In October 2017 I've tweeted 285 times
My Twitter archive of October 2017
In October 2022 I left Twitter. This is my tweet archive for October 2017.
- Good Morning from the @NordicTweets høsttur!
- Slight rain, but who cares? #nordichøsttur
- Colours of 🇳🇴
- 💦🏔🇳🇴
- 600+ height meters in 1.5km
- 🇳🇴 is 4G everywhere ;-)
- They weather is pulling all registers today 🇳🇴 😍
- @helloanselm This is a @NordicTweets employee organized trip!
- Best End of a Hike:
- Norwegian giving hiking directions:
- You should use SSM Parameter Store over Lambda env variables:
- While you wait for my ❤️.of(code) // 007 here are the pictures from last weekends trip to Trollheimen in Norway:
- ""these studies show that many of the women in science must be more capable than the men" #diversity" #diversity
- It's terrible that an European government censors the internet this massively:
- A good example and the awful things you can do with data visualization:
- ❤️.of(code) // 007 My previous week on Twitter, in one post:
- @lauralindal Ohje, es gibt echt zu vielen von denen, die denken, das Politik bitteschoen nichts mit Tech zu tun haben soll.
- @TAKEaCiCi @IMWorldEvent Oh noes! Hope it doesn't hurt to much!
- @ohhoe If you look at SO data, it's Python:
- @gr2m @npmjs has you covered!
- @TAKEaCiCi @IMWorldEvent Roll carefully! ><
- @gr2m @npmjs Oh, sorry. I overlooked that requirement.
- @dtanzer It's the same:
- Open-Source giving back to Open-Source: Mozilla Awards Over Half a Million to Open Source Projects.
- @dtanzer A right. Submodules are hell.
- Well, that sour dough bread failed. :-(
- @rradczewski Isn't the point of that to have an immutable state document? Moving the reducers to components would open that up for a lot of new ways to circumvent the benefits of React's programming model.
- @rradczewski The only place you need that knowledge about the state tree structure is mapStateToProps, so maybe look into moving that into a central place?
- @matthiaspatz Well, @TAKEaCiCi is part of @LaFutura_ network and oftentimes has been to Frankfurt, so maybe talk to her?
- @LaFutura_ @matthiaspatz @TAKEaCiCi Yes, such a small 🌍 ...
- @rradczewski Sounds interesting. Instead of having one combineReducers, you would define the state for your component through reducers in a mapEventsToState() method. Which would be per component. So your component would need to know which events exist.
- And then Jenkins takes a dump on you screen. 👿
- Because everybody else would not have been paying attention:
- @RiccardoOdone @adibolb Check out
- @varjmes Their loss!
- I bought an AeroPress in Portland because the coffee at work sucks and I'm really happy with the whole process
- ... and of course the result: great coffee in a short time.
- @RidingWolf @kamilleblumm @codefreeze_fi Yesss! We are really excited to go there again!
- @iamjoyclark Technically true, but how to calculate these numbers that's the mythical part.
- @Gender_API No.
- Don't push, I'm carrying Beetroot Risotto and Apple Pie for the Expats Mid-Norway Potluck. #trd🇳🇴
- Of course we are starting with a @GetKahoot
- Lots of food to try! 😍
- @miskaknapek Norwegians use too many plastic bags.
- I learned a new Norwegian word ;-)
- @gazebo_c It's such a nice way to discover more about the country where everyone is coming from. Or why (like us) didn't make something typical.
- That's right ;-)
- Off for a Sunday hike to Bymarka. #trd 🇳🇴
- #trd 🇳🇴
- @miskaknapek Weather here also has a lot of rain these days.
- @Stephan_Strange Wo "da"?
- @c089 Dachte ich auch. Konservativ ist sexy? CSU wird Hipster-Partei? Anstatt dem Rechtsruck entgegen zu wirken, wird hier fleißig mitgemacht.
- @c089 Als hätte die CSU nur darauf gewartet.
- @Stephan_Strange Dauerhaft. Ich wohne und arbeite jetzt hier.
- Sprint cycles harm automated test tool adaption ... and other great insights are in the World Quality Report:
- @Stephan_Strange Ich hab gar nicht mitbekommen, dass ich ein Kind habe ;-) Ja, Tanja und ich leben jetzt in Trondheim, Norwegen.
