachmann Danke Flori!
- @Chris_T_Roth @mxschumacher @Roritharr @jschirrmacher Uah. Facebook ;-)
- @Roritharr Danke Mario!
- @Marv2punkt0 P.S.: Bin am 21. wieder @zentrale_ffm …
- @bommeljogi Danke Johanna!
- @hr Danke Heiko!
- @HerrWalther Danke, Herr W. … bewusst sind wir uns noch nie persönlich begegnet …
- @airbone42 Very much appreciated. Maybe try a doodle this time!
- @fdeberle Danke Frank!
- @NicoleRauch Dieses Twitterdings weiß halt bescheid …
- @NicoleRauch Danke Nicole! ;-)
- @TimoHirt @airbone42 Brains can do wonders ;-)
- @Roritharr bitte:
- Gofry! #camping #poland
- Please meet penisman.
- Very nice: there is a bread feast in Elblang with around a hundred booths with bread, schmalz, sausages, craft beer!
- #polish food porn ctd: #camping
- @Roritharr Nein, ist es nicht. Funktionalität steht ganz klar im Vordergrund.
- (German) first hand report from an translator working with refugees in Germany:
- @Roritharr ach, wenn Geld keine Rolle spielt:
- So #PHPStorm license has expired … and I'm a #nodejs developer now. Go for #WebStorm?
- @florianbachmann … ok. I can work with the trial and not all the updates till then.
- @gr2m … unless on a train.
- Met @jezenthomas today. He is a wise old men with the looks of James Bond. Thanks for the coffee and everything else!
- @jezenthomas I do. Will sent you the link afterwards!
- your big mobile home is blocking my wifi signal. #camping #poland
- .@cagan explains in this truly revelating talk why most product teams fail and their agile process is just a facade:
- He must be a pro. On Sundays it's fishing time in #poland. #camping
- Too much cake for two?! Nah. #camping #poland
- That video from yesterday made me think about my role as a CTO. I want to tear down the firewall I maintain between managers and developers.
- @MattBolton365 @jezenthomas @BjoernSchotte I'll write a blog post about it!
- Here is the daily update on our digestive program: I had krokiety filled w fish and the wife salmon. #poland #camping
- @jke man kann hier hingehen wo man will. Immer kulinarische Volltreffer (bis jetzt).
- Those are the two firewall I create as a CTO: A) stop tasks from making it to the roadmap B) try to make the small
- That should not be part of my job. It's so clear if you see it visualized like this, that this is fundamentally wrong.
- I create developer firewalls for a living. And it is so wrong: #futureofwork
- @benjamin yes of course. I won't stop doing it until it is safe.
- @benjamin I don't see them as value anymore, they are a necessity in most orgs. But there are other ways. Q is: can orgs change?
- @AndyScherzinger @benjamin Yes that would be useful. But hour can that scale of your team has more than a few developers? That role should
- @AndyScherzinger @benjamin be done by the lead developers.
- @benjamin @AndyScherzinger that's my point. There are teams that don't need this. I need to clarify it in the blog post.
- @coderbyheart a follow up blog post this tweet is here:
- You can now register your startup for the Euro Finance Tech Award by @malekigroup at: #fintech #startup
- @jen_star ehm ja. DAS ist auch ein "Mitbringsel" aus diesem Urlaub. Ich tippe auf 4kg.
- @jen_star aber selber kochen ist echt keine Option.
- This is probably out last place in #poland. At least for this year. #camping
- looks interesting. I'd use it to annotate our internal wiki.
- Learned about Transition Towns today: - there is a large German community, too. #Frankfurt:
- @jen_star Gute Besserung!
- It's raining again. :-(
- @wmfra @YassinHankir I recently had the feedback: is generally hard to know how to pronounce it. So, drop it.
- @jensdwo @YassinHankir mach was mit Katzen. Oder Ottern.
- It's quite simple: just ask any organizer of an #rheinmainrocks event where you can help. There is always sth to do.