- I have owned this one for more than 10 years, and now it broke. An awesome piece of Hardware by @Microsoft.
- @Stephan_Strange Und ja, es fühlt sich auch häufiger nach Urlaub an ;-) Das ist ja das tolle hier.
- Don't trust a consultancy that sells you the Spotify model. It's does not exist!
- @Stephan_Strange Nein, noch südlich des Polarkreises. Im Winter ist hier Tag von 11-15 Uhr.
- @thomasklose 👉 @plutex
- @Stephan_Strange Aber Nordlichter habe ich hier schon häufiger gesehen.
- @c089 Like render() does not render but return a Node tree that describes what should be rendered.
- Good 🇩🇪 article by Zühlke: you don't "just" do IoT: Also, predicts #blockchain to be used on the data layer.
- Have you heard of #codefreeze? The most awesome tech conference you will ever experience:
- Look what I found in @NordicTweets's library:
- Today the NTNU students in #Trondheim are celebrating Oktoberfest as part of the UKA:
- Hey, ❤️.of(code) // 008 arrived, this time on time! My previous week on Twitter, in one post:
- @benjamin Yes. Agree, that was too simplified. One might also point out, that Python can go to the Frontend as well (to drive UIs).
- @AnnNat Yes! Flights are booked, now just a minor hickup with the hotel ...
- I wonder when it became OK to serve users 40MB on the front page:
- @benjamin This very idiomatic JavaScript code I just write perfectly illustrates your point:
- @RealIvanSanchez The web is now Duke Nukem 3D?
- @c089 @PatrickHeneise 👆
- Happy to see that @jurgenappelo idea of gamifying agile transformation is taking off.
- 🤗, my team is hiring in Portland, OR. Your chance to join an awesome team @NordicTweets in an awesome city. PN me!
- You will be working on verticals for the IoT Cloud solution, we run everything in AWS (ES6+TypeScript on Lambda).
- @Ocramius With @PHP_CEO? ;-) No, seriously. New code should produce no errors with full error reporting turned on.
- @Ocramius Test builds should fail because of that. If you have tests and CI, that is.
- ❤️.of(code) // 008 My previous week on Twitter, in one post:
- We are hiring an Experienced Back End Developer for IoT at Nordic Semiconductor ... and review my PRs ;-)
- @dtanzer @flowtype You can automate that using Add a "precommit" script to package.json that runs test, lint, etc.
- @dtanzer @flowtype Now this will be run before every commit.
- This controller actually has 6 buttons. Can you spot them?
- @rotnroll666 Close. You can push the rim around the LCD display on the left and right to control the temperature.
- We are doing quite some traveling these days and the Osprey bags are great for that.
- Bastards!
- I'm that guy :-)
- So, fellow AeroPressers, what is your weekly coffee roast consumption?
- @marcoscheel Ok, ;-)
- @codePrincess Recently saw this, MS really making the point ;-)
- This remix compilation is epic:
- Provided a short know-how infusion with our @NordicTweets students this morning:
- @NordicTweets How to safely provide credentials to you app: .env ! use and similar for your shell
- @NordicTweets You can find great icons for your (web-) apps on Please remember to provide proper attribution!
- @NordicTweets Use Value Objects to express domain specific concepts instead of using strings for everything:
- @NordicTweets And having Task Scanner Plugin in Jenkins to keep track of all your NOTE: ... TODO: ... FIXME: ...
- Because they are Businesses and not Philanthropies:
- Should IoT devices come with a warning sign? At Nordic Semiconductor we make updating devices as easy as possible!
- @NordicTweets You missed the Portland office!
- @codePrincess
- Nova Kinosenter #trd 🇳🇴
- @jezenthomas JS has no range literal. A few hackish ways exist, like [...Array(20).keys()].map() It gets worse if you want a range that starts elsewhere.
- @jezenthomas Having a depression about it is part of being a JavaScript developer.
- @datenreisender Ja, seid Ende Juli. Da ihr Trondheim liebt, wird euch mein flickr gefallen:
- No daily commute without these:
- @amokleben I needed new brakes ;-)
- @Lotterleben Die Nummer vergisst man auch nie ...
- Learn about Google's commitment to Node.js in Franzi's talk: (And that she is the one V8 team member that looks after Node performance 🤘)
- @fhinkel @hashseed @bmeurer Thanks to all of you! 🤗
- Norwegian breakfast:
- @datenreisender Es war auch sehr lecker!
- Note that the Hack font will no longer provide OTF builds: If you are using Arch: just use ttf-hack.
- This 👏 is 🤘 how 🙌 a 👌 tech 🖖 conference 💪 organizer 👊 looks 👍 like! 👇
- @Lynoure I'm sorry to hear that! This is so terrible, and I can't imagine how this must feel like!
- Every day programmer life:
- @Lynoure You could be right, VR makes you the protagonist of a story, this is different to movies, or listening to someones story.
- I actively read the tweets of 95 people (through a list). This morning one of those tweets stood out. Sexual harassment is massive.
- Please take this seriously, and as a man, please call out sexualized language, jokes, pictures, behaviour towards anybody by others.
- It's not an acceptable thing, only because many do it, and it has been a socially accepted behavior scheme for men for
- the generations that influenced us. We can change this. You can change this.
- @Lynoure Yes, I was thinking about that too. Great game.
- @cowglow
- Here is ❤️.of(code) // 009 My previous week on Twitter, in one post:
- @dtanzer Since the flow errors are not a result of the the merge, you should fix them in a separate commit.
- @lauralindal It's sad to hear that those close to you took advantage of your trust. It's terrible.
- Thanks to @letsencrypt for making it free!
- @toggleModal I agree that a CS degree has not much meaning in general, but since you will be working with many scientists here, it serves a purpose.
- @toggleModal Nevertheless, I am very happy to push forward applications that don't check all the ☑️ since great people are hard to find!
- PNs open!
- @toggleModal I see it similar, it does not matter what you study, the process of finishing technical degree is the important thing.
- @toggleModal Thanks for that feedback, I will ask HR what the reason for that is and if we could move it to the "nice to have" section.
- @toggleModal I believe that! Music and Code are born out of the human brain's great ability to detect patterns, abstract and manage complexity.
- @alexschnapper Deine subtweets sind echt ...
- @dtanzer And add .editorconfig to your repo:
- @alipasha Ich bin mir sich sicher, ob man Rilke korrigieren sollte.
- @solidnerd @bee42solutions @Maggysche
- @toggleModal So, i talked to my team and there are two reasons for having a CS degree as a hard requirement: It's used to simplify the evaluation.
- @toggleModal It provides a standardized measure for every candidate and an insight into their skills since we look at the individual grades for lectures.
- @toggleModal This speeds up the evaluation process since otherwise it would more time to evaluate individual experience.
- @toggleModal Second: Nordic invests a lot in hiring and Initial invest into a new employee (relocation, language courses, etc.) therefore it's important
- @toggleModal that a person can easily find a role in another team / project if they don't like what they were hired for. This is easier if you have a
- @toggleModal general CS background compared to just being a specialist for a certain technology.
- @toggleModal With grades for lectures I meant the individual grade per module (the ones you get the credits for).
- @toggleModal No, this is not what I said. A CS degree serves a standard which is easily comparable between candidates.
- @rradczewski @LGUS Wifi ausmachen? LTE ist ja meistens eh schneller.
- TIL: Yarn has workspaces to aid in multi-project development (in monorepos, though):
- Windows Update:
- I short video about Trondheim's tech scene: "Byen med ideene - Teknologihovedstaden Trondheim" #trd 🇳🇴
- For JavaScript check out yadda:
- @Marv2punkt0 TDK.
- @SamirTalwar Yeah, it's a lot of global state to handle when implementation contexts. The linear instructions in the feature files makes it easy to
- @SamirTalwar write tests that depend on each other, and I think that should be possible, since it is how authors think (and plain english works).
- @SamirTalwar But this could be implemented by passing the state from one matcher to the next.
- @offbyoni @Lotterleben Mit 10 pro Bein evtl.
- Children playing in and around the labyrinth in front of @NordicTweets Trondheim office:
- @varjmes @trello Mouse over card + pressing number (1 ... 9) works pretty well for quickly labeling a lot of cards.
- @SamirTalwar Yeah, I was thinking about using redux+mideware for handling the state. This would be so great for visualizing errors and what lead to them.
- Norwegian conversation group at Expat Mid-Norway #trd 🇳🇴
- Mobile life in Norway: 😍
- @SamirTalwar I'll put that on that stash of things to do. But I'm eager to try a quick proof of concept.