- (German) article about #Lean vs. #FinTech: on @t3n by @airbone42. I've added my 2 cents.
- Breakfast with the Sun. #camping #poland
- is the Shortest & Quickest Weekly Newsletter about #Leadership in #Tech by @benjamin - check it out!
- @jke kennst Du im Sandweg?
- Greetings from Wolinski National Park. #camping #poland
- @jke Gut und nett.
- @martinjuhasz Yes, and its so much less fuzz than in Hotels. And wait for my DSLR pics ...
- @jke oder Unicatdesign in Offenbach neben dem KOMM Center beim Chili&Beans - auch gut, macht aber nur Folie
- @jen_star @r_oquentin Es schüttet aber wir haben es geschafft ohne nass zu werden.
- "Brötchen mit Mathias" #camping #poland
- @jen_star @r_oquentin Das stand daneben! Und es war sehr romantisch. Wir waren dann allein. Und das Meer rauschte. Sehr schön.
- @jen_star es war super! Wir haben Nachschlag beim Krautsalat genommen und es hat 38 PLN gekostet. Ich habe auf 50 aufgerundet. Spitze.
- Had a blast listening to @Marv2punkt0 @jke (mostly) and @jen_star @r_oquentin podcast about #frankfurt here
- #swrm15 is just a few days away:
- @jen_star Making funny faces?
- @cfrenes Join them and work with them!
- Added gps tracks to the travel blog. (when developers go #camping).
- What did Billion Dollar Companies Look Like at the Series A?
- Why software isn't art:
- And Toptal still doesn't have an office. #remote #futureofwork
- #futureofwork in the wild!
- @wonderb0lt @VisitCopenhagen enjoy the most wonderful city in Scandinavia!
- @dc7590 I really like @Podio because it's like Excel for multiuser. It can be easily tailored to your needs and grow with them.
- @dc7590 Import/Export is first class citizen in @podio
- I've hit a German Panzersperre. #camping #poland
- We could use that for #Frankfurt <> #Offenbach too. #camping #poland
- @alexschnapper this Museum will take it!
- @alexschnapper they wouldn't care. Good knowledge can come even in comic sans.
- It's raining again. That's nice because we are eating in our caravan. #camping poland
- @jen_star @r_oquentin vielleicht mal als Inspiration für ein @zentrale_ffm Sommer Camp:
- @jen_star @r_oquentin … stimmt eigentlich. Wir testen das mal nächstes Jahr in Norwegen!
- Oh noes. Tomorrow is our last full vacation day. The then it's mostly driving back :-( #camping #poland
- @jen_star <3 Jaaa, das ist das schöne an der Sache!
- @_mknet_ camelCase
- @_mknet_ yes, true. It's simply a matter of personal taste. I think the camel Case is more popular,too.
- @_mknet_ python and php, too.
- @_mknet_ You simply can't. Pick one way and be consistent. Or provide an SDK that puts a facade in front of this detail.
- @_mknet_ there are also APIs where you can request the property format.
- Summer is back. #camping #poland
- @_mknet_ the format is universal. Languages and code style isn't.
- @_mknet_ arguing about code style is pretty damn serious! :-)
- Near the end of my three week vacation from work an extra drama is added. The next week will be horrible.
- adds a very well thought out level of abstraction on top of #JavaScript promises. Read more:
- @Roritharr Colleagues going AWOL.
- My #camping gear.
- @redpandacan Fairphone 1. Can't recommend. It's slow as hell.
- Set clear goals and reevaluate progress constantly.
- Perfect weather here in #Poland. #camping
- WTF? Berlin Döner Kebap. #poland
- @justsoandme hier geht man Essen!
- The further west you are in #poland, the better the cake! #camping
- @shochdoerfer @MeetLima Really. They advertised that you could just put in leftover USB drives. You would think that this means plugging out
- @dc7590 where is that?
- @shochdoerfer @MeetLima Yes. I'll add it to the pile we have @zentrale_ffm /cc @herzflimmern
- @savange99 @dc7590 I think you can't have that place just like that.
- @stadtkindFFM ich will die Werbung nicht sehen! Statt dessen will ich pro Artikel zahlen. Oder nur x pro Monat lesen...
- @stadtkindFFM die Werbung empfinde ich aber als störend, also ist das ein Ärgernis.
- @dc7590 @GUnibator 1.5 is my guess.
- Say this more often!
- Adblockers should have an option to send "I'd micropay you, if you let me" header to website owners. /cc @stadtkindFFM
- Oh how I missed my beloved Club Matte. #camping #poland
- @stadtkindFFM Das wird schwierig. Da fallen viele News-Webseiten drunter.
- @stadtkindFFM … ja, in der Tat. Wenn man sich zwischen diesen beiden Dingen entscheiden müsste, dann würde ich auch die Werbung nehmen.
- @mortzu looking forward to this!
- @mxschumacher does ublock have this option?
- Good bye #poland! We had a blast #camping in you. See you soon!
- Arrived in #Berlin to meet @RH_Way and @contentful.
- First camp ground in Germany and we hat informed that we actually arrived too late and hit their lunch break. Toilets locked with keys.
- @RefugeesHelpCom seen this?
- No suit for business reasons. Never.
- I thought I had great mobile coverage in Germany with T-Online. Then went to #poland. Thanks @OrangePL!
- @jke hilft da sehr.
- @jke oh. Ja. Blogs im 2000er Sinne gibt es praktisch nicht mehr. Bzw., die die Du findest wurden gemacht um gefunden zu werden. Wegen Ads.
- @bommeljogi das kann @Stadt_FFM gut.
- Yes please, I'd like to use their product!
- @RefugeesHelpCom Why? You can achieve scale for free with @CloudFlare easily. Just take care of proper cache headers.
- "If it requires a list to be remembered, it can’t be very bloody important." #nobacklog
- @RefugeesHelpCom base in ffm >> do you need sth. for that?
- Huge dragons flying at Tempelhof. Awesome!
- @Stadt_FFM auf Twitter nicht. Aber auf vielen offline Events schon erlebt.
- @RefugeesHelpCom if you have something shareable we can send it out via @wemoof @swrheinmain and probably @wmfra newsletters.
- Eating #froyo at Germany's most famous shop. Actually very good. #berlin
- You are very welcome! Enjoy the day @zentrale_ffm!
- @kringkaste @DeutschePostDHL bei und ist DHL/DP und Postbank inzwischen getrennt. Das ist deutlich besser.
- are my tipps for getting the most out of next weeks @swrheinmain. See you there!
- We are back. #camping #poland
- Another souvenir from #Poland: 6+kg plums for 2,69 PLN / kg. We'll convert them tomorrow! #camping
- @RobertReiz Skoda Octavia 2014er
- @jke hast du eine Empfehlung für AA-Akkus und Ladegerät?
- @RobertReiz unschlagbar gut für den Preis. Qualität top, Motor (2,0l) top. Sieht auch gut aus.
- @calibanatspace @jke Cool danke für den Tipp. Wieviel Ladegeräte hast Du? Vier?
- @jke Danke!
- @neingeist keepassx
- @Roritharr … uhm, yes ;-) There will be!
- @RobertReiz Ja, das kann ich mir vorstellen … aber da gibt es vermutlich viele Modell, die dir nicht richtig sitzen.
- @RobertReiz Mal den Yeti getestet?
- Kudos to all the @RailsGirls_FFM coaches who take action in making IT accessible and desirable for women!
- @herzflimmern Cordhosen sind so 80er ;-) Und die Flicken auch!
- @herzflimmern … 89er ;-)
- @jen_star Die Waage sagt, ich habe abgenommen! Wir haben uns wohl genug bewegt …
- Plum conversion in progress.
- "Academic qualifications will no longer act as a barrier to getting a foot in the door" < Great!
- @jen_star @r_oquentin währt ihr an frisch gebackenem Pflaumenkuchen interessiert? Es ist auch was für die Helfer in der @zentrale_ffm da …
- Done.