- Last weeks highlights from my twitter are collected in ❤️.of(code) // 009
- Learn something about Node, streams and compression in @_lrlna's cool talk where she does a lot of live coding:
- @NativeWired Nice, one can find a lot of those on:
- What the fucking fuck?!
- @johncutlefish is highly approachable.
- #trd 🇳🇴
- Exhaustive review of whiteboard markers:
- #trd 🇳🇴
- 138💓
- @neeraj @johncutlefish @RealGeneKim Yes! Phoenix project!
- @stadtkindFFM Coole idee, gibts schon einen Kickstarter?
- Perfect autumn weather today here in Trondheim. #trd 🇳🇴
- Is my next linux desktop a phone?
- A lot of background information and many useful links on CSS Grid in here:
- #JavaScript dev having an average day at work:
- Bootstrap 4 Beta 2 released:
- I like this low-poly architecture:
- 😖
- This one turned out perfectly:
- @SamirTalwar I'm busy (Tanja is here in Trondheim) but I have a project at work soon (new REST API) where I will use BDD for the test and look into this.
- The variety you can discover within a few kilometers here in Trondheim is just awesome:
- The best takeaway here is: if you write your code pure, you don't need mocks. Where you still would need mocks is e.g. I/O -> don't mock,
- but write an integration test there.
- @Maggysche If you mean "trash" I watched in my teens: Back to the Future Tremors Death Machine Evil Dead Aktion Mutante
- @Maggysche Juno!
- @ewolff @w3ltraumpirat When then new Star Wars episodes where announced.
- Having children is seen as one of the most profound experiences to have – it is really difficult to see it as wrong.
- Long read, but very interesting viewpoint on what it means to bring someone into this world.
- @rotnroll666 It's about that you will be met with a raised eyebrow for not wanting to have children and some of the flawed assumptions behind that.
- 450,000 protesters!
- @c089 We were thinking the same:
- @w3ltraumpirat @SamirTalwar Do you have an example matcher implementation for driving http requests handy? I use BDD a lot for testing APIs:
- @w3ltraumpirat @SamirTalwar Because implementing this with a global state makes the implementation horrible and hard to test.
- @w3ltraumpirat @SamirTalwar Hm, but this is all part of the public API contract. I know it's a little off to use BDD against an API, but here a library is the user.
- @w3ltraumpirat @SamirTalwar Ideally I would use a Swagger file to test API but you need more. Swagger does not yield relations and dependencies between endpoints
- My first Norwegian Kannelbøllar, filled with Norwegian plum jam from the garden.
- Sorry to hear that @RobertReiz is shutting down @VersionEye. Thanks for sharing some details. Saas is super tough.
- @miskaknapek Yes, they turned out quite awesome.
- I'm really excited to experience this conference:
- ❤️.of(code) // 010 is my previous week on Twitter, summed up in one easy to read post: Jobs 💪🏻 Tech 🚀 Diversity 🌈
- Join me In Trondheim 🇳🇴 to work on my team is hiring an experienced web developer 👩/👨.
- @dtanzer Add this to you precommit hook: if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- ; then echo 'You have uncommited changes!' && exit 1; fi
- Who would?!
- Check out ( @SilviaHundegger and @pixelkind ) if you are looking for 💪 tech experts to help your with your venture. 🚀
- 🎧
- I wonder if this is worth a support ticket ;-) #letmegifmyissues
- @bitandbang #Hacktoberfest
- What's still nagging me is that I can't have const when using asynchronous/await and try/catch in sequence.
- @powtac ElasticBeanstalk in eu-central-1?
- @powtac Ja, vor allem halte ich die total costs für einen managed server für super.
- @powtac Was willst Du denn genau machen?
- @AndreasLeicher @sadanandeep Hm, put it a little nicer: "have you tried ..."
- Techno Goat!
- @powtac @buk @plasisent @javagil @darestiet @kringkaste Ja, dann am besten das HTML statisch auf S3 rendern oder wenn dynamisch auf jeden Fall hinter eine CloudFront (CDN). Das reduziert Kosten.
- Oh, wow. This is cool: I loved Flatliners back in die 1990s.
- @jke ever tried these?
- @jke Yes, I agree!
- @Singsalad 🏔, they are also higher.
- @Ookami86 Yes, it's so much easier to understand the same complex system from many small and simple parts instead of a few powerful ones.