- @jen_star @r_oquentin Wir sind unterwegs!
- @Roritharr Wenn Du was spendest, gerne!
- @bommeljogi Neu oder Wiederholung?
- @bommeljogi Dann haben wir den warscheinlich schon gesehen … Tolle Serie.
- People from my first grade want to add me on XING. I can recommend them for: playing flute and rope skipping.
- .@BoschGlobal (old economy) goes #futureofwork and does away with individual performance based payments:
- "Cloudopocalypse stalks Sunday sofa surfers"
- @dc7590 you can do this in trello, too …
- What a mess over there:
- First work item after vacation: upgrading #arch …
- Damn, hit by a bug. #PGP in Enigmail/Thunderbird is broken:
- @mortzu Thx! After enabling gpg-agent as described in it works again.
- I'll be @finmeetstech with @TeamFintura in October, see you there:
- /cc to my friends @TeamFintura and @TeamVaamo
- Techie finds 1.5M US medical records exposed on Amazon's AWS via @theregister
- The meta Mate: Mate Mate! Very good!
- @airbone42 Der sollte angeblich der beste sein:
- @f_reddi any good?
- @stadtkindFFM muss ich noch nachholen...
- @jen_star fände ich super! /CC @swrheinmain
- @airbone42 I did write some opinionated posts recently, and I for me personally its worth it, and it helps you to clarify your arguments.
- @gitlab @AndyScherzinger … yeah and your migrations broke our system.
- @AndyScherzinger with us we had nothing working, now only CI is not working.
- @benjamin @skamille Will do!
- EuGH: Safe harbor is bullshit.
- There is a great tip in @YDKJS: If you do a lot of operation on your strings. Store them in arrays. #javascript
- @jke tried reducing the contrast and brightness to 50%?
- @savfie Try - The intelligent business name generator:
- @BjoernSchotte Kanban.
- @jke frag einfach einen Designer ob er mal einen Blick drauf wirft...
- Aktuelle Infos der Stadt #Offenbach zur Flüchtlingsaufnahme. #refugesswelcome
- Dead Moth? No. Bathroom decorations.
- .@mortzu will take some #RheinMainRocks back to Bremen!
- @startzero_ffm @zentrale_ffm @heimathafenWI @Cowo21 @meCatarina we use a doorbell. Works pretty well.
- You should choose #JavaScript (as your default programming language):
- Impressive: #3d laser cutter for home use
- I'll help you launch your #startup tomorrow in #Frankfurt! Join @swrheinmain for 54 crazy hours.
- @startzero_ffm @meCatarina @zentrale_ffm @heimathafenWI @Cowo21 We are on the first floor, bells work everywhere.
- @airbone42
- Let's write a little #startup history @swrheinmain! #rheinmainrocks
- The food for creativity. #swwtfc
- Official hashtag for this years @swrheinmain is #swwtfc
- .@roritharr kicks off #swwtftc @swrheinmain #rheinmainrocks
- @jke Quatsch.
- @airbone42 Sessions?! It's 2015.
- 89 men. 21 women. #swwtfc
- @r_oquentin @jke Wer braucht schon Gläser? Seit #camping #poland trinke ich Warka aus Dosen!
- Thats @zentrale_ffm on the sponsor board! Come visit us some time for meetups or just for a coffee! #swwtftc
- Pitches finally start! #swwtfc
- Pitchees? Pitchers? Pitchinigans? #swwtftc
- Voting is finished. #swwtftc
- Great idea! EmotionCube helps you to understand your own emotions and learn to control them. #swwtfc
- .@Chris_T_Roth already doing! Great ideas this year!
- Project ZUKS is the app for connecting volunteers with refugees for help. Wants to start as a social enterprise. #swwtfc
- looks like a serious, open-source Slack alternative.
- @jke Oo
- @dc7590 yes, will be on location around noon.
- #swwtfc teams focus on: - finding first customers (do this today!) - one value proposition in a scalable market - decision not discussions!
- @airbone42 Eine Bar. :-)
- Do I want a T-shirt made of this fabric :-)
- @MattBolton365 You should have received an email from @Roritharr with the subject "Benutzerkonto WLAN4Guest"
- @MattBolton365 check your mails now. #wifi
- @swrheinmain @Roritharr please communicate pitch format to all participants today. It's not clear! (When, how long, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Dinnertime! #swwtftc
- Very exhausting for me to talk to so many people but giving teams A-Ha moments is worth it! Let's do this again tomorrow! #swwtfc
- @Chris_T_Roth I made this:
- So few people have twitter accounts at #swwtfc … What's the new medium for entrepreneurs? Facebook? @swrheinmain
- @justsoandme ich frag Morgen mal Bienja hier auf dem #swwtfc ... Die arbeitet da.
- A #coworking space is a full time job. Don't try to lure in coworkers to sell them services. It will be a farce otherwise. @kalenjordan
- And a central location for #coworking is mandatory. Start simple and care about the people not about the designer chairs. @kalenjordan
- Visit other #coworking space to learn from them. Just ping @zentrale_ffm if you are around #Frankfurt. @kalenjordan
- My cooking #startup for today: my first polish Bigos.
- Casserole fully loaded with Bigos. Now it needs to cook for a few hours.
- Going to @swrheinmain #swwtfc by train feels kinda meta.
- These slides by @EarlybirdVC contain great tips for delivering a great pitch: - check them out @swrheinmain #swwtfc
- @MattBolton365 yes so true! You learn which questions are delivering the most value. Super great training for me!
- @coding_nerd oh, what are you up to here?
- Lunch @swrheinmain #swwtfc
- .@dc7590 is prototyping thank you gifts for the awesome DB team. #swwtfc
- .@ScherfDaniela saved the day for @swrheinmain and fixed the WiFi! Awesome! #swwtfc
- @kalenjordan Hm. But it was in the best interest of you and your future coworkers.
- This is the evening schedule for #swwtfc: @swrheinmain
- Judges intro. #swwtfc
- I'd say "der hat einen Clown gefrühstückt", but I think that comes with the international / american spirit that #swwtfc has this year.
- #swwtfc first pitch: eduvest wants to educate everyone to make wise investment decisions.
- eduvest adds a layer of compact courses in front of their investment decision. Then they refer you to products that fit your need. #swwtfc
- #swwtfc live stream is here:
- @MattBolton365
- @jke WTF? In Frankfurt?
- FOUNDERS started as the Gründer-Bahncard. #swwtfc
- The audience is listening ... #swwtfc
- FOUNDERS connects startups with established corporations: founders gain rebates and provide innovation to corps. #swwtfc
- That was one of their ideas: to be an excubator. #swwtfc
- @MattBolton365 but it's close to incubators which have entrepreneurs in residence.
- FastInLine reduces the waiting time for patients and increases the revenue for doctors. #swwtfc Live Demo on stage!
- FastInLine wants to eliminate waiting time by rearranging the queue of patients. Can work for a lot of markets. #swwtfc
- OH: Dentists are actually good in software. Normal doctors not so much. #swtfc
- EmotionCube made a great pivot during the weekend! #swwtfc
- Voicely wants to add emotional analysis to asynchronous voice chat to enable truthful messaging. #swwtfc
- Great to see, that I have prepared this team well. #swwtfc
- Yes, this idea really has big potential. #swwtfc
- Yes, customer feedback / support is another use case where Voicely can have a big impact. #swwtfc
- Companies focus on building communities of fans. This happens through trust. Voicely visualizes honesty and greatly facilitates it. #swwtfc
- Zephyrion puts a generator on a kite which maneuvers a wind turbine to an optional height. Mobile, green energy. #swwtfc
- Zephyrion is a pop-up energy source for smaller / emergency use cases. #swwtfc
- Combined with NLP this can create a heat map of telemarketing scripts and real-time feedback. #swwtfc
- wants you to get your most boring tasks done quickly by gamifying them. #swwtfc
- Yes it is! Imagine that an agent immediately knows when you are hesitant and can switch the script. #swwtftc
- @MattBolton365 @jen_star blackish?