- @jezenthomas Write something in Go. It has all the plumbing for that.
- @jezenthomas Well, for this kind of job where you probably want to regenerate it often, it may be worth it to know the whole pipeline.
- @jezenthomas Or use a dynamic website but put it behind a CDN. That could be faster, if you need to update all files quickly.
- Did you know:
- you can get an easy to read page for a Twitter thread,
- by mentioning @tttthreads as a reply to the thread?
- @tttthreads A clear violation of @Twitter's ToC (no automation), but a really great helper.
- @tttthreads @Twitter Let's hope it stays around.
- @tttthreads You need to include the unroll keyword, when mentioning @tttthreads, though.
- Get ready for LTE-based devices: "LTE is likely to lead to ‘massive #IoT’ deployment"
- @angularjobs Thanks! We are actually looking for a React Developer for our team in Trondheim:
- This is the summary of what I shared in the previous week on Twitter, in one post:
- @nixNameweilBaum Thank you! 👏
- @offbyoni It's important that your team supports especially the remote part, since this requires a lot of behavioral change ...
- "Hey, sorry that this free thing we gave you did not arrive on time, so please have some cake today to compensate for the inconvenience."
- Gotta love @NordicTweets 🙌
- @offbyoni Sorry to hear that. It's not easy to find remote-friendly companies in Germany.
- 👩💻➕➕
- Drag & Drop library:
- Norway is where the underground parking is heated. #trd 🇳🇴
- @miskaknapek Yes, we have heat pumps. Our building is supposed to be the most energy efficient in Norway:
- Using redirects in a #React App should be considered an anti-pattern. You either show a view based on the app state or not.
- @rradczewski The URL in the browser is a function of the app state.
- @rradczewski You can replace any redirect with an navigateTo action. No need to render a <Redirect> component.
- @rradczewski Yes, of course the URL on boot has a meaning. But this has nothing to do with Redirect.
- Having a <Redirect> as result of your view is rarely what you intent. You are actually meaning "show this screen".
- Redirect only to out-of app resources.
- Avocado is also very typical Norwegian food. #trd 🇳🇴
- @miskaknapek We have quite a lot local food from the Trøndelag region which is really good. Gulrot, Kål, Rødbeter. Avocado is "typical" like Grandiosa.
- First time I'm driving a bike with spikes! #trd 🇳🇴
- We are expecting snow next week, so this is not without a reason...
- @tdvorak Two weeks ago we had already ice on the roads here ...
- Testability of code is the most important happiness metric a software team can have. It affects so many aspects of the daily work.
- Having untested code while delivering working software involves so many cumbersome chores that speed gains will quickly erode.
- ❄ in Trondheim ...
- @gr2m I rarely use one, but I find the docs for React Router pretty great:
- @gr2m Not specifically for JavaScript APIs, but makes great API docs.
- Check out my previous week on Twitter, summed up in one easy to read post:
- Remember, using a type system in JavaScript does not exempt you from doing input valuation on runtime.
- I see a false sense of safety appear where a typehint exists in the source code.
- But typehint plus input validation statements feel like overhead (they appear doing the same thing). So IMO there is a good solution missing
- Which is not "use a typesafe language" but compile typehints to runtime check code, like tcomb (which I love):
- I give you expect.toBeWithin() for Jest:
- @stadtkindFFM Sag keinen Scheiß, Mann!
- @magicmonty Yes, but switching to a different language is something I would like to avoid.
- First snow in Trondheim 🇳🇴
- @dtanzer Ich freue mich schon sehr auf einen echten Winter. Nicht diese 4h pro Jahr, wie in Frankfurt.
- .@NordicTweets Trondheim has a Board Game Room now. 💙
- ❤️.of(code) // 011 is my previous week on Twitter, summed up in one easy to read post:
- 😨
- @datenreisender Ich hab auf jeden Fall schonmal einen Satz Schneeschuhe ...
- Learning about Northern Lights photography at Expat Mid-Norway. #trd 🇳🇴
- @martinengwicht I approve 👌
- Best app when hunting for Northern Lights:
- Check out his awesome photos on
- Which do you prefer? (Given n is an integer.)
- @RidingWolf Good point, I am using that expression for positive integers (validation code and error string)
- Crappy @Dell keyboard after 3 months of usage.