- Expecting a lot from the AlphaInsights pitch … #swwtfc
- AlphaInsights is BIaaS: Business-Intelligence-as-a-Service for the financial industry. #swwtfc
- No real product example. Wierd. #alphainsights #swwtfc
- @jen_star @jschirrmacher @MattBolton365 … yes, or just circumvent the analysis by using text-to-speech.
- @MattBolton365 feels very patched together / blown up. Also only one guy answering the questions. I wouldn't bet my money on them.
- Oh, I would love to use Voicely to verify if the answers given on stage are actually true ;-) #swwtfc
- Team Holmes is a spin-off from Team Voicely. #swwtftc
- Now for the creepy part @jen_star ##swwtftc
- Need to remember that on-stage role-plays during pitches are funny. #swwtfc #fremdschäm
- @MattBolton365 you could see it on his face ;-)
- Detect 1979 fake email providers with
- .@schnellspesen will fix your expenses mess. I'm buying if they release it! #swwtfc
- The extraction of relevant data from the receipts is such a great value proposition by @Schnellspesen #swwtfc
- The USP is the digital signature added to the digital copy of the receipt which then becomes the original. #swwtfc
- Is this a fucking hip-hop concert?! #swwtfc
- LearnX wants to fix the Chinese education market. Big market, big opportunites. #swwtfc
- @jschirrmacher @MattBolton365 @schnellspesen Yes, unfortunately they didn't focus on that. A good chance wasted to stand out.
- @Chris_T_Roth They are not changing language learning, but fixing a broken market for teachers and students.
- @Chris_T_Roth You had success with selling one-on-one courses, didn't you?
- Appointment@ (bad choice of brand name) offers a system for managing appointments. #swwtfc
- @MattBolton365 @jschirrmacher in Germany there is usually a paper which serves as the original proof of purchase. This can be fixed.
- BLOCKsigned uses blockchain technology the record the signing of contracts. #swwtfc
- BLOCKsigned enables you to verify that two parties have signed the same documents. #swwtfc
- The votes are in! Only a few minutes left @swrheinmain. #swwtfc
- "Build great things and the money will follow." #swwtfc I'd add: build things that matter.
- Everyone needs a 3 minute time limit. #swwtfc
- Thanks to @dbsystel for hosting #swwtfc at #skylab this year!
- It's #skydeck! Thanks again for making room for so many chaos! #swwtfc
- Best User Experience: FastInLine! Good choice IMO. #swwtfc
- Best Design: Voicely! #swwtfc
- Most Disruptive: BLOCKsign #swwtfc
- From now idea to winner in 54 hours. StartupWeekends are great! #swwtfc
- Best Business Model: @schnellspesen #swwtfc
- I'm also one of the 4 followers of @Schnellspesen! #swwtfc
- @Schnellspesen I keep my promises!
- It was a pleasure working for you on Voicely! #swwtfc
- @jen_star @Afip_Hessen ich recherchiere das.
- @dc7590 @Roritharr I'm not organizing #swrm16.
- @jen_star @Afip_Hessen Hier sind die drei Veranstaltungen verlinkt:
- @elmasry2moataz it was a pleasure!
- Brilliant! Including encoding errors.
- @airbone42 Hm. Wenn die was kaufen; ja.
- rm -rf node_modules for #nodejs is the reboot equivalent of the pc.
- The startup is looking for a photographer for team pictures in #Frankfurt or #Offenbach. Any takers? #RheinMainRocks
- @FreXxX @RiemenschPhoto kannst du Rechnungen stellen?
- Arrived at #fintech roundtable @WifoeFfm representing @zentrale_ffm @TeamFintura and in general #RheinMainRocks
- .@hallo_frankfurt builds for #Frankfurt what the officials can't: an attractive image which attracts talent. #fintech #infrastructure